70 WILMETTE LIFE Apdl 12, 1929 ttl WTD. TO BUY-:M18CBLLANEOU8 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 69) FOR SALE-HOUSES FOB 8ALE-HOU8E8 81 SUXMEB RESORTS WILMETTE I WILL SELL MY BEAUTIFUL BUNgalow home, 361 Oak Circle, best corner on West side. Very good location for physician's home and office ; near transportation. 7'1LTN26-4tc 0\vner Movl. ng West 6 RM. COLONIAL BRICK HOUSE, H. W. heat, A-1 construction, flne loca- 89 WTD. TO RENT-HOUSES WANTED - CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, tion. Lot 50x156, $18,000 value, make TO RENT- FOR SUMMER OR ONE OR . 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil0\VNER MUST SELL 7 ROOM HOME; offer. 1605 Highland Ave., Wilmette. two years. Kenilworth home. Twelve mette. 103LTN48-tfp 4 bedrms., choicest section, c.orner lot. Ph. Wil. 901-J. · 77LTN29-ltp rooms three baths, four car garage; Good condition. 011 burner, garage. near iake. Phone Kenilworth 1978 for JUST COMPLETED-BRICK ENGLISH $18,000. information. 89L29-2tc residence at 1214 Asbury, Winn. 9 rooms and large recreation room. 2 col. tile baths, lav. 1st floor. H. W. 100 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS (Q) Dr. Morgan Tells Why Children Have heat. Oil burner. 2 car gar. Glencoe Affection for Parents. 1020. 77L29-ltp PISTAKEE BAY WANTED, LADIES' SECOND HAND For sale by owner at beautiful Pistakee bicycle, in good condition. Phone Kenil103L 2D-ltp Bay comfortable 5 rm. furn. cottage. worth 30,9. Gas: elec. and light water syste~, etc. WANTED _ GIRL'S BICYCLE AND 2 water fronts, boat house, gar. · fine baby's play-yard. Tel. Winnetka 3128. trees and shrubs, all landscaped. Auto · 103LTN29-ltc roads right to cottage. If interested phone H. H. Smith, Calumet 7300 or PLAY-YARD EQUIPMENT LAWN address 2542 S. Michigan Ave., Chi. 82LTN29-1tc sw1ng, 8 ltde, et c. Also kiddie koop· Tel · Winnetka 384. 103LTN29-ltc · WHY THEY LIKE DADS § 11llftlffi® &~it FOR SALE IN NORTHBROOK-MODern · brick bungalow, 5 rms. ; gar. : lot COLO:'IllAL, IDEAl. NEIGHBORHOOD, 50x238, $9,000. $750 cash, $60 per mo·., Portable Electric Machines near lake, school and transp. 3 bedrms., including int. No brokers. Ph. Wil. Davis $22.50 Singer, $33.50 slp. pch. and 2 baths 2nd floor; maid's mette 1582. 77LTN29-ltc Western Electric, $24,50 quarters, bath 3rd floor; large living Singer with light, $44.50 room, sun room 1st floor; elec. refriger- · FOR SALE OR FOR RENT, 466 ADAMS, DROP HEAD MACHINES ation; H . W. heat, oil burner. 2 car Glencoe, 5 room studio bungalow, near Eldridge, $10.00 Elgin, $12.50 attached garage. Large wooded lot. Skokie Golf, wooded lawn, fireplace, Singers from $12.50 to $39.50 All Machines Guaranteed $27,500. screened porch, $11,500; terms. Owner, Machines Rented $5.00 Per Mo. Ph. Delaware 6146. 77LTN29-2tp We De Repairing SUMMER HOME, ~ORTHER~ WISconsin. Furn. 5 rms. ; H. W . heat, light, 1565 Sherman Ave. University 990 INC. bath, gar.; lot 100x100, fruit trees, on Chicago Store, 1952 Jn·ing Park Blvd. REALTORS Lake Superior. Ph. Wilmette 4216. 100LTN29-ltc Winnetka 77LTN29-1 tc 'i46 Elm Street \Vinnetka 1617 FOR SALE .10 ROOMS ELEGANT 77LTN29-1tc FOR SALE OR RENT furniture, liv. rm. set, bedrm. set, twin l\Iodern residence, Spruce St., Winnetka. bed set, desks, chairs, tables, paint5 bedrooms, 2 baths, H. W. ·heat. Newly ings, Sheraton inlaid furniture. Steindecorated. Near stations. Price $18,way Grand piano, hangings of all 000. Phone Glencoe 1020. ~7L29-ltp kinds Oriental rugs and runners, 0\\TSER HAS JUST PLACED A VERY antiques, lamps, mirrors, china, glass RM. and linens, etc. 978 Euclid Ave. Ph. desirable !I room home on the market FOR SALE-MY ALMOST NEW brick house; 2 baths, 1 tiled, oil burner; Winnetka 1937. 100LTN29-ltc and on account of moYing must sell at htd. garage : nr. trans., schools; once. Home has 6 bednns.; 2 baths, $21,500. Wilmette 2486. 77LT29-ltc DOUBLE IRON BED. HAIR MATextra lava. : sun porch and sleeping tress. Several small Oriental rugs. porch. House is well arranged, Yery .'lEW !5 R;\f. BRICK BUNGALOW, LO'r Kitchen table, enamel top. Child's desk roomy and cheer'fJJl, ple nty of closet 50x200. H. W. heat, tile bath, cedar and chair. Curtain~. Call Winnetka.' space and is In excellent con(]ition. elosets, 2 car gar. T e rms. 613 Ill. Rd. 206. 1oourN29-ltc Very beautiful yard, lot 50x176. PropPh. Wilmette 4083. 77L29-tfc erty is located in the best section of ITALIAN RENAISSANCE DINING \VJlmette and is certainly worthy of 78 FOR SALE-VACANT room set. Table . & 6 chairs & buffet. ~·our consideration. Terms can be ar- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - With covers & table pad. Used only .-anged. Call for further details. short time, $125. Winnetka 2740 . 100LTN28-ltc 80 acres of park for your FRONT YARD. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL TAUPE The great open space forever protected Scotch chenille rug 131hx231,6, $150; 2 at the end of a private drive. All the REALTOR rugs 1Phx13 1h, $80 ea. Thor J!langle 110 ' Da\'is Rt. advantages of a country estate with Ph. trni\'t"rsity SOSO $70. Ph. Winn. 1284. lOOLTN29-ltc all the conveniences of the Vlllage. The 77LT~2!l-ltc premier location in Winnetka for the finer home. 358x165 or will divide, at FOR SALE-UPRIGHT PIANO AND bench $35, Mah. dres~er and chiffonier. a reasonable price, to acceptable purPh. Wilmette 2546. 100LTN29-ltc chaser only. Write Wilmette Life B-32. 78LTN26-tfc BOHN SOLID PORCELAIN ICE-BOX. YERY ATTRACTIVE AKD SUB~TA~ 100 lb. capacity. C'all Winnetka 2U9. tial S rm. buff brick honw with tile 100LTN29-1tc roof. 3 baths, 2 car gar. Fint.>st location. 2 blocks ft·om lake, a buy at THERE ARE STII... L AVAILABLE TWO BLUE VELOUR DAVENPORT, $20. beautifully wooded half acre plots for $40,000. Breakfast ~et, $9. Call Winnetka 3150. those who prefer trees, In Westmoor 100LTN29-1 tc Trail. Permanently protected, unusual privacy. highly restricted, the right 101 W'fD. TO BTiY-IISEHL D. GOODS kind of Winnetka neighbors. Priced much less than anything of comparable 6 BURNER GAS STOVE. MUST BE IN DESIRABLE MODERN S HM. HOllE, ~ desirability. Phone Winnetka 1011;. blocks from lake and 3 from "L." H. W. good cond . and reasonable. Tel. WilGlen C. Bull. 78LTN26-tfc heat, 2 baths, gar.: perfect con<litiou, mette 1712. 101 LTN29-ltc price $225 per mo. on 1 or 2 year lease. WANTED TO BUY- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household good~. Highest prices for Rame. C'rost Furniture Rtore, 1004-6 Emerson St.. EvansREALTORS HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUton, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tft' 340 Linden AYe. tiful lots left of the few remaining in \Yilnwtte 444 Winnetka. Building restriction. On a 102 77L29-ltc FOR SALE-liiSCELLANEOlTS quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot 5c & UP-PICTURES. BOOKS, DISHES. undet anything comparable. Address utensils. Linens, pillows, blankets, curTaik A-221. 78LTN13-tfc tain!'!, drapes, cedar chest, tableR, sewing machine, ice box, gaR stove, Yk\\·e recommend the following honws as .\ REAL BARGAIN IN WILMETTE trola dirt cheap. Field $400 bedroom unusually good buys: Vacant. 63 ft. East front on Ridge Rd., set $50. White 6 pc. set $25, dining 7 Rm. Stucco . . . . $14,000 11/.t blocks north of Mallinckrodt. 'With set $25. 5 pc. sun parlor set $30. Mm;t 6 Rm. Stucco . . . . . . $14,000 a good caRh payment, this property be Rold at cmce, call at 1220 Lake Av~ .. 6 Rm. Stueco .. . .. ... . $16,000 will he ~old for less than $100 per ft. for theRe bargains, huy or lease the> Call Wilmette 3757. 78LT29-ltp property from the owner Sat. or Sun . 