September 6, 1929 WILME.TTE LIFE 11 ·THE $100,000 THRIFT CLUB OF WILMETTE Provides a Plan for Accumulating a Definite Amount in a ·Specified Time The trend in financial circles is towards Collateral Trust Investments. Members of the $1oo,ooo Thrift Club of Wilmette are saving a little each month for ten years. Cash guaranteed at maturity. ... St/2% COMPOUND INTEREST $ 6.30 saved each month guarantees $ 1,000 9.45 saved each month guarantees . 1,500 12.60 saved each month guarantees 2,000 15.75 saved each month guarantees 2,500 31.50 saved each month guarantees 5,000 63.00 saved each month guarantees 10,000 126.00 saved each month guarantees 20,000 This is the safest, sanest, and most popular investment ever offered. Many Wilmette people have already joined. Let us tell you about it . ...... TBE .OME RUMORED THOUSAND DOLLAR THRIFT CLUB WILMETTEt ILL. THlii $100,000 THRIFT CLUB OF WILMETTE Please send me particulars regarding Headquarters 113 7 CENTRAL .AVE. RooM 6 membership in the Hundred Thousand Dollar Thrift Club. NAME · I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I · I I t f I · e I I I I I I I I I e I I I I e I · I I · ADDRESS ........................... . ............·...