==============~============~==~==~~~~~~~==~~~-~ Winnetkan Killed Junior Leaguers-Elect ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ in Auto Crash on · Will Be Guests at Tea .IJ Dr;ve W d d Young women who have .r ecently , e nes ay been ask~d to membership in the Junior Lawrence Sturback, of 736 Elm League of Evanston, will be paid compliment by the tea which will be give'l Monday between 3 and 5 at the home of Mrs. John Hesdick, 811 Sunset road, Winnetka. The group recently bid ineludes the Misses Jean Bass, Ann Bradford, Harriet Cunningham, Virginia Troup, Margaret and Mary Dawf!s, Berniece Davis, Eleanor Griffen, Sally Muzzy, Betty Sargent and Betty Putnam of Evanston, 'Miss Harriet Hamm of Kenilworth, Mrs. Francis Huffman of Glencoe, Mrs . Hawley Smith of Winnetka, and Mrs. Rush Butler, Mrs. Thomas Chace, Mrs. John Huntoon, Mrs. Ralph Maxon, . Mrs. ]. W. Moulding and Mrs. Alfred Taylor, all of Evanston. Mrs. William Stahl, Jr., and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Antrim have re- John Marcy Scott.# Mrs. John E. Blunt, turned to their home at 1136 Ashland Jr., and Mrs. Douglas Sidway McKay avenue after a week's stay in New will be assisting ho~tesses. York City. -oMr. and Mrs. Sam Comly (Helen Mrs. Fred Simmons has returned Cresap) of Evanston, have bought a this week from Tucson, Ariz., where home in Sewickley, a suburb ju·.;t outshe has been for several weeks visit- side of Pittsburgh, and expect to move there this summer. ing her sister, Mrs. Skeel. street, Winnetka, died at the Evanston hospital at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of injuries received the same afternoon when his car ran over the curb at Sheridan road and Isabella street and crashed -into a tree . According to · the Evanston· police report, Sturback was driving south on Sherid~n road at high speed, his car careemng from one side of the street to the other when it jumped the curb, ran down the west walk for fifty yards crashed into a tree and turned over. ' . Sturback suffered a skull fracture and severe body injuries, which proved fatal He was rushed to the Evanston hospital where he was attended by Dr. Mitchell and Dr. Hobart. May ~. 1929. W·lL ME T ·T E .. L-I ·F E .· Announcing Our new and larger shop for ~be better accommodation of our customers. W t now offtr you a largtr and mort varitd lint of De corative Accessories We cordially invite you to visit us and see the many objects for your selection The von Ammon Shop 944..48 Spanish Court Tel. Wil. 4114 "FERTILE-POTTED" ROSE BUSHES Each plant incli'Yiclually packed in humus ready to be aet out. AMERICAN BEAUTY - - - . - - - - . $1.~ DOROTHY PERKINS . ....· ...... _ .$1.11 PAUL'S SCARLET CLIMBER . .$1.01 PAUL NEYRON ......... -.. - .. $1.00 PINK RADIANCE .. . ....... . - . .$1.10 LUXEMBURG ...... ... ... . .. . .. $1.00 CRIMSON RAMBLER ... - .. -.. $1.00 These specially prepared buabea will make your spriq planting exceptionally easy and give you a quicker way lo blo11oma. PARKWAY, per lb .... 2Sc SHADY, per lb. . ..... ·. 3Sc . Kentucky Blue Grass Creeping Bent Clover Seed-Red Top RAKES .............. SSe SPADES ............ $1.75 HOES ................ 7Sc GRAS NIP SHEARS .. 9Sc HEDGE SHEARS ... $1.75 BLACK LEAK "40" ALL ROUND SPRAY BORDEAUX MIXTURE LIME SULPHUR BLACK FLAG FLOWERS OF SULPHUR LIME r.o lb. bat~ ···..··.· 7Sc SHE£.P MANURE ... $2.50 100 lb. bag BONE MEAL l!a 100 lb~ lb. bag$5.00 CATILE MANURE .. $2.50 bag VIGORO- 1oo-tb. bag, $5.00 TRELLISES, ARCHES AND PERGOLAS Provide New Beauty Spots for Every Home at Surprisingly Low Cost Constructed of Western Red Cedar "the wood that nature armed against decay." This remarkable wood is rot proof, insect proof~ free from pitch and resin, and positively will not shrink, warp or twist. 2.0 ARTISTIC DESIGNS 2.0 Every home may be beautified with a graceful trellis, a fascinating pergola or a beautiful arch. Now you have an opportunity to add outstanding beauty to your home at surprisingly low cost. SPECIAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 8 ft. Fan Trellis $1.49 MILLEN HARDWARE COMPANY 1219 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 3060 Wilmette