April 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE · Wilmette's electorate will be called upon Tuesday, April 16, to elect several municipal officials, 'the occasion being the ·annual village election. The ballot next Tuesday will contain two tickets : the People's party Lorado Taft, widely known Chicago column with a complete slate of cansculptor, will address · the Wilmette Sunday Evening club on the evening didates, and the Independent column having a solo candidate, Earl A. of April 14. His subject will be: "My Pettibone. for the office of police Dream Museum-One Hundred Masmagistrate, opposing Samuel J. terpieces of Sculpture." He will illusNordorf. People's party choice for trate this lecture w,i th 's tereopticon that office. views of the great sculpture pieces of The name of Arthur Lee, candithe world. This will be one of our most date for Village trustee, who filed interesting evenings. petition-bearing more than ~50 The music program will be given signatures_:_under the designation of by Porter ·w. Heaps, organist, and the People's party after the caucus Reed Jerome, pianist. slate of that party had been filed, Native of Illinois will not appear on the balJot in consequence of a decision made this Lorado Taft was born at Elmwood, week by Village Clerk Lea ]. Orr. Ill., in 1860. He is a graduate of the The People's party ticket is as LT niversity of IIJinois, where his father follows: was professor of Geology. His interFor .President-Earl E. Orner : est in sculpture began when, a boy of thirteen, he was permitted to help a . for Village Treasurer-Harry W. Miller; for Village Trustees-Ernest Belgian plaster-worker repair a colC. Cazel, Hans vonReinsperg, and lection ()f plaster casts which had Stanton Vanlnwagen; for Police reached the University of Illinois badly Magistrate-Samuel ]. Nordorf; for damaged in transit. In 1880. after his Library Trustees--Mrs. Josephine graduation from the university. Mr. L. Gates and Mrs. Bessie L. King. Taft went to Paris where he studied The Independent Ticket bears the for fiye years in the Ecole des Beaux name of Earl A. Pettibone for Arb. Since 1885 he has resided in Police Magistrate. Chicago, \Vith occasional trips to Europe, including Italy and Greece. He has been connected with the Art Institute of Chicago for more than thirty years, as instructor in modeling and as lecturer. He is professorial lecturer on the History of Art at the L' nivcrsity of Chicago and non-resident pro~essor of Art at the Vniversitv of Otto R. Barnett, of Glencoe, candiIllinois. He is a member of the ·Na- date for membership on the New Trier tional Sculpture societv, of the ~a High school Board of Education. will be tiona( .-\cademy, of the American Insti- extended the complimentary vote of tutl' of Arts and Letters. an honorarv New Trier township citizens Saturday. member of the American Institute of of this week. Architects and is one of the Board of Mr. Barnett. who is a well known Ar~ :\dvi ors for the state of Illinois . lawyer and donor of the Barnett ·Eng~ He received a silver medal at Buffalo lish prizes at the school, has been in 1901, and a gold medal at the ex- nominated to succeed Harrv C. Hollopo=-ition in St. Louis, in 190-L way, Glencoe's representative on the Many F amoua W orka board, who is not a candidate for reThe polling places in the ~f r. Taft's professional '"';orks in- election. clude : "The Blind," a group inspired various precincts, which will be open by ~1aeterlinck's drama of the same from I to 7 o'clock, are : Precinct No. 1: Central school, corner name; the "Columbus Memorial Fountain." at Washington, D. C.: the "Soli- Greenwood and Hazel aYenues. Glencoe. Precinct No. 2: Horace ::\[ann school, tude of the Soul," at the Art Institute corner Elm and Chestnut streets, Winof Chicago, and the "Fountain of the netka. Great Lakes," adjoining: the "WashPrecinct No. 3: Kenilworth Assembly ington Monument," at Seattle, \Vash.: hall, 410 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. "Blackhawk" and "Ogle County SolPrecinct No. 4: Village Hall in Wildier's Memorial," at Oregon, Ill.; the mette. "Thatcher Memorial Fountain," at Prfcinct No. 5: Village Hnll in the Dem·er. Colo., and the Yast "Fountain former Village of Gros:-; P(Jint. ·of Time." on the Midway Plaisance, . Chicago. Kenilworth School Vote As an author, Mr. Taft has published to Be Held Saturday a "History of American Sculpture," Polls will be open from 1 to 7 o'clock and another work, six lectures on "ReSaturday afternoon, April 13, in the cent Tendencies in Sculpture." foyer of the new Kenilworth Memorial gymnasium for the election of two F. E. Clerk Returns to new members to the Kenilworth Board High School Next Week of Education. De \Nitt S. Stillman and Supt. Frederick E. Clerk of New Walter H. Anderson are unopposed Trier High school stated in a telegram candidates for the trustee positions. recevied at the school this week that They will succeed Jules Peterson. 