May 17, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 35 ' , Although the initial announcement of the Ravinia Opera season of 1929 was made only last week by Louis Eckstein, work at Ravinia has been in progress for some time and the studios where scene painters and other members of the technical staff are plying their arts, present a scene of tre· mendous activity. The task in hand at the present, Mr. Eckstein explains, is the construction of the sets which will be u·sed as background for Puccini's "La Rondine" and Respighi's "La Campana Sommersa," which it is likely Ravinia patrons will know best this summer by its English title of "The Sunken Bell," in view of the fact that that title is ·so well established in the public mind by reason · of Gerhart Hauptman's. dramatic poem of the same name. which has been used to give this opera its story. Both of these works have already heen announced among Ravinia's novelties and both have created such curiosity among opera patrons that they will of course, arouse untoward intere'3t. The scenic investiture of both operas is elaborate and pictorial. It is well known that all the Puccini works demand atmosphere and this is especially true of "La Rondine" so in keeping with th e well established Ravinia policy of creating realism through stage decoration as ·well a'3 through acting an~l vocal interpretation, a deal Technical Staff Hal Totten and Cuba·to ' Seek "Victory Offering" . should be raised before Near East Re ... · T . sh· lief closes campaig'n June thirty. Many Entertam n- lppera Busy With Work for Near East Orphans precious lives depend on America's Hal Tott~n, WMAQ r~di~ sports anChurches a 11 denominations Ihonora~le cons!lmmation this. :wort~y 0 f . on Opera Scenes nouncer, wtll be th~ pr!nctpal sp~aker throughout the country . have been enterpnse. Ulttmately Armemans wtll (lt the mont.hly Trt-Shtp club dmner to. be h~ld tn t11e mess hall of New Tner Htgh sch<?oJ Thursday eveni1_1g, May 23. Those m charge of ent~rtamment f9r the affair are also hoping to have several m~·mbers of the Cubs' baseball team present. The annual election · of Tri-Ship club officers, previously announced for this .week, has been postponed and will be held in connection with the dinner. Arthur Wienecke is chairman of the nominating committee. The dinner will begin at 6 :30 and will be foltowed by the pronram. asked by their national church committees to contribute during May to a "Victory Offering" for the benefit of the orphans of the Near East Relief · A cablegram received from th~ World Sunday school deputation recently meeting in a religious conference in Baalbek, Syria, forms the basis of the appeal. The cable, is as follows : "We have witnessed with our own eyes remarkable conservation Near East orphans. Thousands now selfsupporting due to benevolent American friends. Other thousands vet should be brought safely through. ·More than million dollars needed to complete task care for own orphans but cannot now. Lack of funds has meant distressing conditions for thousands of families _in refugee camps. Greece, Egypt, Syna. providing every hospitality possible. America should be equally generous. We must not' fail these orphans." DEBATE JURY SYSTEM New Trier · High school debaters will advocate the abolition of the jury system in a cla~h with Northwestern university freshmen Friday, May 24. Jol:m Erickson, Lois Goldstein and Dorland Davis, the regular New Trier affirmative team, will represent the north shore school. of work is being lavished on the settings for this work. The scenery demanded by "The Sunken Bell" is much different from that of "La Rondine," but if anything it is even more elaborate than that of the Puccini work, for "The Sunken Belt" in its dramatic form is mystical and symbolical and the'3e elements have been. carefully preserved in the operatic version of it. NEW INDOOR LEAGUE Younger boys of the Joseph Sears school, Kenilworth, have organized a new indoor ball league with the following team~ Northwestern, Dartmouth,. the Navy, and Yale. The league sr.hedule of games was to start Wednesday . of this week. · E GIFTS of Silver The always-useful Water Pitcher is · r a Gift that so many Brides hope for . At our Evanston Branch all the resources and service of a large downtown store are available to those who prefer the convenience of . tc Cotnmunity Shoppi11g., CHICAGO SPAULDING & Co. PARIS 1~36 Orrington Avenue · EVANSTON 636 CHURCH SI