Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Aug 1929, p. 11

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- ... August 30, 1929 ·WilMETTE LIFE 11 "A Thing of B eaut.v" 1 ENTERTAIN CLUB groups four, eight. and ten. were Alice James of \\' ilmette, Stepfora The :Misses Mildred and Matilda Sherman of \\'innetka, ~1argaret L. Spak entertained Wednesday. August The ).1 iralago ballroom in Ko .M an's ~Liller of \\'i lmdte and Stante\" M. 2H. at the family residence, 1400 IsaLaud is prnving a popular place for Smith, Xl·d Sapier, and C. Stc\'e bella street, for the members of the young- people of the north shore to 1Jalpin. Edgewater Junior Hadassah club. Ctltt'rtain their iriends. H.eccnth· ~I r Dinner was s'2rved at () :30 o'clock .and atl<l ~lrs . P. \\'. Fairman of R::i,·inia. ).) rs. Emma Stt1pka atl<l her daughbridge was played during the evening \rhll are returning to \\'ilmette. chapr- tt·r. ~liss llelcn. 153(> Lake an.:nuc, roned a group ,t1l childrcu at a dancing han: rl'tnnH:d irom a three week s' va- with a su1 per served at 10:30 o'clock. part,· at the ~{iralago . J.>earl Stcn:ns Ciltitlll trip to 1·::--tts Park and ).laniton, nt~ K t: nil\\'mth l'ntertained a group .oi Colo. ~Irs. ~[ichad Conrad, 2512 Thornher f'riends there, under chaperonage, -o-wood avenue, undcrw'c nt a major operaand C. A. Callant:n oi \\'i lmcttc \\'~ts J o~e ph Hctb, Sr., and his :,O n-in-law, tion under local anesthetic at the St. host there to a numht:r of hews and Freel Kra se. oi 2-U(, Tlwrmroocl aYe-~ Augu tina hospital recently. She re~irls in honor of his children. mtt. ·. undcn,·ent tonsil operations la-;t turned to her home last Friday and is ~(_l_tl_lc~r~s~~c_n~tc~·r~t~a~it~li~tl~g~-r ~ e~·c~c~ n~tl~v~~ ~~l ~F ~~~ rt~· d~a~Y~,~a~ t ~t~ h~e~ ir ~ ll~O~ n~lc ~··~~~~~ recoYerittg rapid~. Miralago Is Setting for Numerous Dancing Parties of ln the interest of north shore gar<.kn devotees and l)thcr flower lovers \H' depict herewith the Dccapetalus ~~ ulti florus, or Solie! d'Or, a bloom of deep golden ydlo\\· " ·ith quilled petals sim- I ilar to a dahlia \\·hich wa:-; cut irom the garden at the Louis _1. Lorcnzi i"I i hmm: at lli Fiith street. \\' ilmdte . .\1 r. and ~f r s. Lorenzini anc 1 tlu.:ir daughter, \ ·ivian, iound this -, peri~.·~ on displa,· in t<J2~ at a flo\\'er sho\\· it1 Indiana, and brought ~ceds hack j, 1r their garden. Scvnal ni the Ho\\Tr s nH.: a:-urc si:-.. and one-hali inche-, in 1 d i a 111 ct e r a t i nll ~ p n· a d . T h e pIa 11t J reachc:-- ir\llll inur ltl fin: feet in IH:ight anrl hl t·ullt-. in .\u gust ~tHl Sep- ' tcmher. I 1 THE HUB HAS ACQUIRED ~merica' s foremost I ( l'lltd" 1,.'. ~\:tiT l'ht·l "gr:l}lil···"l ' ------~~ r . - - - - ·- _.I ENJOY OUTING AT CROSSLEY and ~I r:--. \\'illiam C. 1\;l\·li:--... 1>10 Central :--trn:t, \\'illlH:I tl.' llaH gt·.lt' to spend . thi :-; \\Tck-cnd ' ' ith thvir daughter, Bctt,·. \\·h,, is at Si~tt· r Ha,·. \ \' j :-.. _),) j S:-li S:o. ha ~ lJn·tl t h l ' !l<JU :-L' gue~t 11i ~ii :,:-- .lean Crossk _ , . at htT :.tmlmL·r htllllt' tht·H· :-inn: thL· tir-..t part ni :\t~gll ~t. ~1 j,~ lb y li:-~ is t ll ll' · oi six ~irl-, \\'1J,, han· :--Jll'llt the titl!L' t ,,·ith .\)j ,~ C ru:-:--k\'. Tht· girl::.. art:, ! ~1i:-. s lia\ li ~:-. J:cth l~r n\\l'f, kthcll ) 1\u th r.:tll'ip , ~larjurit· ~lead. and Clara Cr:tc\.' \\"raY . .\Jr. and .\1 r:-;. l;rt·<krirk B. Crossley, 600 \Va shingtotl·d. \\'ilmt'tte arc lca\'ill~ oll Saturda\' t< spvnd Lahtlr da\· at Si~tcr Ba,·. \\'is .. \\·ith their daughtvr. ,lean i and hn irit·tHls. The part\· \\·ill n: - i turn !>,· 1111 ·tllr ~~ ltllt'! itllc lat<.:r () Jl in till' , makers na of fine clothes · ~· I I T H R 0 UGH this merging of financial interests, rr HE HUB now controls its r-1ain source of supply. This enables us not only to eliminate all nonessential costs of distribution, but also to enjoy the co-operation of o~r designing roon1s in producing the style of the motnent, as preferred by our patrons. \\ l'l'k. DRIVES 8000 MILES Richard Srhucttgc oi XO-l Cret:tl\\'(1\ld a\TlllH: and H.ohl·rt Koenen , litO Forc -;t j an·nut'. returned on Thnrsda,· ir, )lll a I six \\'l'tks' mot(1r trip to th ~ \\T:-ll'i'll ' coast oi L· nittd ~tate~ <~ncl Canada . I Tht·\· tra\·c kd in all XUOO milL'S . Hcntln· 33K rcnilworth a·: t·nue. Kenil\\·, ,rtJ., \\110 ha:-- hcen ,· i:--it -~ ing \'ed Porter at his ., ummcr home in ~1 aine, rctmncd tn Kcnih,·orth on \V<.'dncsda,· ui this \\Tek. ~I r. and U rs. Porter \vill not return to their home at -I-2K l'umtwr rtlad until 'tlw first part oi Scptcmher. Bernice Bulin· .?20 Sheridan road. Kcnih,·o rth \\'ill k;l\-e to night for Pasadena, Cal., to he the gtH: -.t d Mr. and ~Irs. I I aruld Roundtree. .\l r. and ~1 rs. Hound t rce f ormcr l v li \'td in Kenilmlrth at 25(> Kenilworth avennt. Miss Buill·,· experts tCl lll' g-tllH' a month. ~1 i~:-. ~lcl'loucl. I And so THE HUB Stores in presenting these internationally renowned Stein-Bloch clothes offer not only the finest, but also the stnartest apparel at lower prices than have been the custom ... A service that insures a combination of Quality, Style and Value appealing to men of fastidious tastes as well as to the tnost economical buyers. Fall Selection Now in Our Et'anston Shop -o- THE~i)HUB HENRY STATE C. LYTTON & ~ ORRINGTON SONS attd JACKSON-Chicago and CHURCH-Evanston ,.....I ... Jostph, Jr., ~1an· Helen. and Hohnt Arns, sons and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. l oseph Arns, 325 Park a\·cnnc, all bad their tonsils removed at the E,·anston hospital on Monday of this \\·cck. They returned to their home on the same day of the operations. -0-

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