54 WILMETTE LIFE April 12, 1929 News of Interest to the ·Church-(;oers of · Our Vi/late Chapel at Theological Seminary Will Be Tribute to Bishop Anderson Methodist Church 'fhe speaker at the Sunday Evening club this Sunday is Lorado Taft, well known sculptor. Porter Heaps and Reed Jerome will render a musical program of organ and piano numbers. This servic~> is held in the Congregational church at 7:30. T~e Senior High league met-ts at 5 ::lO in the church chapel. The Junior High league will meet at 5 :30 Sunday evening in the Juniot· room. The leader is Albert Ackermann. David Boozer will tell a story entitled, "Th~> : Prince and the · Peasant." Ted Hoskin~· will play the accordion. · A ::;ocial hou1· will follow this meeting at Mis~ Hum phl'ies' home, 255 Wood co urt. The last of the Fellowship supper::; waR held on Wednesday night. The average attendance at these home-like gathering:; has been in the neighborhood of one hundred over an eight w ee ks period. The closing supper was followed by a sacred concert given by the vested choir of the First Italian church of Chicago. Beginning next Wednesday night the Fellowship service will start at eight o'clock and last for exactly one hour. The pastor is preparing to lead in a study of the eai'ly church centering around the minor characters. The young married peopl e of the church will hold the third of their social events on Monday night at the church. A splendid committee has been at work planning a program that promises to be unique in every way. All young married people not affiliated with some other church are invited to attend. The Young Woman's Missionary soc iety will meet Tuesday evening· at the home of Miss Carolyn Hughes, 941 Sheridan road. Each m ember is a:sked to . bring her Lenten offering and used books or good magazines. Miss Helen E. Smith will furnish the special music. All young women are cordially invited to a tte nd. The annual Jubilee Birthday Party of the Woman's Home Missionary society <lnd reception for new members will be held Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. P. Varne!:., 1026 Greenwood avenue. Miss Anna Heisted of Marcy · Center will be present and will tell about Marcy's Jubilee Party. The meeting begins promptly at ~ o'clock. The Methodist Social Union holds itS' :-pring banquet Thursday, April 18, at the Slterman hotel, Chicago. The speaker is to be Dr. Merton Rice. His theme will be, "The Devil Take the Hindmost." The Friendly Circle has plans undt> r way to entertain the Men's Bible class. The date set for this is Monday, April A choir that will seat 70 people, providing space for students at Western Theological seminary, with canopied seats for faculty members, will be a feature of the interior of the . chapel to be built at tht seminary, which it is hoped to dedicate in February next on the 30th anniversary of the ordination to the episcopate of the Rt. Rev. Charles Palmerston Anderson, as a memorial to his vears of service at the head of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. The chapel will be erected with its east end towards Sheridan road and the entrance on Haven street under the tower. Its general architectural plan provides for a roof with deep trusses of wood and interior walls of handworked plaster with stone trim about all doors and windows. The picture shows the rood beam and cross above the choir loft, and the stained gla·3s window above the altar. At the west end, opposite, the organ will be placed \\·ith a beautiful carved oak screen concealing its tone chamber. Easter Monday saw the official opening of the campaign for raising the $100,000 chapel fund of which three 22. One of the big events of the springEvanston clergy of the diocese-the Rt. Rev. Sheldon M. Griswold, suffragan bishop, Dean Frederick C. Grant, presitime in the church will be a home-coming dent of Western seminary, and the Rev. George Craig Stewart, rector of St. Luke's-have charge. The fund is serYice the second Sunday in May. Thi!:~ being raised by means of voluntary offerings expressive of the affection and esteem in which Bishop Anderson is will be not only an observance of Mothheld by his church people. A memorial medal is being given each subscriber, bearing on one side the bishop's picture, ers' Day, but in some respects, at least ::t farewell service in the present church on the other that of the proposed chapel. pla('P!:I of meeting· will be gin·n in Sun- obser\'ance of thi~ event to the enti 1 ·e day'::; church bulldin. congregation it was decid ed to ask the pastor to give brief addresses on the Wilmette and Forest a venuE:':-: \'arious parts of the catechism In addiRev Geot·ge D. Allison, pastor Twenty-five new members we1:e wel- tion to the I'eg ular sermon. This will comed at the Communion last Sunday. A ln·ing- back to the minds of all the conOn oo:unday morning at 11, Dr. Alli::~on ('ordial invitation is extended to all those tii·mect member::; the substance of hihlieal continues hi:-; new series of sermons with who have not yet found