Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Jun 1929, p. 14

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14 In Pbotogttlpha Only Ctm Y "ttttlarJ· Livt WILMETTE LIFE June 7~ 19 Dramatic Club .i. n Season's Final fiay . .;._. :.. AD CIUidren Smile for Bernie JUNE SPECIAL Th~ee 8x10 Buff Portraits Regular Price S 2 o Appointment& Should Be Made at Once The ,·eranda cene iro m "Cyp y Trail," the final play of the season by tlie New Trier Dramatic club, presented , la . . t weekend in the high school au<Jitorium. (Photo by Staff Photographer) .\)·,ultfJJI ( \\'); da ~· s 13 , Cynthia Holm£.·::; ( \\' ' ; da:-:-: f', Yirgini ~~ Richards (W). Hunning- high jump-C ias:-; A, Alexanflt.. r :'\ e wtfJII (Tl and T ealli e \Vi! so n (\\'); clas~ 8, lf oward Jordan (W) aNI Vr1rothy Ra~gio CV) ; c.:lass C, Billy I~obertson (T) and J:1 net ~fathi eso n (1'). Running l·road jump-('Ja!"s A, Woodt"rm· \\'il.-rm (l'J and Barbara Olo:!son ( \\-) ; c: la!":-: B. Donald Yail (W) and 1 >r1mth~· Richards (\V) ; class C. Anthony T<·rttJff·llo ( \\' ) and J ane Hrdmby (TJ. 1 frqJ-Str·p-.Jump--C' Iass ...\, Clinton D(·mmr~n (\\') ar.d 'l'(·allie \\'i lson C'V) ; das..; B, .\lurr <t~· .\T -LE>r1d (T) and Betty Byrn ;~ (TJ: cia:-"' (', Bill~· Robertson (T) aud Lur ·it· llix 1 \V ). Fifth g-rarle ob!"taC'le race-Boys, Hortnn .Jr,Jmsr111, Hugh P ·te r:-:r,n and Grilli"). lit ·rrlt'nt (\\') ; girl~. Simon, Wolfe :-tnd ('Jay ( \\'). Ht·lay races-Boy!', \\'ildca t:-; first in all da:-st:!"; girls, ¥lildC'ats first · in da·s:-:t·S A and B, Tigers first in clas:-; l'. · Junior )IHt Twenty-fiw· yard dash- Kind ergarte n, .J nhn <'unity and Sue \Yeese ; first grade, < 'har lt:s d - Ia. Chapelle and Betty Ann f'aulsti<:k; seco nd · grade, Bud Stillman <I nd I sabe ll e Johnson. Fifty yard da:-;h-Third grade, Victor Faulsti('k and Marna Wilson; fourth gradt-, .J aek Fyfe and Bunny Dahm. H~Jpping race- Kindergarten, Donald ('ampbell and Sue \Veese; first gradt', Kt·nn et h ( 'roc·ker and Be,tty Ann Paulstic k. ~ Platter r ace-K ind ergart n, Bob Sande r s and .Joanne Hathaway; first grade, ( :harl es de ln. Chapelle and Dorothy BurpK Sa('k ra ce Kindergarten, Tom Ktt('h am; first grade, James Bay and Bttty Knight; seco nd grade, Bud S illman a nd Elizabeth Simon; third grad~'> Billy Torton·llo and Harriet Imus; fourtl~ g-radt.. , Donald Stillman and Jeannett e P.olH·rt!"on. Standing broad jump-Second grade, TsalJ E- lie .J ohm;on ; third grade, Lucy f lu c k ; fourth grade, Edith Gillet. Running broad jump-Seco nd grade. .JunifJr Adaire; third grade, Billy Tortorello; fourth grade, Robert Mathieson. high jump-Second grade, Bill~· C. at]) nt(·r and Ruth Streed; · third grade, l~eroy Eggert and Ruth Sprenger; fourth grade, Billy Scott and Chari n" I \riYer. ~ ·. f funll{! · ra<'E> Third grade, George i-'mwn and Rhirl ey Wetterer; fourth gr:td , Chari Ps Thorsen and Peggy Kf'~ham. · Shot put-Billy Stebbins. Bernie Studio l MAKE RIBBON AWARDS "&tttr Pictures--Better Values" 1623. Sherman Ave. IN SEARS FIELD MEET Logan-Howard P.T.A. Evanston Tel. University 8998 Annual Track Competition Participated in by Hundreds of Kenilworth Children The annual field and tr;tck meet rii the · Jr,..,eph Strtr :-. ·clvoe,) in Kenilworth wa:-. run ()ff Friday . ~fay 31. and ~{cmda~, June .3. em. the . ch(J(,) playground. Pupil-, oi the upper grade:-;, divided int0 twr, cla-.,'>t:~. \\ '1ldcats 9-nd Tiger:-., held th ·ir part r,f thr meet la:-.t Friday. Th~· \\ 'i ldcat s \\' (111 over the Tiger~ hy a margin (Ji forty -five point s. Blue rihbflllS for first place, reel ribbon:-; for ~<.:crm( l place, and white rihhon s for third place were awarded to the winntr-; in each ennt Friday a·fternoon. The junior meet for )()w<:r grade pupils was hcl<' ~f o nday of thi s wed~ and ribhC!n s were awarded to the ,,·intic:rs Tuesday morning. Rnlx: rt \\'. Townl-ey, athletic dircctc>r at the scly,oJ, and Miss Gntrudc Herrick, . his assistant, were in charge of the annual field and track en:nt. First place winners, boys and girls, in hnth sections of the meet follow, the "T" or. "\V" after the name indicating whether the pupil helongs to the Tiger or \Vildcat group: Senlur Jff'et IF YOU LOVE GOOD FOOD an occaor dinner away: from home- come tb The Georgian! Here in a refined environment you will discover better things to eat - a delightful place to entertain - a cuisine ;omparable to the finest metropolitan hotel. S u mm er ~ bachelors. golf widows everyone · - can be sure at~ ways of good things to eat at The Georgian! YOU ENJOY I Fsional I uncheon Tobit d' Hott Lun ch ton 8 5 c Dinnu Sl .z5. Sundavs S I . 