AprillZ, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ' 31 . . Conservation to Be Discussed by lntemationally-Known Speakers I. I A great array of nationally and internationally famous speakers will appear before the national convention of the Izaak \Valton League of America at the Stevens hotel, ChiCago, April 18, 19, and 20, according to Dr. Henry Baldwin \Vard oi Urbana, Ill., national president of the league. Dr. \Yard regards this seventh annual conYention of the league as the most vital of any \Yaltonian convention to dat~, because he saYS ··ne\·er in the historv o f America was the need for organized conservation of our natural re sources so pronounced and never before has public sympathy been so sorely awakene d." Noted Speakers Dr. \\.ard stated that among th ose " ·ho will speak are : Dr. T. Gilbert P earson, K ew York City, president oi the Kational As sociation of Audu bon S ocieties and chairman of the committee on wild life legi ·lation: Ge o rg~ E. Scott, pre sident of th e Izaak \\. al ton Con -en·ation foundation, Inc ., Chicago, will tell of the progress of th e foundation; Dr. George ]. Fisher, Xew York. Deputy Chief Scout executiv e of the "C nited States will picture "The \\'alton League and the Boy Scouts :·· Paul ·c. Reddington, chief oi the "C. S. Biological sun·ey, \Vashington. D. C.. will speak of our migratory water fowl : George D. Pratt, president of the American Fore stn· a ssociation. Xe \Y York City win e~plain "Our Forests in Relation to Game:" Henrv 0':\lalle,·. t:. S. Commi -sioner of Fisheries, \Yas!-1ington. D. C., will explain the "Administrati,·e Problems of Federal Fi -!1eries :" Dr. John C. Phillips. pre · ident of the American \Yild FO\der s of Boston. Mas -.. ,,·ill analvze matters pertaining to foreign gan1e bird importations: Horace ).f. Albri~ht. director of Xational Park service. \Yashington. D. C. will furnish another vital mes -age. These speakers and the convention program as a whole will cover the subject of conservati on of our sport s and recreational. our economic and our social value s, ,,·hich embrace the fi eld s hvo years. said. "The Izaak \\.alton league is delivering through its membership and its program of local and nation-\vide reconstructive consen·ation. Dr. \\·ard said: "It is e,·ident that the eves of the nation are iocused upon ·this connntion and \\'altoni : m. for as Pre -ident Hoover. "·ho has be en honorary pre sident of the league for t\\·o ,·ear - . said, "The Izaak \\.alt n league has become the greatest forrt in the countrv for the protection and development opportunities for outdoor life. And we need more n! it. Even· member of the leagu · => a furthe r soldier in our rank ~ ~ hting an organized battle for this v thing in the nation." Sporting Goods Show In connection with the convention the International Sports Goods show hetcl under the auspices of the league and Outdoor America will be staged at the Stevens hotel. opening one day nrior to the convention. that is. beginning April 17. Thirty thousand sportsmen from all over the e. S. are expected. U. S. Government Biological Survev and Forestrv departments will estabtlsh exhibits of wild life and exhibits will be made bv uowards of 100 manufacturers of recreation goods. The Seventh Distinct American boxing show held at the Rainbo Gardens Monday night was reported a great success from both a financial and an entertainment standpoint. The di':;trict. which include s the north shore posts, is now assured oi both its American flag and its district flag, and there is money left to help out the bugle corps. The vVilmette, Evanston, North Shore and Sesterhenn Drum and Bugle corps, and Joe Schneider's orchestra of Peter ]. Huerter post provided the music program. The next district meeting will be \Yednesday, April 17, with the Roger s Park post as hosts in their hall at Clark street an d Devon avenue. IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES Wise householders who are IJlaking a change of resideace this Spring will call lredale's TODAY and make moviDC day arrangements. your work will be oooe quickly, with· out loss or damage, and with a minimum amouat of inconvenience to you. Phone today. 1723 BENSON A VENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WILMETTE 1332 MOVING ,, use Bowman_,s milk as my mother did Defore me'~ M ANY a present-day ,moth.er ,was "raised on Bowman s Mtlk as the saying goes. And today their children are enjoying the same richness, freshness and purity which has made Bowman's Milk famous for quality. as in the long years past~ Bowman's Milk is the outstanding favorite of those discriminating mothers who insist on the best. It is · a milk that is full-rich in cream; as sweet~ as fresh and as delicious as when taken from the cow. Due to our extra care in bringing it from farm to your doorstep~ you will find Bowman's Milk to be extra-good -a milk that is unmistakably superior in flavor. Try it and see. Phone our nearest distributing station or order from the courteous Bowman milkman who passes your door. Today~ of Bo1otAN DAIR.Y COMPANY Mr. and Mrs. William B. ~{ont P'Omery. who have been in Floricla since the first of .T anuary. are now baf'k in their home. 640 Gregory avenue. They returned last Friday by motor by way of Washington, D. C. MILK fTHE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAVORi