September 6, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 17 Sunday lllusicales at the Skokie Club Praised by Critic GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS ~~--~~------------------~------------------~--. , . . . . . I ... i By R. L. P. :\ow that the season is drawing to a close. summer activities seem doubly <:njoyahle. One attends the Sunday aitemoon musicales at the Skokie Country club with 'eagerness. for they add such a bright touch of color to the palette of one's days. Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, who has been in charge of the musicales for a number of years, . ;;;eems tn know how to choose artists \rho \Yill appeal to the members and iriencls of the club; and the artists ha \·e neYer failed to respond to the flattering attention of their audience. Peter ]. Klapperich, -H2 Central aveJ h;ring the summrr e,·en great arti ts kt down a little in t he matter oi p o~ nue. with his son. Alirecl. and hi~ grams, sl'kcting m1mbns that do n Jt daughters, Anna .T eanette and ~f arie tax the musical intelligence tOl) much Yir~inia. arc enjoying an outiilg in the un a \rarm afttrnoon. Go1)d literature Rlack Hi~ North Dakota. has been rho . en. hut the type that will hknd itsL·lf into the mo<)d nf a summer clay, stirring: th<: imagination a little and thrilling one \rith sht·cr .Pleasure in l.Jlel<icly . ~unday. :\ugust ..?5. the pwgram gin' n by Sydnil' ~mith Cooky, c<·ntraltu. and Henry Hobart, tenor, \\as enthu:-.iasticalh· , l'ndurst·d hv a large auditnce. I >\right c. u;cutt pla.n ·d thl' al'Clnnp;lllimenb i11r ht)th art i:-.t s. "Costume at 11and o'clock and "Chinese Materials" .I ades, Porcelain Pottery" at 3· o'clock, Monday, September 9, are the iubjects of the first of next \Yeek's free guide-lecture tours at Field Museum of , Natural History. Other days at the same hours the scheduled · subjects are: Tuesday, "Spirit Worshippers" and "Etrl)scan and Pom- i peiian Art"; Wednesday, "Reptiles, · Past and Present" and "Egypt"; Thursdav. two general tours of anthropological, botanical, geological and zoological exhibits; and 'friday, "Bronze and Pewter" and "Habitat Groups." These tours of museum exhibits conducted hv staff lecturers start from the north entrance of the museum . IRED ALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES · · When conditions necessitate a change of residence to some other city, let lredale's take the situation in hand and you will be relieved of all worry. Your belongings will be expertly packed , and dispatched. Iredale's is a branch agency of the Allied Van Lines. EXPER'f STORAGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1723 BENSON AVENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WILJUETTE 1332 SHIPPING .... Possesses Rich Voice .\1 rs. Cnuky pos:-.csscs a rirh \·nice. \\ hich :-hl' tJ:-.e:-. \\it h :-.kill. and ..\I r. llu!Jart ha:-~ a flt·xihk tL·Jiln· Ynict· of ,,jdl· rangl' and l'\·vn u.: xturc. TheY appl'arccl in a ntnnht·r Llf ducts. i;1 \\·hi ch tilL' L 'I1Sl'I1Jilk \ras ah1·\·e repr t,a ch. h~l(iiJni;l~l! ,,·ith \ ' ercli's "lltllllt' l<l Om .\l<llllltain:-.." lrom "II Tnn·ature." .\t·ithcr arti:-.t dominated hut t·arh ddcrrtcl ttl the <ilhcr, intn t \\in ing their \' (lirt·s gracd ulh·. ThL'\' iull< 1 \\T cl \\·it h "() ..\I nnH.' Ilt . that ·l . Hk :-. :-. ... by Dt·nnt'l'. \\·hich \\·as particularlY likvd . . \iter 1\tl( ct':-. " .\ndalusi:tn ~ < nJ g ." tht·~· ranlt' J,aci.: \\ ith a·n ciJC(lre. "[ \\ .uulcl th a t .\!1· I.t ·H·." 1)\· "\ltndel:-. >tlhn. a dul't th;it h;t s hL'l';J sung for lllall\· Years and :-.till ~ ct· m~ tl l take hold ni an ,- audicnr~.·. "l~nats ni ..\linl·." 1>1· Fn. l!cl. and ":\ Paean <·i l.iie," b·.\. l'ntrnL·, were abc1 liked . . Show Good Diction In their solos. both artists sh0\\·ed c:-.;cl'ptionally g-oud diction. Evcrv I\ nrd \ras ckarl.\· projected. sn t ha·t the audience was able to get the stories ~~i the . ongs as well as the ml'lodic.-. In "Transf()nllati;n," by \Yatts. "\frs. l'n(llc.\·'s Yoice ,,·as \·ihrant and cn·n. \\ hile "LoYc is the \\'ind ." 1)\· "\fitchcll. ,!JO\\·ed zest. a icc ling for. the spirit that made it \·cry charming. :\11 n.i her numbers were well adapted to her \·nice. "\[ r. Hobart pleased with his in terpretation of "Che Gel ida "\I an ina." irom "La Boheme," and. among others, \ I it c h c II' s s c t t in g for C h r is t in a I~ ossctti's heauti f ttl poem. "Sing :\ o Sad Songs for ~[e." Both artists \\·ere \·igorously applauded. and \Hfl' oh l~ ed to appear many ti1!1es for encores. · is the time to save on Stearns and Foster Mattresses Now THE· WEL WORTH Only full 5 inch box. $10·95 " Remember the pnce ts only $10.95. The "Wei worth" is an attractive and comfortable 50 pound, all felt Stearns and Foster mattress with fancy tuckings, roll edge and This is an unusual value for this type of mattress, so take advantage of this sale as Wi. have only a limited number to sacrifice at this price. .... BACK FROM CAMPING TRIP "\Irs. V. K. Spicer of Essex road . Kenil\\'orth has returned frnm her ram pin. !.! trip in "\f aine to her place h.\· the sea at \\' cstport Puint. "\£ass. On her " ·a1· hark she stopped a fny da·; :-. at C t' n t r e 0 s sip c c in the \\·hit e ~~ o 11 i Jtains \\'hl'r<: ..\I iss LuC\· I !all has a ramp. "Doredola," on a tim· lake among the mountains. ~fiss JTall. who was a resident oi KcnihYorth for o ma1n- Years, is now a very successfu l member of the music faet11t,· of Kew York univ ers it\'. Her ,,·i nter home 1s a cleli. g htiul new apartment near \Vashington square. OPEN THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS s. Rosenbaum Company IN CORPORATED ~lr's. \Yallace L. Se\Yt>ll of the E\·anston hotel is returning September 15. from a ten \\'ecks' tour of Europe. incluclin~ the Holy Land, Paris, and Eng-land. .. . Chicago Stores 3120 Lincoln Ave. 5228 N. Clark St. FuRNITURE Fountain Square "' "' "' Eva1;1ston University 5022 9023