11e arrived in New York from Europe whose term expires this month, and Monday, April 8, and expected to he Homer H. Johnson. Mr.' Johnson died hack at his desk next week. The tele- on March 21. Arthur T. Mcintosh gram also mentioned that the boat on president. Harry E. Weese and Mis; \Yhich the Clerk family made the re- Barbara Erwin are the holdover memturn journey to America had been de- bers of the hoard. Superintendent layed by storm:; on the Atlantic ocean. E. L. Nygaard is secretary. Superintendent Clerk has been in Europe for six months making a study Want Paintings to Remain of secondary education methods. on Display Until May 11 LORADO TAn' SPEAKER AT SUNDAY CLUB APR.l4 World Renowned Chicago Sculptor to Give Lecture on Topic: "My Dream Museum" Call VQtera to Ballot on Village Officials TWO SCHOOL DISTRit1S ____c_a_n_di_da_te-----~I HOLD BALLOT _ SATURDAY Districts 39 and 40 to Vote · Candidates for Boards of Education Two school districts in Wilmette, 39 and No. 40, will hold their annual elections tomorrow. Polls will· be open in the Village hall tomorrow afternoon from 1 to 7 o'clock for the election of a new president of the District 39 board and three new board memb~rs. Henry E. Cutler, 407 Central avenue, present member of the board, ·has been · nominated for the presidency. Other nominees for membership ·~ on the District 39 board are : George ·H. Redding and Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman for full terms of three years to succeed Gale M. Brooks and Mrs. Laura W. Durgin, whose terms expire this month, and Frederick A. Lind to fill Mr. Cutler's unexpired term. The president of the board is elected each .y ear. Enoch Steen is the retiring president. A citizens' committee headed by G. T. HelJmuth and composed of representatives from the two ParentTeacher associations and the Woman's club of Wilmette recently selected the slate of candidates for the District 39 election. There is no opposition ticket. District 40 Elects . Three candidates are in the field for the presidency of the District 40 school board. They are : Fred 0. Nelsen, Nicholas ]. Miller, and Paul Nanzig. Mrs. Hope Kerwin is the retiring president. Two trustees are to be elected to succeed John Phillips and Joseph Schaefgen, whose terms expire . this month. Both Mr. PhiJJips and Mr. Schaefgen are candidates for reelection. Others who are seeking the trustee positions are : Peter Carlson, Joseph Reagan, William King, and John Fiegen. The president of the District 40 school board is elected each year, while the trustees serve for three years, two being elected each year. Holdover members on this board are: C. H. Scherer and John Koeller, whpse terms expire next year, and Glen ' R. Janson and AI Wolff, whose terms expire in 1931. Vote at School House The polling place for the District 40 electi.on wiJI be in the school house at Wilmette and Ridge avenues. Polls will be open from 2 to 5 o'cJock. No~ Otto R. Barnett Lone Candidate on N. T. Board Ballot (Gibson Photo) Earl A. Pettibone, 512 Central avenue. will be a candidate on an Independent ticket at the Village election next Tuesday for the office of police magistrate. Mr. Pettibone was for many years associated with prominent mercantile interests in Chicago, serving primarily as credit and collection manager. He took a course in law while engaged in business in the city. He has conducted an insurance business on the north shore for several years. GIVEN HALF HOLIDAY Classes at New Trier High school will be dismissed this afternoon on account of the gymnasium demonstration to be held at the school tonight. Practically every student in the school will take part in the demonstration~ to ~hich parents and patrons have been invited. Architects' Exhibit to Open at Club Tonight The North Shore Architects' exhibition wilJ open with a reception this evening for exhibiting artists, club members, and their friends; at 8:30 o'clock. at the Wilmette Woman's club. Dr. Alten D. Albert, assistant to the president of the Chicago World's Fair, is to give a talk on the plans for the fair. During the reception hours, and at the close of Dr. Albert's address, Swain. Nelson will display his collection of pictures of prominent gardens ' on the north shore. An architect's exhibit never before has been held in Wilmette. It is to be opened to the public during the hours which have been announced as follows: Saturday from 10 in the morning until 6 o'clock in the evening: Sunday from 2 in the afternoon until 9:30 at night. The club has departed this season from exhibiting work of painters and sculptors, either present or former residents of Wilmette, for various reasons, chief of which is the increasing interes.t in gardening. Mrs. Gordon Wilson (Winifred Wilson, the artist) is chairman of the exhibition c0mmittee. J · PLAN THEATER PARTY A group of New Trier High school students, members of the dramatic club at the school, plan to ~ttend tonight's performance of "The Royal Family" at the Harris theater in C~icago. Artists showing canvases in the current exhibit of the North Shore Art league at Winnetka Community House, have been asked by the leAgue officers to leave their pictures in Matz hall until May 10 or 11. when they may be called for. Yes, our Classified Ads produce. Here is where the buyer and seller meet to their mutual advantage.