Ap'ril_ l2, -1~ 10 · SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE .. WILMETTE LIFE" FOR RENT-ROOMS I'OB BEXT-HOUSES FOB SA.LE HOUSES EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT NEAR work to take .home. Will call for and trans. 836 Oak st., Winnetka. · Winn. deliver. Tel. Wilmette 3509. 1559. 66LTN29-ltc 60LTN29-ltp NEWLY DECORATED LARGE ROOM, double beds. Near trans. Winnetka WRITE BLACKBURN C 0 L LEGE, 2299. 6~LTN29-ltp CarlinviJle, Illinois for competent children's maid and tutor. State wages and conditions. 60LTN29-ltp FOR RENT, LARGE FRONT ROOM, conve nient to bath, Wilmette 3206. RELIABLE EXPERIENCED WOMAN, 66L29-ltp will care for children by the hour, day or evening, references furni sh ed. FOR RE~T--1 OR 2 DESIRABLE University 1963. 60LTN29-ltc rooms, ea st side home. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66LT29-ltc EXPERIENCED PRIMARY TEACHER wants position as goYerness for ROOMS FOR RENT ~EAR TRANSporta ion. Call Wilmette 2248. 66L27-tfc this summer. Write to Bernice Ringer, Cornwith, Iowa. 60LT~29-ltp l "'OR RENT-APARTJIENTS COMPETENT WOMAN WANTS CARE of children in her own home. Winnetka 1433. 60L'rN29-ltc 'WHITE GIRL AS NURSE~IAID OR 2nd work. Exper. Refs. Call Winnetka 1394. 60LTN29-ltc EXPERIENCED, COOK A~D LIGHT housework, Ph. Univen;ity 2851. 60LTN29-ltp COMP. WHI'rE WOMAN WANTS l.ousework for Mon., Wed. and Thurs. Ph. Wilmette 4207. 60L21-tfc DAY WORK, THURSDAY & FRIDAY. N. S. refs. Tel. K e nwood 2489. 60L29-ltp SITFATION WANTED-llALE QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. House Cleaning lfANY EXPERIENCED STUDENTS available for part time cleaning, window washing, painting, yard work, odd jobs. etc. Call N. W. Employment Office. University 1900. 61 L29-ltc WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY, GEN· h' · d 1 h ousec 1eantng, Pra was and tng landscape wm ows and woodwork. Garden work a specialty. Ph. Winnetka 1657. 6tLT29-ltn ---------------EXP. CHAUFFEUR, MARRIED W ANTR permanent pos. Careful. driver, good mechanic. Be::;t N . S. refs. Winnetka 3249. 61LTN29-ltJ! EXPERIENCED MAN FOR PAINTING screens. window washing and general work about home. Tel. Wilmette 570 or 766. 61LTN29-tfc J.,OR RENT 8 ROOM HOUSE. S. W. Corner Provident and Elm, Winnetka, will decorate to suit. Pavlik, Phone A ;;: RM. STUCCO BU""'GALOW, FURKenilworth 2016 or broker. .. ...... 69LTN29-1tp nace heat, 60ft. lot, 2 car gar. Newly decorated. $8,500. FOR RENT 5 ·ROOM HOUSE IN -Kenilworth, close to transportation and A NEW 6 RM. WHITE FRAME COLOschool, rental $100. Inquire at the Wllnial with ~ttached gar. on a 55 ft. lot mette State Bank, ·rrustee. r 69LTN29-ltc within 3 blocks shopping center and transportation at a very low price, with FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-BRAND only $500 down and $50 a month, inne w 7 rm. home, 2 baths. Garage atterest. tached. For inforJtlation call Winn. 910. -69LTN29-ltc A FRENCH DESIGN CLINKER BRICK ---------------with open porch, gar., 3 bedrooms, bath5 RM. HOUSE UNFURNISHED 3 . room with built-in fixtures, tile floor porches, near trans. 1055 Chatfield · and base- real wood burning fireplace Ave., Winnetka, Ill. Winnetka 280. with tile hearth - excellent heatin~ 69LTN29-ltc plant. Large lot, conveniently located. Wilmette 573 ot 1334. 69LTN29-ltp This hQuse is a very unusual buy at J;v"Jt .R·~~"NT OR FOR SALE _ 6 ROOM the price of $9,325. Any terms can be house~ Northbrook, also 3 room flat. arranged with responsible party. ~n~~\t;.i. Call 1937 Wilmet~~~~2' -~rp 6 ROOM HOUSE 2 YEARS OLD ON 2 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ROOMS acres of ground facing on paved street Here in Wilmette's most convenient and with all improvements. A wonderful exclusive location, you will ftnd well-ar· BUNGALOW, 3 ROOMS AND BATH, investment at the price of $11,000. ranged apartments. All apartments sleeping porch. Full basement, $65. At have outside rooms which provide an Pine and Rosewood. Winn. 752. VACANT 69LTN29-ltc abundance of light and air. Ample We have many .choice homesites which closet space. Schools, churches, and we can offer at very reasonable prices shopping facllltles within Immediate FOR RENT 6 ROOM HOUSE H. W. heat, east side Winnetka, $90 per and terms. We are in a position to access. See tbese apartments today. month. Ph. University 3333. build and finance the home of your own Agent on premises. 