l(ay ~. 19;29 WILMETTE Lindstrom, Jean Meek, Meta Miller., Vtr.: ginia Polonis, Julia Schaefer, Charlotte Spegel, Anita Watson, Harriette Web~ter, irglnia Werden. FRF.SH~IEN GIRLS LIFE J N. T. GIRLS St.l FAST PACE IN SCHOLARSHIP v 8oya · of School Trail aa Another Honor Roll Liat Ia AnnOunced Honor Roll Kelling, Jack Loeb, Robert Splecel, Eugene Derlackl, George Samelt, Albert Bows, Ted Delang, Morris Field, Frank Heineman, Eugene Hildebrand, Richard Longlnl, Arthur Mcintosh, Paul Powell, Robert Schoenbrun. · -AU AKBLY AlilMt.d Teacher , SHERWOOD MUSIC SCHOOL Loeal Braaell 115 Lake ATe. Phoae Wllaette 1148 State Accredited Girls of New Trier High school con tinue to set the pace for the boys in scholarship, it was revealed this week when the honor roll and honorable mention students for the second month of the se.c ond semester were announced. The number ·of girls and boys attending New Trier is practically equal, and the following figures· again show the supremacy of the gir'ls in scholarship: honor roll girls, 118: honor roll ·boys, 98; honorable mention girls, 74; honorable. mention boys, 61: girls with straight A averages, 11, and boys with straight A averages, 8. The students who received A. the highest grade, in all their subjects are: girls-Martha Etzbach, Janet Marshall, and Grace Stanley, · seniors: Bernice Augdahl, junior; Patsy Boylston, Amy Clagett, Sara Lindahl, and Mary Jane Mess, sophomores, and Elizabeth Balhatchet, Jean Brownell. and Ellen Sager. freshmen; boysMorton Mergentheim and Frank Roth, seniors; Tom Hicks, junior; David Crawford and Paul Gilbert. sophomores, and Jack DeBeers; and George Cole, freshmen. Honor Itoll To be listed on ' the honor roll a 'l'on1 Hicks, \Villiam McAllen, Robert Meyers, .Brice Stephens, Paul Seligman· student must have an average equal to three B's and one A or higher. A Robert Forster, Simeon Jester, Robert straight B average entitles a student to honorable mention. Following . is the most recent list of New Trier honor students : SENIOR GIRLS Honor Roll Martha Etzbach, Janet Marshall, Grace Stanley, Jane Barr, Ruth Drayer, Dorothy Taylor, Marion Hilpert, Reba Michener, Frances Stiles, Mary .Jane Maloney, Annie McDonald, Emilie Banning, Marion Dennis, Lillian Gritzbaugh, Betty Holmes, Marion Rockafellow, Dorothea West, Wilma Borovicka, Marguerite Ilg, Elizabeth Kelley, Barbara Mearns, Lucille Blumenstock, Marjorie Braymer, Mary Louise Cotton, Mabel Erickson, Seena Johnson, Ruth Shepard, Mary Geib, Betty McGann. Helen Brandrit'f, Marie Braut, l<"'aith Burge, Josephine Farley, Margaret Gordon· Maurene Jones, Lenore Lorimer, Vivian Lorenzini~ Marion McDonald, Argela Mutchler, Helen Nygaard, Katherine Panushka, Elinor Popper, Mary Pouba, .Ieslyn Raventos, Eleanor Rockafellow, Joan Shortridge, Mabel Throckmorton, Helen Thiel, Gertrude Vink, JE>anette Wald, Kathryn Weiss. JUNIOR GIRLS Honor Roll Bernice Augdahl, Georgia Bchoenthal, Anne Sherwlr, Helen Bosley, Elizabeth Haack Louise Hubsch, Lorraine Meister, Barba~a Mine1·, Harriet Williams, Sylva Bruns, Mary Keith, Mary Beam, Audrey Blnz Beth Brower, Dorothy Darby, Alice Fles~h, Ethelbelle Glass, Charlotte Holg, Betty Johnson, Mary Elizabeth McNulty, Josephine Pridmore, Helen Reinhradt, Ruth Scribbins, Janet Shepard, Dorothy Smith. ., Elizabeth