April 26; 19~ JUNIOR · LIFE (Continued from page 51) lid 16ft IIIII IIIII IIIII Howard Eighth Grade Boys Train for Track Contests The boys of Howard school are out for the tra.ck and training hard. Although we Just got a load of sand Wed~ nesday, April 10, we have been practicing broad jumping, running and standing. John Pearson, Henry von der Hoff, Jerome Nevins, and Martin Herberholz: are always arguing as to who can shot put the farthest. Lee Blaylock Dick Steen, Johnny Pearson, and Ron~ aid Fuermann, are running around the field every spare moment. The two cousins, Marf'hall Doose and Ray Jones, are always arguing who can broad jump the farthest.-Ronald Fuermann, 8A Howard. Wilmette Pupils Prepare for Part in May Festival The eighth grades are getting ready for !he Nort~ Side Festival. They are go. m~ to smg, . "Dryad's Kisses" by Otto M1essner. We are progressing slowly and hope to finish soon . . Sixty boys and girls are to be chosen from the Howard and Stolp schools. The Glt>~ clubs are ah;o practising up for the Sprmg concert which is going to be held Friday. ..: vening May 24 so there is muc!J hustling at school. We are also gettmg ready for graduation. -Allen Rossman, 8A Stolp. STri·\· liiLLET PAIX1'1NGS The 8B ruom of Stolp went to the Art I!'stitute on Tuesday. We went on the ~orth Shore and had a special car. 'Vhen we' reached the Art Institute we had to wait for fifteen minutes for Miss Upton b_ecause of ~ome misunderstanding of the t~me. We ~tudied Corot and Millet. Corot laked to pamt happy pictures and Millet lik~d to paint peasants. We arrh·ed in Whmett' about twenty minutes to 5 o'dpck-Jean Munro, 8B Stolp. A TERRIBLE GAJIE Thursday, 7B ~tolp played 7C Stolp. T.t was a terrible game on 7B's part. The lmeup follows : 7B 7C Moore-era wford p Soule Cullen c Her bon Thomas lb Preston Hardin 2b Burrill Fogg 3b 'Nhite Gilgis rf Zypricl< White If Gather Moore-Crawford mf ~axon Born ss Zernch The score was 38 to 8 in 7C'~ favor. We hopE: to do much better with ,7 D Stolp.-Paul Moor', 7B St~lp. "LOOK OUT" In the front main hall, the cry is "L~o~ Out." Everyone i:-:; carrying pamtmg wat(:or to and fro from the Ar1 room to the washroom. ::\1iss Scheidler':-; order is not to empty it in the drinking fountain. The se\'enth and eighth grades Hre painting birds.-.Marger.r Taylor, 7B Howard. CHARACTER AND THE CHURCHES NOBLER CHARACTER is essential to a BETTER CITIZENSHIP Better citizenship is much needed in this Chicago· Metropolitan Region l I WORSHIP is an invaluable aid in developing THE NOBLEST CHARACTER The churches of Wilmette are providing CREATIVE WORSHIP WORSHIP IN ONE NEXT SUNDAY! NOT SO GOOD! The 6B were wagering that the:r had a Vel'y ~ood team and they wanted to play the 7B's for practice Thursday, April 18. Five men from 6B showed up while ele\'en men of 7B showed up. We played eight innings. The final ~core was 6B, 7 ; 7B, 39.-Elmer Erickson, 7D Howard. COJIPLETE JIOUSE PJtOJEC'l' April 12, Central school, 5C, completed the Colonial house project that they have been working on. The house i~ in perfect condition and the colonial dolls are dressed, the furniture made, and only the fireplace needs to be finished . The houfe will be shown at the spring exhibit.-:~:Jathew Kritchever, 5C Central. NEW 'l'AR ROOF The Byron C. Stolp school is ha\'inga new roof of tar put on it. The m ·n started Monday morning and will fini~h about Friday afternoou. The childrt"n are warned to stay away from the building.-H ner Stocks, 5C Central. W ARlU IN CHILE t Mrs. Julian, our geography te::~cher asked us what was the MeditNranean region of South America. I said Chili. Anne Bayliss then said: "I wouldn't expect it to be very warm in Chile."Theron Smith, 6B Central. Directory of Churches_ : The Farst Methodist·Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues RerJ. Horace G. Smith Farst Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues RerJ. Vere V. Loper The F~rst Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde Randolph Wheeland Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street RerJ. Carl I. Empson St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues RerJ. Herman ·W. Meyer The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette Avenues RerJ. George D. Alli1on VISIT ART I .N STITl TE Tuesday afternoon, April 16, SB Stolp went to the Art Institute. Miss Stevens and Miss Perring went with them. Since Miss Perring wasn't at school SA had composition from Miss Wyman.-Beth Mcllralth, 8A Stolp. GLAD HE'S BACK 8A Is very glad - to welcome Walter Merrill back to their room. After he arrived home from his trip to California, he was being tutored so as to catch up with the class. I guess he caught up for Monday, April 15, he came back to school...:.Beth Mcllralth, 8A Stolp. St. Augustine's Episcopal Church 1140 -------- Wilmette Avenue RerJ. H uiHrt Carleton Publiahed by the Interchurch AdrJertiiing Committ11, Wilmette Church Federation