April 12, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 11 WILL CONVENE HERE ReserYe O&icen Vote to Hold Next Annual Meetina ia Evanaton Evanston will be the place of . the Officers' as~ociation a·s the result of action at the state meeting held in Galesburg last week-end. Letters of invitation from Mayor Charles H. Bartlett, WH1iam A. Dyche, business manager of Northwestern university; and Loren Meyer, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, were presented to the association by the Evanston delegation .and were accepted. The local body was also honored by the dection of its president, Maj. W. C. Bechtold, to the board of directors of the state organization. To Bring 300 Here This convention wilt bring between 200 and 300 reserve officers to the city and plans are already being formulated for its · program. Committees to direct the arrangements will be appointed in the near future, Maj. Bechtold ·:;tates. One of the first steps will be the upbuilding of the membership of the North Shore association .under the direction of Col. J Qhn W. H. Pollard, chairman of membership. It is hoped to raise the roll from 75 to 150 within the year. The exact date for next vear's convention will not be deter~1ined until after the national meeting to be held in Indianapolis next month, since it will hinge on the time set for next year's national convention. Representing the North Shore a·.;sociatio n at Galesburg last week-end were These pictures give a fair idea of what the Maj. Bechtold and Lt. Ollie Croucher, recent twelve-foot waves did to Evanston's shoreline as they came sweeping in from the as official delegates; Capt. \V. ]. Patterson, Lt. Kirk Taylor and Capt. Lesopen lake. At the top, left, is a view near the lie Parker. coast guard station, showing the sandbags To Direct Publicity Capt. Patterson was made publicity piled against the inside of the breakwater to director for the state department and save it and keep the station itself from being as such will be editor of the national washed away. Above a drenched guardsman is busy piling those sandbags while the wild defense magazine i·ssued by the Iliinois organization throughout several states. waves dash over the breakwater. At the Lt. Croucher was a member of the conleft is a view of the scarred shore north of vention resolutions committee; Lt. Taylor acted on the location committee, the lighthouse, showing how the waves ate Maj. Bechtold on the .auditing and Capt. deep into the bank and strewed the beach Parker on the rules. with debris The delegates will report at the meet- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - ing of the local group to be held Wed17 Mrs. Edwad L. Scheidenhelm and THETA PARTY APRIL 17 nesday, April 17, at the Georgian hotel. GRADUATION JUNE Mrs. D. L. Taylor returned to WilGen. T. C. Conrad, the new commandmette Wednesday from a trip south. ant of Ft. Sheridan and sixth corps Acting President of U. of Chicago They spent three weeks at Tryon, N.C. Alumnae Will Give Annual Bridge for area commander, will be the speaker Benefit of House Fund Expected to Be Speaker and two days in Charleston, S. C., of the evening, addressing the gatherwhere they visited the Magnolia and \ ing on "Leadership." The North Shore Alumnae associaPresent reports are that Acting Middleton gardens. tion of Kappa Alpha Theta will hold President Frederic Woodward of the -0University of Chicago will be speaker Edwarcl Scheidei1helm, Jr. spent his its annual spring bridge party to bene"Nothing But the Truth" at the Northwestern university com- Easter vacation with his parents at fit the house fund of the Northwestern Season's Best Amusement mencement June 17. Selection of a Tryon 1 N. C. chapter Wednesday afternoon, April 17. at the Evanston Country club. Play -o"Nothing But the Truth" as given commencement orator along with the Ed~arcl L. Scheidenhelm 704 Lake will begin at 2. at the New Evanston this week by the baccalaureate speaker is expected to Among the patronesses for the afKarl Way Players is the cleverest and be ratified by the .b oard of trustees at avenue joined Mrs. Scheidenhelm for a ten day stay at Tryon, N. C., where fair, announced by Mrs. L. E. Mitten most amusing comedy that Evanston- its next meeting. of Winnetka, general chairman. are Prof. Woodward has been acting the latter spent three weeks. ians have had the opportunity to Mrs. C. W. Spofford, Mrs. George -ochuckle over in a long time. Finished president of the University of Chi,cago acting adds vivacity to already spark- since last June and previous to that . Will Rogers has signed a two year Peaks, Mrs. Frank Murray, Mrs. ling lines and the pungency of their time was vice president and dean of contract with Fox to appear in movie- N. W. Helms·, Mrs. ]. G. S. Orchard, Mrs. William Mason, Mrs. Carl Wilhumor carries trails .of laughter far the faculty for a year. Gradu.ated tone features. liams, Mrs. Scott Brown, Mrs ]. ]. through even the intermission periods. from Cornell university with the degree The plot is chiefly concerned with of LL.B. in 1894 and LL.M. the follow- Arts degree at Dickinson college, where Oates, Mrs. Walter Steele, Mrs. Henry the brokerage business of three part- ing year, he then took a Master of he was also professor of law. From Kitchell Webster and Miss Leone 1902 to 1907 he was professor of law G,ould, all of Evanston; Mrs. Walter ners. Other angles grow out of a certain highly staked bet laid against one thv Holmes as Gwendolyn Ralston and at Northwestern university, and ·then Strong, Mrs. Mark Cresap, Mrs. F. of the three to the effect that he could Bennett's fiance, who is indirectly the joined the faculty at Leland Stanford, Wagner. Mrs. Dudley K. French, M~: not give an absolutely true answer to cause of the fireworks, does well with Jr., university where he was dean of E. E. Stults, Mrs. D. Bligh Grasett. every question asked him during the a rather typical "heroine" part. Violet the law school from 1910 to 1916. In Mrs. Karl D. King and Mrs. Herbert specified 24 hours. Resulting situa- Whitworth always makes the most of 1916 he became professor of law at Bartling of the north shore. An attractive list of prizes is assured tions furnish excitement and comedy in an excited matron role ' and this week the University of Chicago. Northwestern's commencement ac- by Mrs. Peaks and Mrs. Murray whQ doses large enough to ·keep the audi- proves no exception. She is Mrs. Raltivities will begin in the middle of May. are again chairmen of this committee ence in a state verging on hysteria ston. Karl Way as Clarence Van Dusen, a Candle lighting, the event in which which they have- headed for the Theta most of the time. Karl Hackett as Bob Bennett, the client, gives his usual performance in a alumni all over the world participate, parties of several years past. Assistone who must be truthful or lose his rather negative part. Charlotte An- will be held May 16. May day will ing Mrs. Mitten in making the arrangewad (and it isn't really his, but that's drews as Ethel Clark, Mack Allyn as come the next day, and swing-out ments have been: Mrs. Richard S. another story), is excellent. A. T. the bishop and Florence Ravenal a.s chapel when the seniors first wear their Carr, president of the association; Mrs. Stork's conception of Ralston, a "go Mabel Jackson are all good in their academic caps and gowns will be ob- Henry Roney, Mrs. ]. R. Weese, Mrs. served May 22. June 14 is set as the Grasett, Mrs. John A. Scott, Mrs. Wilget'em" business m~n, is very convinc- parts of uniform importance. Go to this; you will enjoy it thor- date for class day, and the baccalaure- liams, Mrs. Joseph Horton Fall, III, ing. He is this week's guest member. William Noltner as Dick Donnely keeps oughly. All right for the kids and ate services will be held Sunday, JunP. Mrs. Bartling, Mrs. Harold Boyle, Mrs. 16, with commencement the following E. Parker Miller, Mrs. Stewart Ayars up his good work. · These three form they'll have a great time. and Mrs. Dillon Brown. G. R. K. day. the- aforementioned partnership. Doro- Wild Lake Waves Scar Evanston's Shoreline 1930 convention of the Illinois Reserve --