69LTN29-ltc design with a very small down pay ment, pr~viding the people answering REDECORATED H 0 U S E AT 931j this adve rtisement are responsible. REALTORS Spruce St. Call Winnetka 932. Wit. 460 424 Linden Ave. 69LTN29-1 tc 67LTN2-tfc FOR RENT 6 room stucco home, hot water heat MODERN 6 ROOM AND GARAGE, WILL SUBLEASE MY VERY RESIRporches, on a large lot. Garage, $60 $60.00. E . V. L a .-.rlwehr, Northbrook. able Orrington apartment at a marked per mo. 69LTN29-ltp reduction. Two large rooms with 5 room apartment centrally located, $40 abundant west exposure. Electric per month. 2-6 Rl\1. HOUSES IN WJLME'TTE kitche nette. Bath and shower. SpaciStore suitable for restaurant, bakery, Modern, Hot water heat. 1 car garage, ous closets. Complete hotel service. drug store, hardware, meat market, dry Ideal in every r espect. Enjoyable in goods or chain store. Located at the every way. Phone Greenleaf 4660 eve- ;o FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES intersection of the 2 main streets in nings. 67LTN26-tfp town. Rent very reasonable. 5 RM. FURNISHED HOUSE 3 FOR 'R ENT- " ... AY . tST, 5 RM. FLAT ... Chatm JJOrc h es . near trans., 1 year. 105 a ACRES with Runparlor. 2300 Thornwood Ave., field, Winnetka. Winn. 280. Wilmette. No childre n. Ph. Wilmette 70LTN29-ltc A very unusual opportunity to purchase a wonderfully well located parcel of 49 3195. 67LTN29-ltp acres with two road frontage, adjacent FOR RENT FURNISHED 6 RM. 'newly formed country club and golf FOR RENT 1ST FLOOR APARTMENT, house, sun porch, large yard. Kenilcourse. Close to new Sky Harbor: A 3 rooms. glass porch, bath, water heat, worth, east side, $70 per mo. Ph. good set of buildings. A good buy at garage. Phone Kenilworth 3219. Kenilworth 2325. 70LTN29-ltc $1,200 per acre. Easy terms to re . 67LTN29-ltc sponsibJe party. ATTRACTIVELY FURN. 6 RM. HSl~. DESIRABLE 5 ROOM KITCHENETTE Sun par. slp. porch. Near trans. Avail!< ....OR INFORMATION REGARDING apt. for rent, $80 per month. Tower able May or June 1. Winn. 1267. the above or anything in or about 70LTN29-ltc Ct. Bldg., Hubbard Woods. Call Winnetka 2420. 67LTN29-ltc Northbrook PHONE OR SEE Northbrook Offers You LINDEN CREST APTS. 'WILMETTE 9 Northbrook Realty Co. SHERMER AVE. AT WAUKEGAN RD. NORTHBROOK, ILL. PH. NORTHBROOK 181 AND 156 77LTN29-1tc OARDNER. SINGLE. FOR PRIVATB home. Write Wilmette L~\t:N~;-ltp EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR. ET · FOR RENT - STORE 15X55 NEXT ·ro References. Write Wilmette Life B- 59· FLAT. 1806 WALNUT AVE., 5 RM. AND Woolwo r ths 5c and lOc store. Good lo- 9n 100 feet of beautifully wooded Glen61LTN29-1tp bath, 1 car garage, Ph. Wilmette 57!J cation. ·Apply Wolf-Griffis Hdw. lll!t coe property. New English house with _G_A_R_D_E_N_E_R_,_W_O_R_K--B-Y--D-A-Y--0-R or 1334. 67LTN29-ltp Central Ave., Wilmette. 73LTN29-1tc brown shutters. Eight rooms, three baths. Complete lavatory. Living room, hour. Ref. Call Wilmette 1691. 3 ROOM GARAGE APT. PHONE WIN- STORE FOR RENT, EXCELLENT L017x25. Two car attached garage. 60L29-1tp netka 823. 67LTN29-1tc cation in Winnetka, apply 562 Lincoln A sweet, friendly home near Skokie ~~~===~~~~=~~~~=~ Ave., Phone Winnetka 165. Golf Club. I! SIT. WTD.-MALE & FE~lALE FOR RENT - MODERN 4 ROOM APT. 73LTN29-ltp Apple blossoms and long-leaf pines will Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67LTN24-tfc make this place irresistible in a week 2 NEW STORES-ONE CORNER 241..~ WANTED BY MAN, WIFE, AND TWO or so. by 42; one 16 by 44: ba:-;ements; reas. hoys, a place on small farm or estate, ~ FOR RENT-FUR~ APARTMENTS Open for inspection. Woodlawn, northPhone Winnetka 112. 