50 or a Ia carte aa vou prtf ·r. B. E. DE MURG, Mgr . DAVIS STREET AT HINMAN EVANSTON Telephone Greenleaf 41 oo Fifty yard da:-;h- Class .\ <pupils weighing mnrf> thnn 10() pounds) Al exa n · clH Nf'wton (T) and Beverly Bouchard (T); dass 13 (pupils weighing less than 1110 and more than 85 pounds), Cy :\ra eKinnon (T) and Dorothy Richard."! (W): da:-;s ' '(pupiiR weigbing less than ~ 85 pounds), Horton .Johns(m (W') and J>r,rothy Smythe (T). Sixty yard l(}W hurdlt·s- ('Jass A, Hoger Barrett (W} a.ud Beverly Bouchat·d (Tl; clrtss B, Df'Vlitt .Jon{'!' CW) and Josi f' Dahm (W) ; class C, Hob Dowse (T) and Rose Phillips (T). 150-yard run - ('lar-~s A, Perry Shortridge (T) and Prud~·ncP .J0hnson, DorPlle Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rohrman. 836 ~loulton and Barbara. Oleson n\·) ; class Chestnut avenue, motored to Fort H, Donald Vail (W} and Sarah Laing, Mrs. Edwin Hedrick. 304 Melrose vVayne, Ind., last week-end to see Mrs. Ludllf' Cudhrand:-:(·n and Dorothy Rag~io ( W) ; class f' , Boh Dowse (T) and avenue! Kenilworth, entertained a few l·:ll4i(· Eggert, ('atherine ConiE>y and friends at luncheon at the Shawnee Rohrman's hrother, the Rev. Valentine Hennig. They returned on Monday . .Amic·a Bimon (T). Pol(' vault- Class A, Perry Shortridg-P Country club on Friday, May 31. -o('I'); das:-~ R, Buford Hancock (T) ; class -oMr. and Mrs. William Robert Gilles<', Jimmy Kingsley (W) . M rs . .Walter Knoop will be hostess pie who have been living in ~ogers Rhot put-Class A, CharlPs Franklin (W) ; elrum B, Laury ~otthof (T) ; clas<; at two luncheons next week, on June Park, will ~gain make their home with (', Hobert Berger (W). 13 and June 14, one given at her home, their daughter, Mrs. E. A. Raventos, ~·Handing broad jump-CiaRs A, Dorelle and ol)e at the Skokie Country club. 426 Central avenue. The third annual luncheon of the Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher a~socia tion was held \Vednesclay, J unc 5. at the \Vilmette Presbyterian church. The 'l'cachers' club was se rved a t 12 o'clock and the main body of the associa~ion at 1 o'clock. Flowers and table decorations were in blue and gold . the P. T. A. colors, with pink roses on the speaker~' table. Mrs. von der Hoff, the pr e~t dent. askcd Mrs. Hilton Ira Jones to ask the blessing, after which there was community singing led by :M rs. 1~~yer, accompanied hy ~.frs. Emil Nelson. A delicious luncheon prepared by Spoke 3 of the church was then served hy the eighth grade girls of Howard schooL Mrs. Helen Peterson . Barth, a mcml)e r of the organization, \\ ith Mrs. Eman Akelv at the piano, gave a group of ongs: "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" by Saint-Saens; "Pirate Dream" by Huerter: "Sing Joyous Bird" by Phillips, and as art encore "Try Smiling." Mrs. Barth's charming voice and pleasing selections were much ·enjoyed. A group of readings by Mrs. Charles .A. Broad followed. First was Richard Harding Davis' "Unfinished Story." to be the storv of his life in the French Foreign Legion, then a comedy piece in Italian dialect, and as an encore "Her First Appearance," also by Richard Harding Davis, all of which were deeply appreciated. as shown by the attention of the audience. A short busi·n ess meeting followed. Treasurer's and auditor's reports were read and incoming officers introduced. A most enjoyable afternoon was closed \\:ith community singing. ... ) . J.

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