WILMETTE LIFE April 26, 1929 All Plans Complete - . _--...;..._-----------------. Announce Patron for College Alumnae At Home in New Shops Today List for Concert nquet on Thursday 1 · by Noted Violinist 1 B . a North Shore to .Be Represented . . at Seven College Banquet BY JEAN TEN BROECK · Invitations have been issued for an affair that is novel in Chicago, an affair whose interest spreads into the city's outlying towns and villages, the banquet alumnae of seven eastern colleges, Barnard, Bryn Mawr, Mount Holyoke, Radcliffe, Smith, Vassar, and _ Wellesley, are giving on Thursday evening, May 2, in the Red Lacquer room of the Palmer House. George Edgar Vincent, president of the Rockefeller institute, is to be the speaker of the evening and he, together with the presidents of the seven colteges represented, will be the guests of honor. A distinguished gathering will attend the banquet which witt be one of the most outstanding events of the season. The Chicago a tumnae committee of the seven colle~es comprises persons widely known in philanthropic, civic, cultural and social life. Several of its members reside on the north shore. Mrs. Wiltiam G. Hibbard of Winnetka, a graduate of Bryn Mawr, is at its head. Mrs. Samuel Newton represents MRS. ERNST VON AMMON MRS. NELLIE A. HANNA Barnard: Mrs. Morris L. Johnston, During the afternoon and early evening Saturday, April 27, Mrs. Nellie A. Bryn Mawr; Miss Bertha Bidwell, Mount Holvoke; Mrs. Hevliger de- Hanna of Chicago, a former resident of Kenilworth and o~ Wilmette, and Mrs. Windt of Winnetka, Radcliffe: Mis~ Ernst von Ammon of Winnetka wilt be at home in thetr new and enlarged Ellen Holt, Smith; Mrs. Andrew Mac- shops in Spanish court, No Man's Land. The two shops, which are adjoining with an archway between, are opening Leish of Glen co~. Vassar: Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Hubbard Woods, Wel- in conjunction with one another. A mannequin tea from 2:30 until 6 witl mark the occa·3ion. Mrs. Hanna lesley. Final details for the banquet were will present the fashion show and Mrs. von Ammon, who will be assisted completed at a meeting of the com- by Miss Felicite Reynolds, witt be in charge of the tea. mittee last Monday morning at the home of Mrs. James w. Morrison in ll l Cl b Last of April at Shawnee Chical!O, and now it is announced that e es ey . .u ttJes Mrs. ·charles Edward Brown, Jr. and Annual Luncheon May 4 The remainder of April brings to M G W Bl f L k Shawnee Country club four more rs. eo.rge .· ossom, 0 a e The Chicago Wellesley club will have events. Saturday evening dinner will ~ore st. wJit be !n char~e of ~eco:a- . its annual spring luncheon Saturday, be served from 6 until 8, with pivot ttobs f~rldth.e a!~_Jr, the first of Jts kmd May 4, at 1 o'clock in the Wedgwood bridge following at 8 o'clock Sundav 10 to e . e . tcago . . . room at Marshall Field's. ·dinner will be served as usu~l from ·1 "Th1s dmner," so the mvttatJon reads, · · · · f · 4 d cc· t f f 'd bt" ·t At that time the nommatmg comunttl 8, wtth the hour o mus1c at , an 1 1 10 s. part 0 a na . tn-wth e .P~ tCJt_Y 1camd- mittee will present the following ticket: Monday, April 29, occasions a bridge Marie Remien. vice-president; Mrs. luncheon for women members and their patJgn tod acquam d e m u_en Ctah. an m·th eres th e men an women tcago Alf re d H . T ay 1 · at 1, pn·ot · b rt-d ge d' t" · h d m d t' 1 or (J oy S ch et'd en h e1m ) guests. L unc h eon 1s 101 WI k f eth JS mguJs e ucd ~th corresponding secretary: Marian Jones, at 2 :30_ Men's night will be observed e seven co 1 eges an WI recording secretary; Ella Hitt Sergen- t 8 o' 1 k i the evening w:or 0 the contribution made hv their at'um- ian, chairman of the finance com- a c oc n . nae to communitY life: It is not mittee. part of a campaign to raise money. Amendments to by-laws will be voted Gala Luncheon May 2 The Woman's society of the Wilhut rather to create such understand- upon at the luncheon meeting. inR" and good will on the part of the mette Baptist church will hold its anpublic and such loyalty and apprecianual gala luncheon Thursday, May 2, tion on the part of the alumnae as may Sets Wedding Day at 12:30 o'clock. The usual yearly in future tead to the same sort of Miss Mary Louise Scheide nhelm, resume is to he presented in an unlegacies and emtowments that are daughter of Mr. and Mrs_ F. ]. Scheid- usual, lively fashion, which will prove g-iven ~o generously for the security of rnhelm. 804 Forest avenue. has chosen interesting. The program, \vith special education in the men's coltr Q'es of J nne 25, a· 3 the date of her marriage music and election of officers, will besimilar attainments and standards." to William Edmund Sclw.·eitzer, son of gin at 1 :30 o'clock. The banquet is tl1e second in the Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Schweitzer of series of important dinners in various Chicago. W elfate Luncheon May 8 other cities v.