Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 May 1929, p. 48

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:School News VOL. 2, NO. 15 Latest Publuhed wttkly by the achool cbildrt;, of Wilmtttt undet · ~pervision JUNIOR LIFE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, MAY 24, 1929 Told by the Pupils o,f Wilmette Playground and Recreation Board Monday, May 13, the SA and SC gymnasium classes had the finals for field day in broad-jumping and the 50-yt. Tuesday. May 14, SA Stolp first team dash. played SB Howard for the championship First each girl ran separately. r. m baseball and lost, 7-10. Davis timed them with a stop watch. All The game was played on the Village those who had below eight seconds had Green. The field was an mud, especially to race together. Of SA June Kehl and center field, which was under water. Janet McNulty tied and therefore will Third base was all mud. After the first run on field day. Frances Ellis was next inning they played on another field which so she is the alternate. If anything hapwas a little better. pens to either June or Janet, Frances will Arthur Cramer was pitching for Howtake her place. ard when the score was l 0 to 3 and For the broad jumping we each got Cecil Williams came to bat left handed. two turns and the farthest one counted. making It hard for the pitcher to pitch June Kehl got first. She jumped 12 feet, to a left handed batter. Art walked 10 inches. Beth Mcllraith was second Cecil twice that way during the gamt>. with 12 feet, 2 inches. For the alternate, At the last half of the lal'lt inning, SA Do1·othy Neal jumped 11 feet, 6 inches , was at bat and after much hard work :11Hl so did Frances Ellis. They will we got three man on base. Bob White, probably each jump again some time to SA's heaviest hitter, was at bat. Mrs. Cotton of New Trier High school see which will be thi1·d. -Beth McThere were two outs already made and if Bob hit a home run the game would talked to the eighth grades of Stolp Ilntith, SA Stolp. 1\londay moming, May 13. At 10:50 be cinched for SA. The ball wa!'l pitched and Bob struck at it but misRed . Strike o'clock at the regular passing time for two! It all depended on this one last the period after recess, instead of pasRing were allowed to study till 11 o'clock ~trike. The ball was pitched and Bob we wht>n 1\Irs. Cotton arrh·ed. slammed it for one long ride into space. 1\lr::;. CQtton spoke on the subject of Our hearts were in our throats ns it \Ve are getting ready for New Trier. music courst' S you can take at New came out of the sky and landed right Trier. A new sy~tem has been arranged. The first man who c~me to. talk 'yas into one of the fielder's hands. That made three outs and those who If a Freshman takes chorus and Junio1· :\Ir. Kahler of New Tner. H1s ~ub)ect were on base were out of luck. 8B orchestl'a h e get~ the credits for Music wal", "\Vhat Do They Do to You If'?" ..