28 . GREATER CHICAGO LAKE WATER COMPANY lllZ Baak...' Blda., Claicqo TtL PB.Aaklla 1171 WILMETTE IN TABLEAU AND PAGEANT Miss Henrietta Bird, daughter of the George H. Birds, 1010 Chestnut avenue, will take part in the tableau and pageant to be . presented at the party ~liven tomorrow evening by the Army and Navy club in the Gold ballroom of I the Congress hotel. . ._,rFE April 19, 1929 only profession or vocation in which a [t. LOVE FOR CHILDREN 'IS. woman might, with propriety, engage. SPUR TO TEACHING JOB' wtthis dozens intere3ting to find that to?~y, of other opportumt1es National Kindergarten School Students Answer Interesting Questionnaire In this day when practically every profession and vocati~n is open to women, why should girls desire to be teachers ? The answer to this qu~s tion was sought when 250 questionnaires were given to a group of '5tudents in the National Kindergarten and Elementary college this wee k, with th e question "Why did you choose teachin g in the kindergarten and element ary grades as a profession rath er than one of the many other lines now open to girls ?" Two hundred thrity- four an swered that it was because they loved chil· dren and wanted to be with them and help them. In commenting on this summary of the questionnaire, Miss ~dna Dean Baker, president of the National Kin dergarten and Elementary college, said: "Until the beginning of the pres ent century, teachin g was about the opened before them, hundreds of young women choose teaching-not because of the great increase in salaries ; not because of the i~proved buildings and equipment of the modern school, but because of their '3incere interest in little children and the desire to serve hu manity through doing what they can to give the se children the right start in life." A typical answer to the questionnaire was "To me this vocation brings the most delight and then too I am able to spend my life with happy boys and girh." Other answers ranged over a wide variety. One girl . said she "couldn't bear to think of being a ·poor working girl' all day in an office when kindergarten work seemed so much nicer, more fun and more interesting." Another felt that it was a woman's duty to understand children. Seven girls said they had gone into this work because there is alwav3 a demand for properly trained teachers. Two girls gave as the reason the fact that 'it will keep them young longer than any other work. · One young lady feels that teaching offers the best opportunity for creative and origin a! work-and one young student said she wa· 3 training to be a teacher because it gave her two months vacation each summer. Another question asked the girls in the form was "Do you consider your training simply .as a preparation for teaching, or do you hope to use it in home-making?" ' Two hundred eleven answered that they hoped to U3e it in both, seventeen said they planned to use it in home-making only and twenty-two answered that they had no aspirations beyond using it in teaching. Filtered Lake Water for Suburbs Wa&ela for Aaao·aoeaeal Chlcaco'· .... STOP and SEE . SILE THE NOISELESS OIL BUR.NER. Then you will know that there is nothing else that can take its place. Showroom·: Evanston. 162.0 Shuman Avt.- Grttnluf 700 Hubbard Woods, goo Linden An.-Winnetka 650 SoNORA MELODON ' with RADIO At a New Low Price .... I I FOR SALE AUCTION Monday, April 22, 10 A. M. at presenting the new Sonora I NMelodon with Radio we're tempted to heap superlative upon su~erlative. But we won't. We simply state: "Only when you have heard these marvelous instruments will you believe such glorious musicalreproduction possible." You owe it to yourself to hear the new Sonoras. Your ear will tell how vastly they differ from all the rest. The Melodon with Radio is available in three models of distinctive design. An easy . time payment plan is offered. Come in today and hear them. · ..... I Real Estate Office WILMETTE Excellent Established Location Fully Equipped Reasonable Rent Cash or Easy Terms Would consider proposition with manager on liberal comm1ss1on and share profits. , 550 Surf Street, Apt. 6-G · CHICAGO Bungalow residence of . Mr. George Brunssen Entire Modern and Antique Furnishings English Table, World's Fair Exhibit; large embossed leather screen, Victorian table, French day bed, Marquetrlc desk, cabinet, antique Italian bench and table with three Bacchus ftgures; large French commode ; three petit pt. chairs, antique coffee table, Jacobean buffet, ftve ptece gold leaf suite, carved ch~st, gold ftoor lamp, love seat, Flemish tapestry gerondoles, black and gold drapes, mirrors, antique portraits, paintIngs, walnut dining room and bedroom suites, breakfast glass covered table and chairs, Bohemian glass, Dresden china. Orient111 rugs and runners, large Italian painting for hotel, theater or large residence, black and gold hangings, antlque damask drapes. Books. INSPECTION SUNDAY Was $535.00 Replies Strictly Confidential. Now $375.00 Less Tubes Open Evenings Convenient Term· ADDRESS WILM· ETTE LIFE B-67 NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. 712 Church St. Univ. 4523 EVANSTON WILLIAMS, BARKER & SEVERN CO., AUCTIONEERS EST. 1879