·hich the ~eneral alumnae The Infant Welfare Society of Chicommittee of seven colte~es is using cago witt have its semi-annual lunchOn Pan-Hellenic Program as .one means of publicity. as one The Chicago Pan-Heltenic luncheon eon Wednesday, May 8. in the Francis means of making known what is going will take place Saturday, April 27, at I room of the Congress hotel at 12 on ih women's colleges today. noon . Miss Frances Green, Miss MilThe first of these affairs was given the Hotel LaSalle. During the after- dred \Villiams, Miss Alberta Childs, noon Dorothy Aldis will read some of in Philadelphia when more than seven Miss Dorothy Hall, and Mrs. Elizahundred alumnae and guests were pre- her own poems and Frances Coates beth McCreary, who supervise the field Grace will sing several song selections, sent, and the alumnae committee anwork of Infant Welfare, wilt describe nounces that "it is delighted that the in costume. the \\'ork done. second dinner will he in Chicago hecause of its great importance at the Is Luncheon Hostess . center of things." Mrs. John B. Boddie, · 1356 Green- To Be Hostess at Shawnee Mrs. Walter D. Lawr~nce, 520 wood circle, entertained at luncheon Mrs. William G. Hibbard will have Lake avenue, will entertain at a as her guest at her home in Win- and bricige Mondav in honor of ·Miss luncheon and bridge at Shawnee Maud Miner of the Allerton house, netka during the festivities, Mrs. FredCountry club Tuesday in honor of the Chicago. erick Manning (Helen Taft), who, as . h ouse guests of Mrs. Charles W . acting president of Bryn Mawr duringWrigley, Mrs. Frank ~ayre and Miss Miss Marian Parks' conv.alescence, will wilt be the guests of Miss Ellen Holt Edith Fell of Philadelphia_ be the guest of honor from Bryn at her home in Lake Forest. Mawr. Mrs. William Sherman Hav of More than one hundred acceptances The Mothers' and Daughters' club Winnetka ha~ invited Miss Ellen ·Fitz were in the first mail received after the of Alpha Xi Delta sororitv of NorthPendleton, preside.nt of Wellesley, to invitat'ions were i"sued and the steady western university will hold its social be her guest during her stay. Miss response since indicates that the Chi- evening tomorrow at the sorority Ada Comstock, president of Radcliffe, cago banquet will be an impressive house, 710 Emmerson avenue, Evansand W. A. Neilson, president of Smith, assemblage. ton. Mme. Estelle Gray-Lhevinne, acclaimed bv critics the world over as being the- "World's greatest woman violinist and one of the great musicians of the world," will appear in concert Sunday afternoon at the National Kindergarten and Elementary college, Harrison hall, Evanston, at 3 o'clock. Patronesses for the musicale include: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer S. Bersbach, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm D. Charleson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett R. Cook, Dr. and Mrs. Budd C. Corbus, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fabry, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Fitzsimmons, Mr. and Mrs. James Grantham, Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Hollister, Mr. and Mrs. William KixMiller, Dr. and Mrs. Linn F. McBride, Dr. and Mrs. John H. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Mcintosh, Mr. and Mrs. Ericcson F. McLaughlin , Mr. and Mrs. W. Carey Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryce, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Schlueter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Ullrich, Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Webb, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Webster. Proceeds Ftom Benefit Will .Buy School Band Uniforms St. George High school of Evanston will give a benefit card party the evening of May 10, at 8 o'clock, in its gymnasium. Proceeds from the affair will pay for the -new uniforms for ·the High school band in which two Wilmette boys, Vincent and Gerald Seng, are "top notch" performers. Mrs. William Mooney is chairman of the patronesses who include the following residents from Wilmette: Mesdames Wendelin P. Seng, Charles F. Bunte,. A. H. Rohol, Bernard J. Fallon, Edward F. Kelley, James W: Krafthefer, B. W. Lynch, I ohn Boylston, Robert F. Procknow. . Charles A. Barton, A. F. Reichmann, George Pettinger, J. F. O'Neil. Joseph Kolb. 'w a· j Weds Tomorrow The marriage of Miss Virginia Krafthefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Krafthefer · of 901 Oakwood a venue. to Eugene Raymond SchwartL, will take place Saturday morning, April 27. at 10 :30 o'clock. at the St. Francis Xavier church. The ceremony witt be followed by a wedding breakfast and reception at Shawnee Country club. Announce M attiage Announcement is made of the marriage of Mrs. Sophia E. Whiffen of the Hyde Park hotel to C. E. Renneckar of Wilmette, on Wednesday, April 17. The marriage service was read in the afternoon at St. Paul's church by the Rev. Mr. I ackson. Mr. and Mrs_ Renneckar are now at home at 625 Eleventh street. To Give Shower Tomorrow Miss Thelma Mancinelli, 1010 Sheridan road, wi11 entertain at an attractive bridal shower for about thirty guests tomorrow afternoon in honor of Miss Marina Russo, who is being married on June 22, ~o James V. Onnereno of Chicago. The bridesmaid" . wilt present a musicale, giving several piano and song selections. Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley, Canterbury court, has as her guests for two weeks her nice, Mrs. Frank Sayre, and Miss Edith Fell of Philadelphia. Mrs. Wrigley is entertaining at a tea this afternoon at her home in honor of her guests.