\ppreci:ltion ju~t the ~ame as if he were On Tuesday, May 7, the dean of the Howard Is now champion nf \Vihnette'f' taking it. bovs came to Howard and the dean of eightiL grades in bas<'hall. P.oger \\ e were all Yery much interested in gil:ls to Stolp, and also Mr. Herron, the Palenske, !\A Rtolp. hearing whnt l\lrs. Cotton had to say. c hairman of advisors. At 11 :45 o'clock w e got out of school. Mr. Brown, the director of research ~lis. · Hayes sajd . ~he would k (-e p the -1 nd head of the registration ga\'e us a ~eYenth gmdel" in till 12 o'clock if we ~alk on' summer school and 'al;o passed left the building quietly. - Dt'th )fc- rout regi~tration cards. He told us to llraith, SA Stolp. Fo1· the last tw(\ or ·thrf'e week::; the ha Yt> them readv by the day we register up · 1 t ~ew Tde.r pupil~ of Howard SA haYe b een stud . .ring . · · po~.. try during their litt>rature per~0d:o. ~lr~ . ('utton camt> up to talk about F:ach pupil must pick two poeml" tro~n nllt~iLat X e "· Trier. They ha,·e choi1·s, n ny book and read them. Later Wt> wtll ha rmuny, junior orchestra and senior orpkk nur faYorltt> nn<l reh earse. Mr!'. All the pupils nf the UJlper grades of dlt·!'tt ·a. )[iss Cottton says that you can Stalling, our literature teacher, promises get a )(ot of < ;redits in these studies. \Ve that we rna v yote for the five peoplt> frnm lloward school w re Yery sorry Monday .tl"t· \"t·ry glad to haYe them come from eaf'h room \vho read their favoritt' poe ms when they came into l\Iiss Scheidler·):; Xe\\' Trit·r and . tdl us a few thing~ Rnd "pr(lb:1bly" we · may h:1 H' a poem room for Al't, nncl found that she wa~ about tht> f'ludit>!-<. - Ern est Bostrom, SB 1·onte~t . At pn'~e nt the pupils of . R sick a 1111 \Youl<1 not b e ba ·k for th t· llo·\\'anL nre r<>ncling- ".Jpan Yaljt·a n" which is au l't·f't ot' the year. Also we ha ,.t:' a Yet·y gnod sub!;:ti tute. PXt r:1ction from Yit'tnr 11 ugo'!-< "L!'!' 1\til"ernblt"!<. ·· Aft <> r tltt· ~· ha H ' fini!-<lwd ll~r nanw is ::\li!<s Tht->man. Shl i!" n·n· thi!'l bonk th e· \' will r <>f' unw th .. ir !'tll(l~· popular as ;t ~ulostitut<· an<l W t:> h:l\' t~ ha;1 of ))(lt·try.-Yii·ginia )fcConn 11 , ~A How- 111'1' ht> fOI 't' f11r a 11\ltnUt·r of things . Th P !'<lllle afternnolll wht·n Wt' camt· ard. Tilt· it' boys of Stolp fought their way into Social ;o;,·it·nct· ~Irs. Gro\·cs ::->aiel that to th e bas <'bnll chnmpion~hip nf th1· ~li!-<s Schl'idlo ·r \\'as \\'ft tTring- 1 ·\ ' t·J' the !'t· \'t·nth gradef; in tht" '\'ilmettf' (:t·am.\rt Exhibit that " .,. \\'t'l'c going to l1an·. :-;,) ~lrs. (.11'( 1\ "t·s !'aid that \H' would han· 111:1 r ~e hool leag-u e. Tlwy won ~eYen to lt.'a\'e it up to ourst·lYes to finish our ;:::-ame. and lost non~. Th e t ea m pla:re<1 . fa!'t nncl "snappy." It hit home runs, ,\rt and hand it in for the exhibit with tripl<>s, (Ill :\f4onc1a:y. )fny 1:1. tht" STI f'Uh!< .Juniors <loubl t"R, nnd singles. EYerybody playt·tl tlw :--.\ .Tl'lly Rt ·ans :ltHl \\"o)n hy tht' lwlp of ~Jiss Thvma 11.-"\ lfrt·d Bart- on th e t l'n m tried hard to get e ,· en one 11 SCOI't · rof ~6 t o 7. 'l'hi!" .Wi\S rtn f'XCiting- 11 i<'l\. ~ B !Iowa n1 . hit b<'cnuse th:1t hit might win the game. g-a nH and was ,,.,.11 pb Y· ·cl. 