May 17, 1929 WILMETTE L!FE 53 Road Tips Condition of roads in Illinois and Indiana as reported by the Chicago Motor Club follows: Illinoia Considerable improvement has taken plac~ in the gravel and earth roads of this state and most · main gravel road s are in good condition. Earth roads are generally passable but rough. Illinois -1-No detour. US-20 (lllinois-5)-Detour in Melrose Park; follow 25th avenue south to St. Charles road, west on St. Charles road to Illinois-46 (Mannheim road), north on Illinois-46 t o Illinois-5. US-330 (Illinois-6)-Detour west of Oak Park to Westchester; follow Jackson boulevard to 25th avenue, north on 25th avenue to St. Charles road, west on St. Charles to Illinois-46 (Mannheim road), south on Illinois-46 to Illinois-6. US-40 (Illinois-11 )-This route was recently reported blocked by high water east of East St. Louis, with a good detour provided. US-32 (Illinois-18)-D ct our in La Grange; follow marked detour over city streets. Detour in ~aperv ille: follow marked detour O\"Cr city streets. Jllinois-21-Detour in ~iles: follow Illinois-42A north to Dundee road , west on Dundee road to Jllinoi. -21 in Wheeling. Illinoi . -21 is closed hetween Ballard road and Dund ee road. Tltinoi s-25-The grave1 gap north of Chebanse is now passable and is in fair conclition. Tweh·e carloads of stone were dumped in hacl spqt s there . Illinoi . -30- The 2-mile detour ea t of Princeville has been remo,·ed. US-41 (Illin ois-42-Detour in \Vaukegan: follow Grand avenue. US---ll \Y est to Green Rav road. north on Green Bav road to \Vi sco n sin-50. east on \Vi.sco nsin -50 int.o Kenosha. Tllinois-4()- Detour in La Grange: follow marked detour O\'er city streets. Illinoi s-5 5- Detour at Des Plaine s avenue: follow Des Plaines av0nu e north to Romevelt road (Tllinois-6). west on Roosevelt road to 17th avenue. south on 17th avenue to 22nd street. Itlinoi s- o3 (Hi~gins road)-Detour in Park Ridge: follow Cumberland avenue north to Touhv road. west on Touhv road to Illi;10is -6J (Higgins road)~ River road-Detour north of Des Plaines: follow · Rand road (Jllinois60) north\YCst to Elmhurst road, north on Elmhurst road to Dundee road. east on Dundee road to Itlinois-21 (Milwaukee avenue). Indiana . Gravel roads are in generally ·good condition. Additional construction detours have appeared during the last "veek. US-24-Pavement from Monticello for 14 miles east, then detour one-half mile north to the old route to Logansport. Detour just east of Huntington until citv completes paving to meet state road is one-half mile. US-27-Detour from Winchester to 8 miles north ·account of grading is 10 miles. Detour from 1 mile southeast of Allen-Adams county line t0 7 miles southeast of Fort \Vayne account construction is 8 miles. US-30-Practicallv all paved. Has a run-around at the Erie railroad 2 miles east of Shererville. US-31-Practicaltv all paved and is open at present: however, there is a section of one-way traffic south of Kokomo while pavement repairs are being- made. US-41-This route · is all paved except for 4 miles of gravel. 3.2 miles of which is south of Morocco. There is a. 3mile good gravel detour from 4 mtles north to five and one-half miles north of Rockville. US-40-AII paved and open but ha~ a repair crew working between Cumberland and Greenfield. Where· afe the ·cars of ·Yesterday? R EMEMBER·, not so long ago, when there was a wider aristochistory. And that is as true oftoday's new Straight Eight as it was when an equally fine Pierce-Arrow cost twice as much- a generation ago. A slender, low-swung ultra-modern automobile of generous size and magnificent power, is the new Pierce-Arrow Straight Eight. Its entrance into the fine car field is at a psychological moment. It meets an eager and waiting demand. racy of automobiles in America, and a certain few cars were known for their particular fineness? Pierc'e -Arrow was of that group, and Pierce-Arrow today occu·pies the same place in the nation's regard -and for the same reason. There has never been a compromise with fineness in Pierce-Arrow 1 Body and Eng;,, by Piertt·A ,.,.OfD -and Pierce-ArrorD in euery pari/ 125 Horsepower Engine ~ 85 Miles per Hour ~ 133 ..inch and 143-inch Wheelbases Non-shattt".rable Glass ~ Fender or Bracket Headlamps oprional without extra charge. T HE NEW STRAIGHT EIGHT BY PIE ~CE--A~~OW $2775 TO $8200 AT BUFFALO FROM In purchasing a car from income, the average allowance on a good used car usually more than covers the initial Pierce-Arrow payment Chicago Pierce-Arrow Sales Co. 2420 .. 22 S. Michigan Ave. 5714 Broadway Tel. Michigan 2400 Chicago Benell Motor Sales