54 WILMETTE LIFE . April 26, 192? Sports and Other ·wilmette Recreation Board News Director· Davis Marble Tournament Will Be Staged This Saturday S p e a k s Before The third annual Marble tournaPlay Exponents ment, postponed from last Saturday, "The Community and School" and will be held tomorrow afternoon at the the administration of a program of Village -Green at 2 :30 .o'clock. More public recreation through their joint entries have been received for the auspices was the theme of an address tournament than have been recorded given by Daniel M. Davis, director of for any previous meet. The two classes recreation, at the district conference including boys from the third, fourth of recreation in session at Oak Park and fifth grades and those in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades already 47 yesterday. entrants and the number will be enHe explained the economic value alone of defraying the expenses of an larged tomorrow since participants will intramural athletic program for boys be allowed to register on the field. The winner of this meet is eligible through one board instead of having to compete in the Illinois State Chama school program distinct from that pion~hip meet later in the Spring and carried on by a recreation board. the winners from the state meet will A cooperative system has been compete at the National tournament at worked out in Wilmette, Mr. Davis Atlantic City in ] une. told the delegates at the conference, Since the registration was extended to wherein the school board helps with include this week, the revised list of salaries and loans its gymnasiums for contestants is : Juniors: Paul Kaspar, Harold Borre, evening athletic activities conducted Gerald Skinner, Lawrence Haugsness, by the recreation board. Royal Haugsness, William Wade, Ralph Junior Welter, Edwin Benson, Mr. Davis very briefly stated the McGinnes, Through an error. in compiling the Robert Shank, Carl Frankel, William list of activities conducted by the \Vil- Shearer, Warren Ruff, Donald Gorniss, team standings in the women's volley~ette board in which there are 130,- Ernest Ball, Jack Harvey, Walter Lyman, Charles Soule, Jo_seph Normoyle, James ball league · the Roughnecks were 000 participants annually. Maguire, Tony Biagi, Frank Brown, The address was given as one of a Robert Brumbaugh, Walter von Rein- credited with one win and one loss. sperg. Daniel Kaumeyer, Bob Blanchard, The Roughnecks, however, have not series of addresses on the various type~ of administration of recreational ac- Bud Anderson, Alfred Anderson, James lost a game, as the members of the Don Ulrich, Dan Mickey. tivities preliminary to a round-table Thale, Seniors: Paul Hoffman, Robert Her- Recreation staff has been assured each discussion CQncerning the outstanding manson, Henry Borre, Lee Blaylock, phases of recreation work in ·small Mark Simonds, Howard Ball, Robert day .since last week's issue of Wn.communities. Other types of ad- Meter, Roger Palenske, Dick Graham, METTE LrFE appeared. The number of Dick Haugsness, Leonard Pmcknow, ministration discussed : "The Com: l<'r:-nk May, Bob Hall, John Cotsero:-;, wins now totals three sinc.e the Roughmunity Building," by Mrs. Eloise W. .J ·w .. Gaither. Bill Brown. necks defeated the XYZ team last Wortley, of Winnetka; "Recreation Monday night. Results of the other Conducted by the Park System," by games played at that time are: nroll for Emmett P. Griffin, East St. Louis, Ill.; 35 Women ·E. O'Kays Gymnasium Class "Recreation Conducted by Funds from Wednesday Swim Class (15, 11, 15) (11, 15, 5) the Community Chest," Jonas FredMarcella Kummer Mrs. Carl Michelson Thirty-five women have enrolled in Rmma Hick~ Mrs. M. J. Keil erickson, Korth Chicago; "The PlayAntonionio Mrs. Jennie Wade ground and Recreation Board," Mel- the Wednesday morning swimming r. M. De Marco :Mrs. F. G. Sutherland ,·ille H. Hodge of Rock Island. Earlier class for the second term, records of Dorothy Smith Mrs. Helen Schleier in the afternoon W. C. Bechtold of the the women's department of the Play- Betty Barry Mrs. Clara Kroschel ground and Recreation