July 5, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 31 Miss Nellie Gibbs · Becomes Bride of Ellis R. Jones Charming in. its simplicity was the '"eclding of Miss Nelfie Gibbs and Ellis R. Jones, both of Wilmette, which took pface last Saturday afternoon. Tl1e Rev. Leland Hobart Danforth read the marriage service at 4 o'clock, i1~ the Church of the Holy Comforter in Kenilworth, which \vas graced with peonies, pa.lms and ferns in artistic ·ar- rangement. Miss Alice Burchard of georgette and carried yellow roses and I TAKE EASTERN .TOUR 1424 Forest avenue, with whom the deep blue delphinium. Mrs. Charles Ostrom of 715 Washbride has made her home, was hostess Mr. }one~, . who is the son of Mr. ington avenue and her son, Rennolds, at a weddi1ig reception for seventy-five and Mrs. Robert R. Jones df 929 Michi- \vith Mrs. Ostrom's father and mother, gan avenne, has taken his bride on an Mr. and Mrs. William Rennolds, left guests which followed the ceremony at automobile trip through the north last week for a tour of the eastern the Kenilworth club. woods. states, stopping in Haverhill, Vt., the home of Mrs. Rennolds. They expect The bride, "·ho was gi,·cn in marto visit the eastern colleg~s and reri~ge by her uncle, Charles E. Hotze Frances McNulty, daughter of the turn in six weeks. of Wilmette, wore a frock of pale pink Bernard L. ~fcNultys, 720 Ashland avechiffon and a veil of pale pink tulle, nue, and Marie Adler, daughter of the \V. \Vallace Kerr of 707 Greenwood and carried. a l;ouquet of white roses, ] ames \V. Adlers, 931 Green\\'ood ave: . . · . . . pink sweet J>Cas, and lilie s of the valley. Hue left on Mondav for Roosevelt avenue IS 111 Mmneapohs th1s week Her only attendant, ~1iss Shirley Har- \\'i;., to spend the ;ummer at CamJ I attending the convention of the Naris·p n of Clcvdand, \\'as gowned in blue Bryn Afon. . tional Credit Men's association. · Are You the Man WhoWaits for a Sale'l Here's One You Can't Afford to Pass Up $ 27 For a ROYAL Suit or Overcoat Made Expressly for You WE MUST KEEP OUIW The World'· Greatest TAILORS BUSY Clothe· Value '} 1641 .Orrington Ave. Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening· I.