May 3, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ESIHER GOULDS TRAVEL CORNER. IN "RED MARRAKESH" · Well, I have been . · initiated into Morocco. I have been to the Souks or native bazaars, which constitute~ an initiation-or sort of baptism in something less cleansing than fire! yYe went there on our first morning m Marrakesh. Leaving our motor in an open square we plunged obediently after our guide into a dark little archway which, it seemed at that moment, might well have borne the inscription "Leave ·hope behind-." It was remarkably like the gateway to Hell. But once i.· side, your eyes having become accustomed to the dim light-. the streets are only a few feet wide and what light might struggle in is successfully kept out by roofings of palm leaves-and your nose to the anything but dim smells, you realize that you have stepped into one of the busiest, most interesting places in the world. Everyone of these dim little cubb);' holes ha~ its. worker, squatting on hts heels, his shppers beside him plying his trade in probably exactly the same fashion that his forefathers plied it a thousand years ago. Shoemaking, tinkering, weaving, silverwork, dyeing, all this goes on while a swaying, leisur.ely throng ambles by, sometimes stoppmg to talk or, rarely to purchase, women veiled to the eye~ and peering at you curiously, the-ir voluminous robes stuffed out on all 'iides with the day's marketing, men, s~me of the!D ~ne tall. figures stepping With the digmty whtch marks th;s proud eld race. Every moment or two a muleteer jog~les along shouting "Valek, valek" wh1ch means "giddap" to his beasts or "get out" to us or perhaps both. Anyway we flatten ourselves against the wall while the laden little animals squeeze by. It is their retaliation for the scurry into which our motors put them ori the road. Always taken by surprise, it is the only time that an J\rab loses his dignity. He leaps from hts. donkey and begins pushing him, by mam force, out of the way. If he has camels he becomes an animated windmill shouting what sounds like the most violent curses meanwhile. On our way out of the Souks a funeral passed us. A long straggling procession chanting a rather cheerful and therefore all the more uncanny song, to the effect that there is only one God and he is Allah. In the center walked two men bearing on their heads, on top of what looked like flat loaves of bread, a wide board on which lay the corpse, wrapped in a woolen robe such as he probably wore in life. They are on their way to the cemetery where without further formality the corpse will be placed in a shallow hole, and his troubles will be over. B~ a"out 2 o'clock the will to work is growing weaker. In the open squares the age-old entertainments an· beginning to draw their crowds. Glass~ eaters, snakecharmers, magicians storytellers, with here and there a medicine man squatting among his gruesome collection of skins and bones, murmuring confidentiatly to some poor soul who is going to have to take that little packet of things home and brew tea and drink it. Next to him may be a vendor of one of the national dainties-locusts! He offers us some with a beaming smile. This ~oes on incessantly and with increasmg fervor until well into the night. To come gratefully back from this to our luxurious hotel-once a sultan's All Childrea· Smile for Beraie Highest Grade Last Week for Mothers' Day SPECIAL UPBOLSTBRIMG ca·iaet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabrica ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Mac:te to Order Three large Buff Photographs $ 7 . · QQ. RegulaT Value $15 H. G. LINDW ALL 808 Oak Street Highest Grade Upholstering Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 BERNIE STUDIO 1623 Sherman Avenue Evanston Tel. University 8998 ·'&tter Picturea-&ttet Valut··· · IVAN LIND Awnings Canopies - Curtains First Class Workmanship Best Quality Materials Lowest Possible Prices rH/J;; 1 May 5th to May 19th In order lo acquaint the golf·lovlng Pllblle with the advantages of 1 11 IU Ill Ill Ill Ill II . . WJJfh~ I. Phone Wit. 3376 BONNIE DUNDEE GOLF COURSE -at Dundee, we wlll permit anTone to play the eighteen holes FREE OF CHARGE from May a to MaT tt (Inclusive). Without obligation on your part, write tor free guest cards-stating how many cards you wish, giving names and addresses of players, and day you want to play. Yo· ean'l plaT wltho·t a r·e·l eard. A Trial Will Convince You 2024 Ashland Ave. · BONNIE DUNDEE GOLF COURSE 117 Nol111 Dt~arltom Street, Clllfai'O WILMETTE, ILL.