] une 28, 1929 WILMETTE Wilmette C. of C. AB R 2 2 0 0 LIFE g urday at a bridge party at the Knolt0 0 wood Country club. · 4 2 an interesting 7-5 l\JcWilliams, s!'. Hartman, lb. 1 1 0 tussle. Strang:, If. 4 0 2 0 Kennedy was on Bamt:::, c. 3 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 the mou nd for th e :\JcNa ughton , p . local s and pitched Totals . . . ... . 34 5 11 1 good ball until the TwG-baf,e hit ·- Borre, Janetz. Threpe n e m v counted base hits- Miller, McWilliams, Janetz, Rob inson. Smith. 'Valked-by Kemwdy, t h r i c- e in the 4; by McNaughton, 1. Struck out- by seventh. Phillips re- Kennedy, 6; by McNaughton, 6; by Bruee Kennedy 1i e \' e d him and Phillips, 3. Doub!P !)lay-l\liller-1\fc\VilSacrifice hits - Porterchecked th e clerk -carrier team for the liams-Hartman. field, Rudolph, Bodie. Stolen bases, , balance of the pastime. Md\aughton Porterfield, Smith (2) , Borre. was chosen for twirling duty by the ) ··· \·isitors and he lost a tough tilt. He ;:~~"' -fanned si~ loc~ l s and wal_ked ot~ly one· ' but had the nnsfortune ot allowmg the home outfit to bunch their hits in the third inning and again in the fifth, an error aiding th e \Vilm ctte boys considerahly in the latter fram~. Smith Leads Attack of eight weeks of enjoyable art training In the studios_a,Jld out or doors begins July 8 and ends August 31. There are sketching classes along Smith led the home attack with a the lovely lake front and In ~he woods and gardens, and there IB work triple and two singles. Janctz help ed' Indoors in the beautiful, spacious and airy class rooms that overlook miles of trees on tht> shore line. himself to a triple and double. ::\Iiller To those who are Interested to learn what the very advanced methods \Ya s the star on the offensive for the of this School give them ln the eight weeks' Intensive training course losers, garnering a three-bagger and we would be pleased to send full information. two one-base socks. The regular day -school 11~ar begina September 9. 19Z9 and entia June 6. 19JO. E.vening Sc~ool continues throughout the IChool !Jear. Enrol/menu art accepted ft Gnlf ~!ill e r postmarked the ball in the t1me. Jumor Classe· meet Saturdav morninga. first stanza with hi s club and when the 'hall was returned he was safelv at the far corner. Bodie immediat~ly dis-· patched a fly to Porterfie ld and the 626 CHURCH ST. GREENLEAF 16 74 government had the first run. Kennedy pulled himself o ut of a tight spot in the second. With men on second and third and none out he fanned the next two batters and caused the last one to flv out-via Porterfield. Borre doubled - to begin t' e home half of the second frame, but was out ! trying to stretch it into a triple. Locals Score in Third In the thirct, however, our boys got results. Baker singled and was forced by Robinson. Kennedy fanned, but 1 ] anetz drove a two-bagger .t o center i and Bal counted. Porterfield bounced one to second and both runners were safe when Miller failed to get ] anetz. Smith carpe through in the pinch with For the refreshing of last a lusty clout over the left fielder 's season's apparel we have head. scoring the two runners and re Don't sacrifice style for ceiving credit for a triple. a cleansing service that comfort in your footwear. In the local's half of the fifth Robin - ! restores all the chic and It's not necessary. Wear so n flied to Brevak. Kenncdv strolled , smartness to garments. Foot Saver Shoes. For the and tallied on ] anetz' three- base smash . On the squeeze play Porterfield smartest of our new Foot arrived at first and Janetz scored w h en Saver creations conceals a the catc her gummed up the play. Chick With the largest and most modern cleaning, pressing and dyeing facilities patented in-built construction went to second on a pa ssed ball. and I in the city we can make last year's garments look new at a very small cost Smith's single sent him o\·er the p lat e. I that will give you such to you. · \Vilmrtte scor ed again in the sixth comfort as you've never when Baker singled and co unt ed on WOMEN'S COATS or expenenced in a style shoe MEN'S 3-PIECE SUITS R1 binson's triple. DRESSES before. Postoffice Boys Threaten Cleaned and Pressed Cleaned and Pressed In the sc\·enth the postoffice boys threat rned to disrupt local hopes. ~!eX aug hton \\'a I ked a nd ~filler s ingl ed~ links' one-base blow filled the stations We Will Call For and Deliver Drcvat:: flied o ut but Mc\\'illiams put L. :-;pecia l-de li very and air-mail stamps on one of Kenncd~"s efforts and stopped 'at third. Phillips then assu med control and Hartman popped to Borre. The on lv outfit to trim ou r boys dur \Vilmette Phone ing the !)resent seaso n is due at the 634 Church St. Univ. 971 Village Green Sunday afternoon. Bob Wilmette 352 ~Iddillan'~ Mcrrimacs arc the power- I EVANSTON ful gentlemen and th ey will bring th eir star hurl er, Kenny, to try and add anOf/ice: 1738 Sherman Avenue FOOT INSURANCE ot h er victo ry over \ .Vilmette. Plant: 821-823 Emerson Street FOR THE FUTURE Following is the summary of las t Sunday's game: 1 1 0 1 0 J an('tZ, cf. 4 Porterfield, rf. 3 Smith, lf. 4 Bonre, 3b. 4 Liepe, ss. 4 Kassel, lb. 3 By AI Schaefer Rudolph, lb. 0 Wilmette's Chamber of Commerce Baker, 2b. 4 Hobinsrm, c. 4 baseball aggregation won their · fourth Kennt>dy, p 2 0 straight victory and the fifth of the Phillip!', p. season', S u n cl a y Tota ls ... . .. 32 afternoon at the Chlcugo Postoffice Village G r e n, AB 4 when they can- Miller, 2b. Bodie, rf. 4 celled the Chicago Jinks, 3b. 4 P~toffice nine ill Brevak. cf. 4 Wilmette Team Wins lis Fifth Straight Victory- Score 7-5 H 2 0 3 1 E TO ENTERTAIN FOR GUEST 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 7 0 2 0 0 1 r=--===---......, 10 o Miss Betty Bunker of Ontario, Cana~ da, is the house guest this week-end 0 of Miss Betty Mulford, daughter of o the Herbert B. Mulfords, 835 Elmo wood avenue. Miss Mulford will t·e ~ hostess to several of her friends at o bridge tomorrow afternoon in honor 0 of Miss Bunker. Both Miss Bunker 0 and Miss Mulford are classmates at o We lle s le)~ college. Do You Need TUTORING? Individual Instruction by llrs. Heaps and her assistants In all grade, high school and college subjects. Isabel Warrington e HEAPS 814 Ridge Terr., Ev.anston University 4198 R 2 0 H 3 1 E o Mrs. Harry \Villiams, 305 Oxford o road, Kenilworth entertained last Sat- Foot ·Saver ~ Shoes ·THE .S UMMER SCHOOL THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS Style Shoes That Make Feet Happy rm. add months · to the life of your clothes ,,, cl0~~~ER SHOE SHOP