'l'lw g-irls ~nnw of tlw gam~;·~ \H·nt into t·xt ra inning!'. '!'he team wa~ madt-- up of: T't't'!'\\'hll playo·o1 a 1 '1': I f'uhs .Tuni(or .lt·ll~· Rt' ans . Loner~ch. Ki el. l(ln, Dttl'l'l'll. Saxon. t::litiH·r, Ynung-. llt·riJrtJl, Snuh·.-1 f1owanl Jt>nn ~runrn p. .1unt> 1~~·hl :\!an· Finl:lY~ nn f'. 1 lllnoth~· );t>n l llt·rl.Jon, 7C Stolp. TIH' l't>E'\\'t· t> 11':1<·1' 1t·an1 is t· omp(·~·ed or Ddt~· !-\outliwi,.J~ lh . L1w~· r'Lig-Ptt ~ll a · .T . l'ort{·r ~h. 11dh )lt-llr:1ith l he following metul.Jt·r:o who will continut· J a 11e En~!d :1 1'· .-\ n 11 ::\l. \\' i I!'nil ! 1· practicl' in th e [oll··wing· C\'(~ nts: :JOJa1w )l<oore rf. K . Thompson ~· :tnl <la!-:h-- Ko1' 11all, 11;111. t1arthnlotll C\\' , llooq>t· t·, t'ullcn; i:J-yard l>ot·oth\· J Orr d. )f. )f<-lntn!-<h \·oulh·inRpPI-g-, Ht>l1·n Rco~z If. llt·lt·Jl \\·in!-<lon\· ·1:tsh- Dartlwlonww. K(l nan, Dall. Cullen, Th t> 1 flo\\':lnl g·irl s :ti'P going to st~rt l\1. )focldt>r ss. .\nnah t·lle Tint\\·n \· onHdn:-:p~..· rg· , . tel'll; hunlle:s-Ba nhnlo- tra<'k :\tonday aft ' rnoon, :\fay ~0. 'l'h<> lllt'W, ::\l<>e, llt·l'tnanson. Bnll ; shot put- \..\'!-< h ope thnt we will ' · in as mnny !\f. ] roughton ss. llermanson, TI;u·tholonH·W. n id, ::\Tet>, track t'\'t'llt~ :1s Wt' clid in out· otlwr - )[argm·rit(' ::\lcovklr-r . ~r. !-\lcolp. I loope r; high jump-Ba l'tholomew, Hdd, g·a mt·~. ~o far, Wt' n l'fl the c: ham pions lloopt' l', .·\lldt' rson; pole Yault-Gn·en, in every sport Wf·'n> had. Th er,, b (o!lt· mu s T w r ~ ~ rx c: 'f l: .nr Th f' ll"wanl · 71: hast"loall tt ·am has lloo)l\'r, )In ·, Rtt't· n, "\lldL·rsmJ.-"·altet· gid in 8.-\ that our gym teachC't' think~ rlay d six ganws aJH1 won flllll' and \"tllll~l'itiSPt · r;..:-. :~c l'entral. will bt" pretty g-ooc1 at hurdling. 1 fer lost two. Our first !;;tnh· w;ts with 7.-\ name is .h·ssie Ste PI<'. \Ye hope she is. WOUK OS }' IUF.ZF. H ow a rd a n<l Wt" w1 on :1 to X. Our . e<'nnd Tlwre is a g-ood high jumpt·r and broa<l In ::\Iiss ::\tcPartlin's ro<om the l'ioiH.'Pr jump.--. r in ..\. Tier name is "\l ict· Xord . ~nme wa ~ " ·ith 7<' StttlJl an1l \n' ln~t !l to r,. Our · third ganw was with St. F'rit"ze is about finished . C'l't'tain chil- \\· ,, ktHl\\. ~llf' \\' ill do g1JOcl hf'cause slw F'ran c is and \\'t · " '" n :n tn ~1. Our fourth <1r<>n worl~ed Yery hard on it. ::\liss Mc- h;ts dotH-- !'II hPfnt'l'.-::\[:lrjorie ln·rson, ~arne wal" with 7A ~tolp an<l we lost by Partlin :-:,·Jectecl good letter cutter::; to cut ~.\ llowarcl. forfeit. Our fifth g-nme was with 7TI letters to pal"te at the bottom of each .'tfolp and Wt· W11n ~~ to 6. Our sixth' l1:trt. I am one of them. 'The rt>st an.. DH.\:\1.\TIZE STOUJES l?"anH· w~t!' with Rt . .l<·St·ph and WP \\·on a~ follows: Betty McCollum, :\Ianin Tltt' <:hil<lrl'n of the 113 cl:1ss of Howr,y f< ot f· ·it. - \\'altt·r Ft~slutH1. 7H llownnl. Xauman, and G orge Oakly. lt will be a.rd, h:t n~ bet>n writing stories in ·comfini:-:lwd so~n.-Bill Hart, 5C Central. po~iUon under l\Ii~s l\Iadsen and w' :u·p .