73LTN28-tfc as caretaker and gardener. 12 years exwest corner Greenwood. perience in garden and farm. Good FOR RENT-3 RM. FURN. APT. IN STORE OR OFFICE MAIN FLOOR, 1157 Many other homes on the North Shore. referen<>es. Write Wil. Life B-60. Wilmette. $10 per wk. Ph. Wilmette WHmette Ave., Phone WHmette 2399. 62LTN29-1 tp 3723. 68LTN29-ltc 73 LTN29 _tfc Cabinet member moving to Washington ~OLORED COUPLE DESIRES POS . . IN permits us to oft'er his beautiful home OFFICE IN MEYER BANK BUILDprivate family. Well experienced. N. ,_,. ____ F_o_R_R_E_ "_N_T __ H_o_u_s_E_s_·_ __ at a bargain price. Lot 98x210, 14 ing. Call Winnetka 97. 73LT27-3tc S. ref. Call Highland Park 3837. L. rooms, 4 baths, complete lavatory, B. Durant. 62LT29-ltp billiard room, Yaryan heat. Garage FOR SALE-HOUSES SLP. RMS. ; 2 BATHS. $225 PER MO. 'Z'Z for 3 cars with flat aboYe. Large COL. COUPLE DESIRES WORK. 4 Built 2 years. This house is very at- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - closets and every comfort and convenchauffeur, houseman, butler, wife good tractive and is in good location. Will ience. cook. N. S. ref. Ph. Oakland 0649. consider renting furnished. 62LTN29-ltp c 4 RM. APT. WITH GAR., ALL IMprovements, rea:-:. Glencoe 331. 67LTN29-ltp ·"fhe \Villo\vs" 1414 Forest Ave. FOR RENT, GLENCOE HOME BARGAIN $18,000 BOARD AND ROO~l ROOM, BOARD AND CARE FOR semi-invalid or elderly lady, in nurse's home. Ravenswood 5700. 63L29-ltp ·· FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED ROOM FOR .2 · ADULTS employed; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water. Garage space If desired. Pl:'one Wil. 4207. 66L28-tfc NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BEDroom, in private home. Garage space if desired, gentleman preferred. Wtlmette 3328. 66L28-2tc ATTRACTIVE ROOM OR 3 ROOM AND bath, hskp. suite furnished or unfurnished. Convenient all transp. References. Ph. Wtl. 204. 66L29-ltp FOR RENT, ROOM IN PRIVATE home, e8.8t side, .young man, near all transportation. Ph. Wilmette 2098. 66L29-ltc ILL HEALTH HAS FORCED OWN~R REALTORS to lea:ve Winnetka and he Is anxious 518-22 Davis St. S60 Spanish Ct. Ph. Wilmette 3740 Univ. 8240 69LTN29-ltc to dispose of his modern home, well 77LTN29-ltc located in the Southeast section, close to grade and high schools, on a dandy wooded corner. The house has 4 bedMAY 1ST OR SOONER, 8 RM. FRAME, rooms, porches, hot water heat with oil Northeast steam station, h. w. heat, burner, 1 car garage, and the whole CHARMING ENGLISH HOME UNDER with oil burner, deep 50 ft. lot, garage construction at 248 Hawthorne Ave. property is in excellent condition. It Ready for occupancy May 1. 10 rooms, - $140 per mo. can be seen by phoning us for appoint4 baths, lavatory. Tiled kitchen. 2 car ment. garage. Construction, brick with stone REALTORS trim, timbered gables. Beautiful trees. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wilmette 407 A. R. Gates, tel. Glencoe 561. REALTORS 69L29-ltc 77LTN29-ltc Winnetka 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1544 ATT. 6 RM. AND SUN PARLOR, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 77_L_T_N_ _-_u_c ·FOR SALE OR RENT-6 ROOM BRICK stucco, H. W. heat, gar. desirable location, May 1st to Oct. 1st or longer, SUMMER HOME ON LAKE GENEVA. veneer sunny Bungalow, tile roof, Living room 24x13, with large woodH. W. heat, 1 bath, extra den and lava$140. 521 - 6th St., Wilme~~tTN 29 _1tc burning fireplace. Sun room. Large tory In basement, 2 car garage, on half porch. 2 bedrooms. Complete bathacre wooded lot. Just West of WilFOR RENT, 8 ROOM HOUSE WITH room. Cement basement. On 125 ft. mette. Phone owner, Glenview 181-W-2. sleeping and dining porches, attached lot. Completely furnished. Beautiful 77LTNZ9-ltc garage Oil burner, near transportation surroundings.- Price $8,500. Tel Win- MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 11 and schools. Call Wilmette 1468. netka 27 40. 77LTN29-1 tc 69LTN29-ltc BILLS REALTY, INC. FOR RENT GLENCOE EAST SIDE Eddington & Allen, Inc. HILL & STONE