Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Jun 1929, p. 34

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WILMETTE LIFE J un~ 28, 1929 Brides and Brides-to-Be Step · to Front of Social Stage Recent Wedding of Wilmette Girl Is .Simple, Artistic . · Announce Betrothals of ~ortb . · Shore Girls Ethel Lois Wray Weds S.D. Grace Saturday, June 29 BY JEAN TEN BROECK . The marriage of Miss Ethel Lois To the strains of "0 Perfect Love," \\rray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the vc. ted choir proceeded along an James G. Wray of 625 \Vashington aisle lighted with three-branch candel~venue, Glencoe, to Stanley D. Grace, abra to take its place in the choir stall son of l\f rs. John H. Grace o· f Oak of the Congregational church Tuesday Park, will take place on Saturday eveevening at 8:.30 o'clock, for the wedning June 29, at 8:30 o'clock. Th~ ding of Miss Mary Louise ScheidenRev.' Stephen A. Lloyd of Pontiac, helm and ·\Villi am Edmund Schweitzer. ~lich., will read the service at the The hlack and ,,..,hite vestments of the home of the bride's parents. choir blended with the green of banked Miss Clara Grace Wray. sister of ferns and palms, the \\'hite of peonies, the bride, will attend her as maid of and the mcllo\\' light of cathedral canhonor, and 1\frs. Robert Waterfall of dles and candelabra star-like in their \Voodstock will be matron of honor. twinkling-, to form the background. for . Three nieces of the bridal couple, the- reading of the marriage service by ~ancy l\fay Hunter, a niece of the Dr. Vere V. Loper with the Rev. Wilbride. and Edith Jenkins and Katherliam F.. McCormack assisting. ine Grace, nieces of the bridegroom, will serve as flower girls. The bride was attired in a gown of antique iYory fashioned with a princess Donald Kenyston of Milwaukee will bodice· touched with rosepoint lace, its serve Mr. Grace as best man. skirt elongafing into a train. Her tulle A great number of parties have b~en veil with its antique rosepoint was held given lately in honor of the bnde. close to her head with a half circle Mrs. Hoyt King of 711 Forest avenue, of orange blossoms at the back. She Wilmette, had a kitchen shower June carried the antique lace handkerchief 11. Mrs. F. B. Crossley of 602 Washwhich Mr. Schweitzer's mother and ington avenue, vVilmette, gave a misgrandmother had carried at their own cellaneous shower on June 21. Miss weddings, and an arm bouquet of Justine Emrich and Mrs. John D. Easter lilies. Emrich. Jr., gave a pantry . shower MISS DOROTHY KINSTLER The dresses of the bride's attendants, June 22. at the Emrich home, 606 Balfour Studio Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Kinstler, 266 South avenue, Glencoe. A boudoir Miss Frances Scheidenhelm, the maid MISS HENRIETTA BIRD Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, announce shower was given Tuesday at Mrs. of honor, and . the bridesmaids, Miss Mildred Burnett of New York City, The engagement of Miss Henrietta the engagement of their daughter, Frederick Armstrong's home in the Mrs. Albert K. Scheidenhelm, Mrs. Al- Bird, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Dorothy, to Milton H. Jacoby of Chi- Edgewater Beach apartments, jointly fred H. Taylor, Mrs. Norman S. Clark, Henry Bird, 1010 Chestnut avenue, to cago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius hy Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Sumner of Evanston, and Miss Isabelle Pope Dr. George Louis Perusse, Jr., son of Jacoby of Great Neck, Long Island. Crossley of Wheaton, and Mrs. Perry of Wilmette, were designed alike an.d Dr. and Mrs. George Louis Perusse of Miss Kinstler is a graduate of New Lieber of Niles Center. were of starched chiffon in Capucine 3530 Sheridan road, Chicago, was Trier High school and attended Mil\Vednesday night Mrs. Grace gave shades, with that of the maid of hon- announced last Wednesday at a lunch- waukee Downer college. Mr. and Mrs. a dinner party at the Traffic club in or of darker hue. The frocks were tight eon and bridge party given by her Kinstler will be at home to their friends the Palmer House, and followed it informally Sunday, June 30, during the with a theater party in honor of the of bodice with large bertha collars mother at their home. edged with lace. Wide lace and tulle Miss Bird is a graduate of Royce- afternoon and evening. bride. The bridal dinner was planned finished the bottoms of their bouffant more and attended Miss Bennett's for Friday evening at Skokie Counskirts. Miss Frances Scheidenhelm school in New York. Dr. Perusse is a try club and was given by the bride's carried Pernet roses and delphinium, graduate of Rush Medical college and Young Mothers, Club parents and followed by a wedding the others, Talisman roses and del- will take his interneship at St. Luke's · rehearsal at their home. to Hear Book Reviews phinium. hospital in the fall. The out-of-town guests at the wedThe next regular meeting of the The nieces of the bride, Nancy and ding will include Mrs. H. P. Jones of Young Mothers' club will be held at Peggy Pier on, in yellow organdy, were Seattle, a great-aunt of the bride, ¥rs. the home of Mrs. F. A. P. Fisher, 848 Stephen A. Lloyd of Pontiac, Mtch., the little flower girls whose flowers Entertain for Visitors Park avenue. Monday evening, July 1. were made into Colonial l' ouquets. Col. and Mrs. Franklyn 0. Johnson Mrs. Carl Brewer and Mrs. J. \Val- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bailey of St. Louis, a sister of the bride, Allen Ward of Mrs. Scheidenhelm was clad. in a pale of Washington, D. C., are the hou~e worth will assist the hostess. ~1inneapolis, and Mr. and Mrs. George guests of the former's brother and his peach chiffon gown whfc.M was beaded, The program will consist of hook re- A. Van Dyke and Mr. and Mrs. George and the briclcgroom's motl.C'r was wife, Col. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson, 322 ports given by members of the club. :\ . Van Dyke, Jr., of Indianapolis. dressed in beige lace. They both wore Fourteenth street. Mrs. F. L. Larson will review, "Everyshoulder houq nets of gardenias. Mr. and Mrs. Harry \V. Bettinghaus clay Problems ,of the Everyday Child"; Ellis Cook of Kansas City served :ts of 1231 Ashland a venue entertained at Mrs. F. P. Strauch, "Beginners Book Plan School Benefit best man. The ushers were Frederick dinner on Monday for the out-of-town in Religion"; Mrs. F. G. Sutherland, ~1rs. George E. Ludwig. chairman Schweitzer and Eric Jones of Chicago, guests. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schoes- "Growing Up"; Mrs. R. J. Finnigan, Albert K. Scheidenhelm and Alfred H. ling, 1120 As)lland aycnue, entertainer! "Building Character": Mrs. E. V. Culli- nf ways and means of St. Francis Xavier school and her committee are Taylor of E\'anston, and Edward L. at dinner fur Colonel and Mrs. John:- son, "The Rights of the Child." busv with plans for a party to be give:1 son on \\' ednl'sday at their home. S heidenhcl111, Jr., and Joseph Glo\'er, in the school hall on Tuesday afterof '"'ilmette. noon, September 17, at 2 o'clock. The Feting Continues The wedding reception was held ~1t Married committee is anxious to make this afDr. and 1\J rs. Ge,)rge \V. Brewster fair one of the outstanding successes Shawnee Country club at the close of 1\fr. and l\Irs. H. \V. \Vhitmack of of Selma. Cal., who have been the t~e ceremony. Billings, 1\font., announce the marriage guests of Mrs. Bre,vster's si ter, 1\frs. of the year, so asks the cooperation of' all those interested in the P. T. A. The hride, who is the daughter of of their daughter, May Barbara, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm of Rurton B. Buirge, of Mason City, E. ]. Clampitt of .908 Central avenue school work. 804 Forest a \'enue, \Vilmette, and the Iowa. on J ttnc 15, at St. Ignatius for several weeks, have hecn widely feted by their Wilmette friends. groom. the on of Mr. and Mrs. Rich- church, Chicago. 1\fr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clampitt and Miss Mae Hardy Country_ Club Opens ard J. Schweitzer of Chicago, have de- Buirge are at home at 6320 Kenmore of Chicago entertained at luncheon The formal opening of the Kildeer parted on a two weeks' trip through ayenue, Chicago. and bridge Friday for 1f rs. Brewster Country club took place Saturday, June the Canadian Rockies. Upon their reat Mrs. Clampitt's home. .22. A dinner dance, pre'c eded by an turn they will reside at 2133% Ridge Mrs. Ralph F. Potter, 925 Chestnut official inspection of the new club adAnnounce Tro~h avenue, Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J OS(. ph Moore a\·enue, and l\frs. Johri Robert Cochran ditions by members and -officers of .the Among those who came from out-ofof \Vinnetka gave a picnic supper at A. E. town for the wedding were Mr. and of Evanston announce the engagement \Valton cabin for Dr. and 1\frs. club marked the occasion. Beirnes of Wilmette, William Baehr or J,frs. Albert G. Scheiclenhelm of Erie, of their daughter, Virginia Belle, to Brewster on W eclnesday evening. Glencoe and Lyman L. Weld of WinPa., and Mr. and Mrs. J. vV. McPher- Claire E. Oneal, son of Mrs. Eva N. netka are among the directors of the riri of Des Moines. Iowa., who have Shanks of Mt. Carmel, Ill. Both are club. been the house guests of the Edward graduates of the University of Illinois. Betrothed L. Scheiclcnhelms of 704 Lake a\·enue. Mr. and Mrs. \Nilliam l\Iarsh Burns, 727 Laurel avenue, announce the Have Basket Picnic engagement of their daughter, Eliza- Giving Dinner Dance Mrs. Frank R. Young, 333 Cum nor Barrington. appropriate in its full-leai beth, to Frederic Remington Borgfeldt, road, and Mrs .. Russell Y. Cooke, Cum- hcauty. was the spot elected for a basWestmoreland Country club is givnor road, Kenilworth were co-hostesses ket picnic Thursday by members of the son of ~f rs. C. A. Borgfeldt of 1215 ing an informal dinner dance Saturat a luncheon and bridge party at the Dundee Countrv club who met there Gregory avenue. The announcement day evening, June 29. Dinner will be Edgewater Beach hotel, Tue day, for for a discussion- of club affairs as well was made to a group of Miss Eliza- served at 7:30 o'clock with dancing beth's friends at an informal party last following at 9. A radio dance orchesa hundred guests. as to reyel in an out-of-door luncheon. Friday evening at her home. tra has been engaged for the occasion . l ...

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