Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 GUESTS OF NATURALIST Dr. <;tnd Mrs. Frank B. Earle have returned to their home at 923 E lmwood avenue after an exteilded trip in CaliRADIATOR fornia and the \Vest. They were the SHIELDS AND INQ.OSURIS 1 guests for about a ,,·ee k of Edgar Rice Com ·.. rt Your Rndintor Burroughs. th e noted naturalist, at his Into n beautiful home in the San Fernando BEAUTY SPOT Va lie,·, nuts id e }I ullvwood. :!\f r. Bur.\ m··rh·un )J«·tnl J·rod UC'ts f"OI'Jl · roughs. ,,·ho is an 1ntim~te frienci of . nu:, Xnrth )Jic·hl~llll 'J\ nomu· the Earles, ha s a place of 560 acres. ~UJwrlor iliS ( ' hi<·n~o and all th e sets of the new motion picJ,O<-nl Ut· turc "Rio Rita" ,,·ere mad e on hi s \"i(· ,J. 'KIIIun, Trw. Wlnru·tku !HIS c;uod llomwkN'Jli u,: Shop C<n··nlt·af 2:wo grounds. Dr. and Mrs. Earle al-;o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , 111ad~ a short stav in D en ver as guests :._ ______of_ friends. SPREAD FAME ABROAD N. 'K. E. C. Teachers Tell Foreigners About Nursery School Here Work of tion at the Elementary school was educational the nursery school educaNational Kindergarten and colfege in the children's described before several conferences abroad this AUFFMAN 1 summer by Miss France s Kern, director of the department of nursery school education. Miss Kern spoke on the subject at the \Vorld Conference on Adult Education in Cambr idge, at the Third Bi1 ennial co ng-ress of the \Vorld Fed eral tion of Education associations at GeneYa, and at the New Education Fellowship convention 1n Elsinore, Denmark. Mis Kern was on leave of absent:e during- the past year, hut will r eturn to ::\. K. E. C. this fall. Appointments to the facultv arc announced this week hy 11is~ Ed.;1a Dt:an Baker, president. I Miss Harriet Howard, head of the supcn-ision dtpartm ent, \\·?o was abse nt la st year on account of illne ss, is resuming- her dutirs, and Miss Agne s Adams, acting head of the department, ha5 been granted leave of ab ·e nce. Among new members of the iacultv arc Char les F. JJa, is, ~!. A., \rh o ,,·i ii .~ivc courses in history and . nci1 do~T l cluriiJg the comi11g year. ~[r s. ~I inni e Campbell, ~f. :\ ., former))· member of fac ultv of \\ .c::-. t crn State Teacher's college·, Kalamazoo, Mich., will join the supeni si n ckpartment and in additi on gi,·c cour :-.c.s in children's lit erature. ~[rs. Caroline Cr~l\d o rd ~l c f. tan, member of faculty during th e pa,t three su mm L·rs and director of the midsumnH.:r frolic given b,, the stu ck nt s. ,,.,·ill dcliYcr t\rl) coursl's t1f kcturt·<:> during th · first svmcster on "Tht: Dl'relopm (· nt of the Arts" and "The .\rh in Child Education." · . . IT CO!IITR IDI 'TF:.; TO THE l'RO~PERITY Or THE PEOPLE AI'[) TO THE COMrORT Al'ID CON\'ENIE!IICE Or LIVING 1 The telephone grows with the '"c ountry 'IHE Bell Systcn1 n1ust n1~rch a pace ahead uf the new ci\·ilization on this con tip en t, a ci \·iliza tiun of better opportu 11 it r for the a \'erage n1an. 'fhe telephone contributes to the pros peri t~· Clf the people and adds to the cotn fort and con\'en iencc ofli\·ing. .... It seeks to lead the ·way in social and business growth. It is raising buildings this yeat in n1ore . than t\\'0 hundred cities, aclding vast n1ileage to the expanding network of cable and installing ne\v telephones by the hundred's uf thousands. ( ] tis used br . the n1anY. - T'he tin1e and 1nuncy it sa Ye_ s are as in1portant to the stnall business as to the large. 'rhe.h un1 blest hon1e depends on it f~>r aid in etne.rgency, to run errands, n1ain ta in friendships. It is the ain1 of the Bell Systen1 to keep telephone sen·ice SQ good and so cheap th;lt it will he used uni\·ersa II y to Ina ke life richer and better. It is spending n1ore than 550 n1illion dollars this year- one and one-half titnes the co t of the Pananla Canal- for ne\V plant and ser\·ice in1proven1en ts. 'I'his prograin is part of the telephone ideal that anyone, anywhere, shall be able to talk quic;kly and at reasonable cost \vith a.nyone, anywhere else. 1'here is rio standing still in the Bell Syste1n. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPH_ ONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM T. Dnwne,· M 1()38 Highland an·nuc ,~· ith their ·chilcl_ rcn and ~1rs. Downey's mother, ~[rs. bnma Arthur, are hack f r m Grccn Lake, \Vi s. , where th ey all spent their :> ummer vacations. ~[ r. and ~f rs. John -o- One Policy One System Universal Service

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