Balhatchet, J an Bmwnell, 1lichard Arnold, John Atwood, Wlllard Ellen Sager, G_erturde McAdam, Grace Bent, Townsend Christie, Robert CrawBartling, Aun Boyd Linn, Helen Rath(Continued on page 48) bone, Jane ::5nyder, Mary Jan~ Thomas, J,a'}e Dem ent, Beatrice. Driver, Florence Gnpe, Marg;nf"t T<ahlt>r, J.acinta Kampmeier, Mary Thaleg, Phyllis Dubsky, Eleanor Cui er, Margaret Ebeling, Margaret Gould, Marie Kirkwood Janet Mcllralth, Shirley P<,pp, Evelyn' Strom, Betty Zlmmermau. Honorbule l\lentlon Phyllis Bosley, .Jane Erickson, Mat·y Fowler, Margaret Freyn, Anna Gerken, H~len Green, Thelma Hayskar, Grace H~rschb.e rg, Flora Holm-Hansen, Kathenne Lightbody, Eleanor Mayer, Harriett Redfern, .Jeanette Rugen, Margaret Wegner, Betty \VIlson. SENIOR BOYS Honor Roll Morton Mergentheim, Frank Roth, Carl Hall, Norman Hess, George Brown, .John Reynolds, Steve Windes, James Baker, Ernest Solomon, Edward Munn, Fra.ukliu De?eers, Carlyle Duncan-Clark, Robert Ellis, John Fetcher, Duncan Jennings Robert Marcus, John Hauber, Way Thompson, William Hulswit, Kenneth Moeller, Gordon Watson, Jack WeiHer, Conrad . Gersten brand, Alan Hoaglund, John Enckson, John King, Walter Lindblad, Warren Schmid, Robert Simmons Joe Turck. ' Honorable llentlon Robert Brown, Donald Brockwell Treat Bums, Oliver Callanen, Robert Gonsalves, vVilliam Koch, Leonard Kraft Bently McCloufl. John Seyfried, Charle~ Our Photograph· Stot·deur, Charles Smith, John Waldner Louis \Veber. ' 518 Davis St. JlTNIOit BOYS Honorable Mention T oloff's Special T!tree 6x8 Ptctures for MOTHERS' DAY $10 Regular Value $1 7.50 Jos1ph D. Tolof'f Liue FotlfJ« Ph. Univ. 2178 EVANSTON A Mother Said --"Son, if you want to give n1e sonlething that I thoroughly enjoy, order a box of those delicious Billy Boy assorted nuts-they're so tender and cnsp and alv;ays so fresh.'~ Honorable Mention MAY 12th . IS MOTHERS' DAY Rilly Boy n1akes no charge to wrap for tnailing·. Aln1onds - Pecans - Cashews Filberts - Peanuts · Honorable Mention Grace Clucas, Ivy Crawford. Emilie 8ckart, Katherine Ellis, Marie Erickson, Jean Forrest Gloria Harrington, Jean Henning, Er~estine Herman, Virginia Hicks, R0se Koomjian, Helen Kufeldt, Isabelle Macalister, Clella McKana, Charlotte Moody, Mary Niestadt, Patricia Oliver, Lotta Stern, Jean Thackery. SOPHOMORE GUlLS Patsy Boylston, ,Amy Clagett, Sara Lindahl, Mary Jane Mess, Helene Adler, Lora Baughman, Ruth Jackson, Mary Melvin Louise Wagner, Dorothy Wlnzenburg 'Barbara Cooke, Victoria Dieball, Ethei Anderson, Alice Conhaim, ~ances Lutz, Katherine Maxwell, Marjot;Ie ~er genthaler Marion Nettleman, Virgmia Nelson, Jane Orr, Ardis Reid, Ethel Sharp, Virginia SJI1lth, Martha Wilen, Lois Goldstein Virginia Jenkins, Ruth Otrner, Elizabeth Pearson, Virginia Preston Claire Simon, .Jane Yost, Betty Bu~kett, Betty Bruen, Geraldine Eddington Barbara Lake, Angeline Maistrovich, Pe~rl Maitland, Ethel Pierce, Marlon Popper, Elizabeth Potter. Mary Ellen Boozer, Phyllis Brown, Margaret Bickham, Theda Childs, Mary Downie Marjorie Hacker, Christina Irvin, Lila Johnson, Sally Kriebel, Jean FRESH EVERY HOUR at the Honor Roll BILLY BOY NUT KITCHEN Yow GrocnStll.r Billy Boys NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 519 DAVIS ST. 3006 to 8 Honorable Mention .. o,en Evenints TilllO--St~nJaysll