a church home teaching on fundamental matters, and will the theme "The Pharisee's Sneer," dis- in Wilmette. Look for the lighted cross considerably help those who are now precussing the \'Pin of cynicism and con- at the corner of W"ilmette · and Forest paring fot· their confirmation. The public Vere V. Loper, William E. McCormack, ministers tempt whi ch disfigures so mu('h of today's a ,·enues. is very cordially invited to h ear these literature and life, and pointing to a addresses. The April meeting of the Woman's better way. The Children's Story and r; uild will be held today with luncheon Sermon Time Kindergarten continue to Friday evening, April 19, at 7 :4:> o'doek served at t P. M. by the members of the be featurPs which are helpful to all. We the second of a series of four le('tures on C' ntral A venue Circle. Three members are enjoying the inspiration of great 'Vilmette and Park a\'enues, Wilmette missions, given under the auspices of the of the International club of the National music from our organist, Miss Lydia Herman W. Meyer, pastor and Junior Young People of St. Kindergarten college will :speak on the Koch, and splt.>ndld vocal numberR under 406 Prairie avenue Telephone 1396 Senior John's, will be held at the Sunday school eountries from which they come. Two the direction of Madame Gilderoy Scott. Church telephone 3111 moms of the church. This Recond lee- chapters of the mission sturly book, tu re wilJ be given by Mr. Samu~>l Miller. "Youth and the New America," will be The · Sunday f.':Chool meets at 9 :30 with SERVICES a full-blooded Mohican Indian, and con- rev iewed. Mrs. Alonzo Coburn will lead classes for all. A special mphasis is SPcond Sunday after Easter secrated Lutheran layman. Mr. Miller is the devotionals and Mrs. A. E. KlundH, being placed on adult participation this !l ::~0 :\. l\I. Sunday s'c hool and Bible a ~.:raduate of Carlisle college, r:tnd w;,1s the president, will preside. spring. The Men's class, Charles V. classes. a member of the most famous football Clark, teacher, the Women's clasR under 9 :45 A. M. First Ren·ice and sermon. t"am of that institution in the days when Mr. Loper will resume a series of serMiss Laura Coupland and the new 11 :00 A. M . Second service and st-rmon. they d efea ted the best elevens in the 'llOns which he was preaching before "Couples Class," taught l.ly tht' pastor, Set·mon: "The Prerequisite of Christian C"nuntry. Mr. Mil.er is a very interesting- J.,nt based on the Sermon on the Mount. are all functioning actively and in\·ite Service," John 21, 15-19. ::-peaker, and has a real message regard- 'l'he subkct on Sunday will be "The new members. Catechism Address: ing the_ American Indian which he wishes Murder of a Soul." Mr. Edwin Bel"Modern Idolatry." to bring. He will speak in the full regalia hridge, a special soloist will sing "If The Young P eople's Rociety hold th t>ir of the sachem, which he is, his Indian With All Your HeartR" 'from · "Elijah." meeting Sunday afternoon, 5:30, with · JIF.}~TJSGS name being Uhm-Pa-Tuth. Everyone is · The choir anthem will be "The Lord Is Elizabeth Burn~' as president. :\Tonday :1ntl F1·iday at 4: Classes for welcome. ~'fy Strength." children. This wet-k sees the closing session of the l\londa.r at 7 :80; Choir rehearsal. The Primary department of the A class of adults who wish to be conSunday Evening club with Lorado Taft as firmed and received into the Lutheran Church school had a stereopticon lecture speaker. Since the yenr 1929 mm·ks th e 400th church will have its first Instruction in last week on Madura, India, where the anm \'e i·sary of the catechiHm of Luthur, Our Junior choir meets Thursdays at a book whkh has been in practical use the course prescribed before the confirma- missionaries of the church, President and 7, and are working on Mothers' Day in the indoctrination of Lutheran Chris- tion on Monday evening, April 15, at 7 :45 Mrs. Bryan S. Stoffer, are at work. Such music. The Senior choir hold!-! reht>a nmls tians ever since, and a book which has o'clock at the pastor's study. Everyone interesting features are helping to make interested is welcome to join this class a great success of the two hour sessions Thursdays at 8. been called the gem of the reformation, it which will be continued until May 19, which are now held not only in this dewas decided to take more than pass1'1g The Women's society members a1·e re- noti<·e of this event at St. John's. And in the day of confirmation. This class will partment but also with the Beginners' meet twice every week, Monday and Fri- department which is composed of children minded of the Link meet!ngs, whos~.- order to bring the full benefit of our day evenings. ·· who are four and five years of age. The Wilmette Baptist structure. New members were received into the church last Sunday morning. Those rer'<'ived numbered more than thirty. The addition of this class brings the church meml.lership well up toward the seYen hundred anrl fifty mark. First Cong'l Church St. John's Lutheran ...