\1.1, AJUH"f :SI"XIf: Jll X~Y aeting them out in class. Two were act >cl ,\.!: nr r (tdlng about ::"'ixk Bunny. C:RADl .\Tt-: OX FlUDAY out )lay 17th, entitled, "A Lady Buyinc· "·(> an· all!'\\'ering- quef'tions about ~ixie The two e.L~hth grad es of Howard and Hats at :\lillinery Shop" and "A L:1d; Bunny . :'\ixit> Bunny got lost in tlw cab- Stolp l<l'hools will g1·al1uate on a Friday' Losing· Her Ticket in a Train," both bage pat1 ·h. ~ixit- fdl b(·hind his hrothl'!·s in~t('ad of \Vedll t>!'day as they haYe done 'n re Yery g-oocl.-Irma Ball, 7B Howard. and ~i ·t!:r!' and mother.-Eleanor Altman, in other years. They think that on FriSN'<·nd g-radt:, Laurel. clay it ~ives UR a c lear week to practice JIE .\lt :MUSIC TEACHER and different things.-Bettye K. Kirwan, ::\I1·s. Cotton, music teacher of Kew 1\ll lloward. DRAW XJXIE Bl::SNT Tt·ier, taliH~d to the eighth grades of '\\·t- r(-ad a Rtory about Xixft> Bunny. Howard school about the advantages of \\·e made pictures of him. Some of us TEACUER WAS GLAD taldng music courses at New Trie r, Monpainted pictures on jlig pieces of paper haYe been picking wild flowers. The day, :\fay 13. There are forty-five boys Cor the exhibit Monday night. I made wild flowers w t>re fm· teacher. Teacher and forty-fi,·e girls in the Glee clubs at a picture or Nixie Bunny with th e guards. was glad.-Buddy Da Yis, second grade, ~ew Trier. - Bruce E. Meaker, 8B - Lois Whitehead, second grade, Laurel. Laurel. Howard. 8-B Howard Wins Baseball Title in Real Thriller BRILLIANT IDEA Time : On the boys' way to school. Bill: "Gee, Tom, I know I haven't a chance for a writing certificate. My ·writing is terrible." Tom: "WelL why don't you practice a lot. Miss Geiman won't send them in for two weeks yet." Bill : "What's the use'?" Tom : "Oh boy, I have an idea." Bill: "Hurry up and tell me." . Tom: "If you start writing articles for Junior Life you will be getting in practice on writing and maybe get a Norshore ticket." Bill: "Great idea. I'll start now." -Bettye K Kirwan, 8B Howard. Holds Finals in Field Ni~e Pupils Have Test Events for Girls Perfect Records for Punctuality .F ollowing is a list of pupils in the eighth grade at Howat·d who have not been absent nor tardy thjs year: Helen Miller Arthur Cramer. Her~ is a list of pupils who haYe not been tardy in all of their eight years at Grammar school: l\Iuriel Meyet·, Albert Acket·mann, Elsa Carlin, Helen Miller, H.uth Bersch, Bettye K. Kirwan, Jane Carol Sundlof, J : t me~ Kraft, Spencer :~'\orrington. Tells Eighth Graders of N. T. Courses in Music Eighth Graders Receive Poit ters on New Trier Variety of Interesting . Things at School Exhibit Here is a list of pupils who haYe not bt>en ta··dy in the eighth grade: Lee Blaylock JimmY De,\·ar, Billy Grant, Lester Ka!"~ow, J<-\mes Kraft, Spence~· Norri~g ton Bett:ye Kirw;m, .Jane Sundlof, Ohvt> Biliimack·, Ruth Bet·sch, Jei'Of!le Ne,·ins. Albert A<:k ennann, Elsa Carlm, H.onald Fuermann Betty Paddock, Richard Haugness.' Bob Kiemn, Yirginia McConnell, Mut·ie l Meyer, Betty Hurtt, Rut~1 Robinson. Kathlyn \Yelter.