2 WILMETTE LIFE July 12, 1929 .,,., ., k For ·Midsu·m mer New Rayon Piques in white and the printed fabrics . Just the material for a summer dress and coat. Priced per yard sewing - just received, a shipment of new dimities and lawns in all the latest colorings. ;priced per yard 1· SOc Fast Colored Pri11ts excellent materia] for sum mer wear. Priced per yard $1.00 and $1.25 Novelty Pillow Cases in white with colored hem - fine quality. . Special- :i for .29c $1.00 CLOSING OUT ALL PRINTED SILK DRESSES IN SPRING STYLES AT MARKED REDUCTIONS W orthen?Carrico Co<t· 1148 Wilmette Avenue Telephone Wilmette 5 88 .. ··