102L2!l-ltp WniiDIID®itk& IHI©rnm® BARG.AINS IN SEvVING MACHINES p AT'fERSON BROS. Vacant-Winnetka A child's affection for its parents is not traceable to some mysterious in stinct but depends, rather, upon whether or not the mother and father have been good to it, Dr. John J. B. Morgan, associate professor of psycholog.y at Northwestern, stated Thursday in an address to the Religious Education association convention. "Personal likes and dislikes can never be explained by some innate tendency which has its well in the mysterious and which is governed by divine laws," said Dr. :Uorgan. "Some other principle must be found which the modern parent can use to guide children in forming the proper attachments." . Inspiration for nearly all children comes from a personal ideal, Dr. Morgan pointed out. But the child must see some way of realizing this ideal, or he will become discouraged and uu happv. If his ideal is too perfect, he will hate it for reminding him of his failure to live up to its perfection. The value of any personal ideal lies in the ability of the individual to proiect himself into the positiou of the model. In his examinations of ill-adjusted children in the psychological clinic at Northwestern, Dr. Morgan has discovered that children will respond readily if they are properly approache,!:l by their parents and teachers and are not forced into situations disagreeable to them. l ~ . Vacant·Winnetka \r&t\Ci\NT-125x160 \\TINNETK.A . REALTOHS 1177 Wilmette Ave. \\"ilnwttt· 273 77L29-ltc 7 Roon1 English Brick Jt.ST HEIXG COMPLETED, 2 TILE baths, Ia v. 1st fl., brkfst, nk., elec. rt>f., cedar clo.; 2 car att. gar.; wooded lot, 65xl70. Worth your time to investigate. OPEN SAT. AND SUN. 2 to 6, 929 Valley Road, Glencoe. Cent. DAVENPORT, $10. CHAIRS, $10. HOMESITES OF 50 Table, $15. Lamps, $3 and $5. Men's front feet each near Electric Htation. and ladies' clothing. 234 Mnnle Hill Will Hf'll entire piece or Reparate lots. Rd. Tel. Glencoe 2!12. 102LTN29-ltc Best Yalue in Winnetka today. Crosby Renlty Co., 566 Center St. Phone Win- FOR SALE, MISSES' SPRING COAT netka 2033. 7SLTN29-ltc grey with light fur. in ~rood condition. reasonable price, Ph. Wilmette 67. LOT 60 X 160 102L29-2tc at Blackstone and Flora place, near Ravinia. Park: Reasonable. Easy pay- 15 FINE WHITE LEGHORN LAYING ments. Phone Winnetka 1334. hens, call Winnetka 1985. 78LTN29-ltp 102LTN29-1t..7 ADJOINI~G A RE:\L OPPORTUNITY And we predict yo u r entire satisfaction In our efficient handling of the matter, most economically and with the minimum of delay. NO RED TAPE QUICK INSPECTIONS Call or Write l\1i1ton F.. Reid & Co. 188 Wil. 1786 77L29-ltc 50 FT. LOT HIGHLAND AVE. PINE FOR SALE, BEDSTEAD AND SPRINGS. C'rest Subdivision $3,750, termR, no porch swing, and miscellaneous arbrokers, Wilmette 1582. 78L29-ltc tlcles. Wilmette 965-W. 102L29-ltc LAKE l<.,OREST FOR SALE - FAIRBANKS BABY :\·rust sacrifice beautiful lot. 62xl88 ft. scale; baby bath tub, bassinette, ivory East front. Near lake and North Shore chlfferobe. Ph. Wil. 2254. 102L29-ltc IN .HUBBARD WOODS WHERE EVEN Electric. $3,500 if sold before May 1st. the smaller old houses are selling at Phone Sunnyside 10288. 78LM-ltn SLIGHTLY USED COMBINATION higher prices. A large 8 rm. Colonial Electric plate & oven-very reas. has just been cut from $26,000 t~ 71 FOR SAI,E-ACREAGE Winnetka 1832. 102LTN29-1tc $21,000 tor quick sale. 2 baths, oll burner, near dQPOt and school. Inquire BARGAIN-I OR 2 ACRES IN WIL- FOR SALE BOY'S SPRING SUIT, 16 at 877 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Wlnn. METTE. WRITE WIIAIETTE LIFE yrs. $7 flne condition. Wilmette 1068. 1689. 77LTN29-ltc B-56. 79L29-ltc 102LTN29-ltc On Lovelv Scott Ave. TRUST CO. lneorpo.._te4 In ttll HEITMAN Third Floor, Oti. B..U.U.. , . . . ., ,,....,;. 2 . . . 10 S. La Salle St., Chica. .