-Be-ttye K . Kirwan, sB Howard. · Poetry Conte. s t in.View for Literature Pupils Illness Deprives Pupils of Art Room Instructor The ".ilmette Central school and Stolp ~choo l had an Art Exhibit \Vednesda:r. May 15, · and there were man_y . p _ople there. Also there were many ptctm·es. You would find chairs that the kindergarden made. The first grade had a moYie and pictures. The second gradt' had many loyely picture:;; and the th!rrl grade had p1ctureR, paper basl{ets With flowers in them. The fourt~ grade m~"'t.' mats for tables and .~fothet s Day ca .~ · They also had a mo' 1e . and. other poste~ · . :\lost of the rooms had Pictures of d1fft>rent seasons of the year. AfterwardR. the prin cipal ~nid that eYery room hacl the most beautiful flow ' rs slH' had ev e r see n in a school so you know that tlw t' Xhihit f'nded h:1ppily.-.Jan e Solnmr,n, fourth grade, c ntml. Stolp 7C Ball T earn Proclaimed Champions Howard Sixth Graders Elect Grou!) of Officers Tht> .llowar<l Gn t.' lt>cte<l llt:'\\' officers f.,t · tlwi ·r r oo m. Th ev are as follows: pl·esirlton t, . \Ian flt-n.riekson ; Yice - president. Shirlt·\· LPi\snn; !'t>Cret:uy, H<>nnan ::\Te ye r.: tre:1surer, Dorothy .Johnson; ~o cial ehilirnwn, Ell':tnor Beaclwr an·1 Jloward Hnll. We also have what we call a ele:tn-11p rnmmittee that cleans up what we lea\'·' dirty. They art- aR follows: Haymon·1 Peterson and Edith Rawley. Our report~r i~ George Green. lit:> h<~ s \\Titt Pn the most nnd he won the right to h <· rt'J)()I'tt' r.-Ke nneth Rahn, lin llowa rd. 8B Cubs Route Jelly Beans in Ball Contest Announce Track Events for Our Peewee Athletes Howard Girls Champions Point for Track Events Quite a Job to Clean Fish Bowl, They Learn In uur room we have a nature commitlt' C'. Th, chairman is Rill Hart atHl his af'~istant is Gen·nse Barnhill. On th e <lay aftf'r th e e lectinu, the committ e der·idt·d to clP:ln th e fish bowl. The teacher <1Pcidt·d th:1t w<> should take the saJH1 out of the fil"h howl. After a long timP \\'(' got tlw bowl clean. The problem was how to g t the shells and stones. \VIwn we went bncl~ in the room tho" t aeher told us she had some shells. She ga ,.,, howl is all fiXt' d thl'lll to us and th nnw.-( :<>rvase Barnhill, 5C Ct' ntral. 1\L\1\E UIS'I'OUY f'UH~Zl: At !':Chool we are making a friez·' about history. A boy by the name of Rilly Hart m:1de the stockade and ::;om·' other bovs made the blocl~ houses. I made five tree tops for the t1·ees. Patty Wiley made George \Vashington warning the French. It is very pretty. I wish you could see it. It is in Miss McPartlin's room.-Fre!,'lerick Strauss, 5C Centra}. C01IPLETE FRIEZE On :\fay 7, Central 5C put the "finishing touches" on the frieze they are making. It is a scene that shows Johnny Appleseed planting aw!eseeds; George Washington warning the French to go out of the Ohio River valley; English settlements; and going through the gaps. The frieze is very colorful.-Mathew Kritchever, 5C Central. -----------------

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