Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 22

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22 WILM E TTE LIFE MOTOR WEST Sept em ber 6, 1929 O.R Mrs. Earl E . Orner and her son, Ralph. of 283 Park aY.enue. a;e travelFALL SHOWING OF FURS ing in Califqrnia and the \Vest. They I spent some time at the new hotel Large Stock ~n Hand in !.os An~eles and ; :isitcd it\ REBUILDING AND REPAIRING t llttlnt~g pmnts of mtere~t. ll.1ey ~re NEW COATS MADE TO ORDER I rcturmng- hv \\'.ay o~ the } os~mtte \ alIn· and ;., topptng o \·er 111 :-:.ah Fran 1cisco. . · -o- Announcing Our I I I 601 CAP ITOL BU I LDING a\·enm·, has returned from amp 1 State a nd Ra nd olph Stree t s, Chicag o )wakanzcc in ntario, Canada, \\'h e re Phone Ctntral l~ft . Establi shed 1879 he had been Yacationing since July 1. 1 ... ....I~'UR CQ C. C. ~Iile s ~Iiles ~lcDonald. ~[cDonalcl . , 1046 :\1ichigan Jr .. so n oi the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Arno ld and 1 their son. Ralph, of 1538 Elmwood avenue, accompanied by their niece. i .\1 i..;s Laura ~ ·iddens, recent])~ drove .to \Yinnipeg, Canada, on a busmess t~ll_l· . That the card party given at Glen I <illd went from there to Dem·er to vtstt \·iew last week to benefit the Southern ~frs. Arnold's sister, Mrs. G. E. Locker. They also spent a few days in the \\'omen's Educational alliance enjoyed mountain s. the greatest success of all such parties is the enthusiastic report from its Benefit at Glen View Nets More Than $500 for Southern women I( A 1mall dl'pour will hold anv garment rill calltd for I -o- Read the Want Ads Mr . . Grace Doggett of \\ ellesley, ~~ass .. was the ~uest of Dr. and Mr s. :\h·a :;O\\·tr s. 53i Abbnttsford road, I Kcnih\·orth m·cr Labor day "Tek-cnd. ANOTHER AMAZIN S.PARTON DEVELOPMENT (~eor~e Rcaudi;1e. i2(, Elnm·ood a\'C·- sponsors. · nue. and I~obert Zack of 910 Fore st More than 250 women attended, so a,·enue haYe gone to spend t\\'0 week s that 'the proceeds are ~xpected to :tt Eagle Rin·r. \\"i s. be over $500, which will go to the vocational and occupational guidance pro-agram carried on over the country by Olin:r Callancn. 1104 Greenlt~f this organization. ' cn·enuc, ha leit to enter upon Ius 1 ireshman year at the 'L'niver ity of .\f any of the guests were present at Purdue. . the luncheon preceding the bridge, which was served on the clubhouse's new porch as well as in the dining room. Tea was served at the end of the afternoon from a long, beautifully laid table at which Mrs. Albert ]. Ochsner, fir~t president of the Chicago alliance, and Mrs. E. Buffington, second president, poured. Hostesses of the party were 11 rs. \Villiam A. Pusey, Mrs. L. S. Hungerford. 1frs. Charles Glover, Mrs. Colin Tenna~t and Mrs. 11. V. L. Lanaham, whose enterprise, as is customary each year, has preceded the alliance's regular October group of parties for which plan arc now b ing formulated. !\frs. Harold 1L Pulsifer, president. announces that a meeting of the alliance will be held ~fonday, Sept. 23, at the home of 1f rs. Ochsner in Chicago . The annual election of oft1cers will take place; the n o minating committee ts soon to be appointed. \f embers arc lo o king fo rward to ha,·ing 1frs. Charks Stokes, who i ~ nm\· o n her plantation at Swan's Point, \ 'a .. as a guest that dav but it is n ot definite as vet wheth er she will be her e . ~frs . Stokes, member o f the local executi,·c committee and also of the na t ion a! finance committee. \\·as with Dr . Ochsner, influential in establishing th e Chicago branch of the alliance. The late ~fr. Stokes will be remembered as head o f the Chicago Reel Cross during the war. JVinnetk a B uilding I nspector R esigns ; L eaving S eptember 1 -· Y ou who have thrilled to "Radio·s Rlch· est Voice" in the past . · · a still more amazing radio experience awaits you. The latest Sparton EQUASONNE instruments introduce ..· in addition to this richness ·· · a new and marvelous ··something" that listeners describe as actual "FACE-TOFACE REALISM." You seem to MEET your entertainers; to feel their living presence; almost to SEE them.- Don't miss this great advance in reception. We have the new Sparton instruments on display now · ··· and we cordially invite you to calL OPEN RVE.'V/ NGS ?4, NEW SPARTON .·\. n. Kreig. of Xorthhrook. for the past se\·tn and one-half years building 1nspectnr it! \\'innetka, has resigned the p!lsition, his resignation becoming eff.ectin· September 1. His . uccessor, Robert L. :\ndcr. on. of E\'anston, has heen in the office th :? past week acquainting himself with th e routine dutie. of his new position. A.nderson has had both building and architectural experience. ~fr. 1'rcig has not decided definitelY on his plans for the future. He '"iil rl'main in touch \rith the work here for a short time. pending the terminati< ·'l nf extensiye building operations \\·hirh ha Ye been starte(l and are not Yet complded. · \\'in.IH'tk~t has witnessed dur ing the ~·l ·trs \fr. Kr~:ig has served as its inspector. the most extcnsi,·e building operations in any like period of it.s h·i story. it is said. ~[is . Lottie Gordon. 722 Greenleaf a\·cnue, and her fiance H. H. Paterson, oi Chicago, wi ll spend t\\'O weeks as the ho u se guest of Mr. and Mrs. Deniamin F. \Vatson of Chicago, a t their summer home at Eag le R iver. \ Vis. The\· wi ll leave some time t his \\'erk. .... E()UASONNE Mutl 301 '2?4·50 C 0\1PLET E NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. 712 CHURCH STREE T Evanston I University 4523 -oE. M. Cole. and their daughter. Bernice, have returned from B u ck a t o h a n r esort , Lak e R u cka t ob a n , vV is. T h ey m ade th e tr ip by m oto r . and were gon e fo r th e ·week includ ing Labo r day. ~1r. a nd 1frs. F. Others $147.00 and up 5-t6 LINCOLN A VENUE Winnetka Winnetka 3474

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