board show. Mrs. Agnes Puetz Evanston Bureau of Recreation led a Elsie Paterson round table discussion on "New De- The new class had its first lesson velopment and Challenges in the April 10, at the Evanston Y. M. C. A Horsefeathers (15, 16) Wildcats (4, 14) and followed Immediately at the close Municipal Recreation F~~ld." Koerper Marjorie Miller of the first term class which had a Gertrude Roberta Muther Blanche Keil Director Davis, with Dudley C. membership of 53. Betty Nelson Eleanor Phillips Stone, Glen 'vV. Gathercoal, and Miss Betty Ryerson Jane Krier The new term will continue up to Peggy Joe Skidmore are dividing time beBetts Leona Hoffman the opening of the beach bathing seaAlma Jone3 tween the Recreation conference in Lorraine Jann.es Isabel Reimer Oak Park and the Mid-West District son and the class members will be able ,}ladys Fehlen convention of Physical Education in to swim in the lake as soon as the XYZ (3, 2) Houghnecks (15, 15) session at the Morrison hotel. Mrs. class closes. Elsie Paterson Jane Krier The membership of this class is ~. . r:inces J{elley Lester F. Ball and Mrs. Gertrude Lois Miller limited and only four more beginners Marion Russell Fanckboner, teachers of Physical EduVera Johnson Blanche Keil Lorraine Jannes cation in the public schools, are also will be allowed to enter and after Dorothy Kummer Geraldine Weber attending the Physical Education con- May 6, only advanced swimmers will Katherine Pearson Gladys Fehlen be accepted, and then only till the vention. quota is filled, according to an anAt the Oak Park convention, Robert \\'. Townley of Kenilworth was to lead nouncemept made by Miss ] oe Skid- Give Athletic Tests for a discussion on "How to Determine more, recreation assistant in charge Public School Children the Proper Balance Between Self-Di- of women's activities. Registration may Athletic tests to determine the Wilbe made at the Recreation office, Tenth rected Activities and Too Much mette public school children's prowess and Central streets. Leadership in Recreation," at 10 The same organization of classes in in performing the fundamental athletic o'clock this morning, and, at 11 :30 o'clock, Dr. ]. \V. F. Davies of Win- the new term is being used as were skills of throwing, running, and jumpnetka Community House was to speak effected in the first term. The Life ing, are being given m the vanous on "Recreation and the Church Pro- Saving and Fancy Diving will be con- schools by members of the Physical g-ram." tinued for the advanced class with Education and Recreation staff. Daniet. preliminary instruction in various M. Davis is personally conducting the Tomorrow's session will be devoted The beginning class meets at tests which are given three times durstrokes. to women's activities <tnd their de9 :30 o'clock and is under the direction ing the school term to cover the major velopment as a part of the regular of "Duke" Stader of the Y. M. C. A: seasonal sp9rts. recreation program. Both conventions staff. Norman E. Weston, physical close at noon tomorrow. Physical education classes iti the director of the "Y," takes personal Warne, Portmess Favored schools and evening activities con- charge of the advanced class. to Win in ·o rake Relays An interesting fact displayed on the ducted by the Recreation board were Northwestern's track team 1s exsuspended from Thursday to Sunday to class . record shows that more than half enable the local workers to attend the of the first class membership who had pected to make a creditable showing no previous experience in swimming at the Drake relays to be held at Desconvention. was advanced to the higher class either Moines, Iowa, this week-end. Tommy before the first term closed or at the Warne in the pole vault and Bill PortOpen Summer Playground opening of the second term. mess in the broad jump, two sophoThe Friday evening class at the mores who have won all of their events Season Here on June 17 Sovereign hotel which opened its in the spring relays are expected to Summer playgrounds will open ] une second term March 29, has a membe top heavy favorites in the Drake 17, was