·Capital $200,000 Surplus $200,000 The ·MEN behind the BANK THE STRENGTH of a Bank is in tnen as well as money. These are the tnen whose vision and initiative guide the destinies of The Wilmette State Bank: - . ·Officers JUDSON F. ST()NE President PHILLIP HOFF\IAN r·ice President ·w. D. LEARY J'ice Preside11t J. ALJ)EN SEARS J'ice President and . \V. H. ROBINSON, JR. ...1 ssistflnt Trust O.fficer A ssista11t Cashier a11d Trrtst Officer F. D. ANDERSON Ctlshier (:. E. CLIFTON, JR. A ssista11t CasMer Directors \\'. \\:. BU(:HANAN L)~ ~fAN ~f. DRAKE PHILLIP HOFF~AN J. i\LI)EN SEARS B. F. LE\VIS, JR. FRANK J. SENG C. N. STEVENS .JUDSON F. STONE ARTHUR J~ TAYLOR HENR.YTAYLOR,JR. S. 1 \. \\'HEELOCK The WILMETTE State . BANK A TRUST * ·~ C.OMPANY