the announcement made this bership of 31. This class is also open games. Jus tin Dart 111 the hammer week by Daniel M. Davis, director of to membership, members of the recreaand McLean Brown, in the javelin, are recr~ation. The program for the va- tion staff announce, and anv informarious playgrounds is being worked out tion concerning either of the classes also ex.,Pected to be among the point at the Playground and Recreation ma_y be had by telephoning Wilmette winners. Coach Frank Hill will enter same mile. relay team that competed board's office now. 468. . the at Kansas last week. · SPORTS CALENDAR April 26-6 p. m.-Women's swimming class-Sovereign hotel. April 27-2:30 p. rrL-Third annual marble tournament-Vilage "Green. April 29-7:30 p. m.-Women's volleyball-Howard gymnasium. April 30-7 :30 p. m.-Girls' Athletic club meeting and gymnasium class-Howard gymnasium. May 1- 9:30 a. m.-Women's swimming class-Evanston Y. M. C. A. May 2-7 p. m.-Meeting Aero club -Central school. May 3-6 p. m.-Women's swimming class-Sovereign hotel. May 18- 9 a. m.-North Shore track meet-Dyche .stadium. Here's a Tale of Black Cats and Yellow Dogs By Dudley C. Stone Miss Joe Skidmore became a "Black · Cat" and Glen W. '·Hap" Gathercoal became a "Yellow· Dog" last night at the District convention of the Playground and Recreation association at Oak Park. The Black Cats is an .o rganization of women playground workers and was organized two years ago at Oak Park by Lydia Dorsey Bethune, then with the Evanston Bureau of Recreation, and Miss ] osephine Blackstock of the Oak Park Playground board. It being a strictly feminine affair, and also being as secretive as most women's secrets are, nothing is known by the men, but it is known that there is muc-h meowing at the initiations and neophytes show up with various and sundry scratches. The Y elloy Dogs, a similar organization for men, was organized sometime ago and is nation-wide in scope. (The Black Cats was patterned somewhat after the Yellow Dogs, but, of course, has r.o where the prestige their masculine club enjoys.) Sometime ago "Hap" Gathercoal wrote for credentials to Chief Scratcher J. R. Batchelor and the initiation last night was the culmination of months of effort in getting into this worthwhile club. He may be seen today with a hang dog expression on his face and wrecking of mange cure. · The Wilmette Playground and Recreation board can consider itself lucky in having two new members who, when in trouble, can meow or bark for help and get it to the fullest degree. Mr. Davis and Mr. Stone, old time Yellow Dogs, wish them success in their new field. Women's Volleyball .... I North Shore Track Meet Will Be Held on May 18 May 18, is the date for the North Shore track meet for grammar school children in Kenilworth, Wilmette, and Evanston, according to an agreement reached last Friday evening at a conference of grammar school coaches held at the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board office. · The meet will be held at Dyche stadium, Evanston, this year and, as an innovation from last year, will be conducted by students frnm Coach Leon G. Kranz' class in coaching. The students will act as recorders, field judges, directors of the meet and will do all the officiating. More than 300 boys from the three north shore towns compete in the track meet each year. Competitors are grouped in three classes : Peewees. boys weighing under 85 pounds: Lightweights, boys weighing under 100 pounds; and Heavyweights, boys weighing over 100 pounds. ,I Adopt Code of Rules Governing Ball Games Rules for the North Shore Playground Ball league were drawn up at a meeting last Friday attended by F. C. Jackson, coach of Evanston teams; Robert Townley, coach of Kenilworth's teams; Daniel M. Davis, Wilmette director of recreation, and Dudley C. Stone and Glen W. Gathercoal, Wilmette staff assistants. The playground ball schedule will be: Wilmette at Nichols-Friday May 24all weights. ' Nichols at Wilmette - Wednesday, May 29-all weights. Wilmette at Haven-Monday, May 27all weights. Haven at Wilmette-Wednesday May, 22 -all weights.