40 WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 . J _ News of Wilinette Churches First Presbyterian Xinth !'tn:·e t at Greenl e :1f an·nm· I Baptist Church \\"ilnll'ltt· Bapti s t < ·httrl' h . Wilnwttt· and F\·rf'~ l :t \"e tHil' ~, I Jr . <: vot ·gt· "' Jli~on, pa ~ l11r. H e,·. C'lyclt> Randolph ·wh ee lnnu , B . I>. l\lini s t e t· .'unclay, S e 11t e mh e r , mnrning wor~hi !J at 11 n'do<'k . Dr. Vh .., )arid' ~ ~~· rn11 1ll ~uh j t·l't will ht· "CnqtH· ~tilln P d Loyalty." Sunday s chool at 9 :ao a. m . ThE'l' c an· ("}asses for all ag-e ~ . Adult Bibl e class nt 10 o'doc k in tlw l'f'ar· <·f. e hureh nuditc.riunt. Th e ·hurc h nnd Sunday schor!l are looking· f<·rwanl t<1 a .\'1:':11' of invrenst·<l ncth·itv. Th e rn<·nth 11f S e ptem lwr will b e a inonth of prt- paration for th e work to b e don e <luring th e c oming y e ar. People never tire of these varied, colorful lands ... happy Madeira ··· the "Arabian Nights" of Algiers ··· Venice ··· classic Athens .·. 1 7 days in Palestine and Egypt ·.. the world at its smartest in Monte Carlo. This wi.,ter, four new ports. 73 days under Canadian Pacific's 1 up e r b management, ship and shore. Empress of Scotland sails Feb. 3. Empress of France, Feb. 13. As low as all ~xpen·~· d~lUl[~ $900 On Sun<l;~v lllttrtlin g :tl !I :::o our l'h~Jl'i ' h '-'(' hottl will . n ·~ U!lH' it :-; rt·g ul :tr . ses ston:-;, ;,II(]P!" din'c tion t lf th t· Suth· rlll t l' tld e ~t~ Enrl C . <'arl !-:on . All l t· :tclH·r s anrl puptls :tn~ J'(·((ll l'!-'t t·d t o h t· ll!l h a nd vro mptly fnr thi ~ OJ} l' llin g ~ <'!-'~i on . ~~ · n· i <·<· a t 11 o'< ·)ol'k t't·rn1o11 ··ntitl('d "l'rodu < ·t··r s 11 r ;\on - protlll c t·r :-; ," 11:.· lh t· past_or, Ht·\ ". {; ('Ot'gt· n . Alli s on, [lt~cl a Jyunwn <'Otnmuninn !-'l'l'\"i<'L'. l>r. Allt ~o n wrll al~o g-in· a chil<lt'(·n's Sl' rlllOil and tlwr<> wtll h f n se rnwn tim e ldnclt ·rgartt·n for th e li ttl t:-' om·,;. ln tlw mor~ting tlwn· will lH' a fyom Bonttd the WORI~D York Globe-circling deluxe. Takes 137 days ··· it isn't "hop, skip, jump" ··· and 4t costs as little as $2000. This y~ar, new mitcvels ··· Padang-Pandjang, Taihoku on Formosa ··· and new "includeds." Special events: Christmas in the Holy Land, New Year's Eve in Cairo, Japan's plum blossom festivals, etc. Sailing Dec. 2 on the "dreamahip" Empress of AustTalia. Phone or write your local agentJ or IL ~. ELWOUTII\· , ~t··nmshitt c;t·nt·ral :\gf·ut. ;1 E. .JaH·k~ou Bl\41 .· ( ' hh·ngo, Ill. T··lt·pltout· Wnhnsh 190-1 New Th e last Sunclay in Sl·J)tt·ni lwr will lle Hally and PromotiiJJ1 day in · lht · !-;UtHlay ~c:houl. Stntllgl'r. · ancl s h :\rt· in all tlH~ Yisitor ~ ~t· rYi<" es art · inYitr ·<l to < ·f this church . Prny('r m ee ting- \\'edtwsday at S u'vlo< ·k This is th e t·Ye ning <](·\"CJtio ttal hour r>f )Jrais P an<l fl'llowship. Th e \\"oman's ~ O dl~ ty will h:t Yl' tlw fir:-;t lundtl'(JJl nn<l monthly nh ·ding- of th e fall !'t'nson al tlw ('hUrC'h Tw·sd:tv. Sl'pte ml>t·r 10, h e g it ning- at 10 o'doc ·k witb !' <·wing-. Spok e s 2 and 11 will haYt· l'll:ll·gv of tlw s f' wing- undl·r tlw <lir Pdion nf ~ : ~x I >oug-hts B<>ll an<l :\fr:-;. ltandulph L:tmphn·y. Lun<'ht·on at nrt~>tl. ~t· rn· <l hy ~po J.;p ";" . · \lr ~. Rt ·:tlrit·t · Kt·tHl:tll, 1 undwr111 ('h:ti rrna 11 . :\li:-si r.nan· :tnd lntsitlt ·s~ ll ll' C'ting· :t t 1 :Iii 1'. l\f. . 1)l'Yotioll:tl - ::\ln.: . Ct·r·l')..: t' Tttrt ll· l". TPpi<· -··t t istory (lf llinclu i~ nl·· .:\l is~ . \111 1 \\"hitm:t<'k . "Srong s <>f lndia" - .\lrs. f' h :t rlt- ~ ::\Tr ·r ·cly. F rolir ·\\'illg i ~ lht · lllll :-< it- :tl ) Jr ~> gT al11 ]ly tll t· l'!lloir. ~Utlll:t~· tl trtl "ll iltg, St ·J!I t·rn lll' r ~ (lr g: tll l'rl"itttl ('· ·~·:, . lll'l'/.<1 s~ · nlpht>~liq t tt ·· · :\lillt ·t' . \t1th· ·r11 ".\l .Y F :t i tll J,, , .J;,; l ' p tu Tlrt·t.' ' :-; ,· llrt< ·l"l; t· l' . \II t llt ·tl l "( :ud I:-- l .t~\"t.' ' :-; ll t· lt ·\' So,Jo o-'":\llicl t· \\"i lll .\lo ·" Lirlcll.t· :\1 r~ . <::t lll lt>ll ( Jrg:t 11 I ·r ,~ tlurlt · ··.\J a tl"llt' l ' itt~> r t ·!-' Cf l lt ,.. Tilt· ( ' ltoir ~·· fl l':t t lll: r: ·.s t· ( '; tth l' t"illt · . 1~\l ~ h :ll t ,;,. , I .11: i ~ · ·r < ; ;ttlllflll, ··"r1t r: t II" : .i " ll tt 1: . :\l iJI .. r , lt·llot ·: l·:d\\": trrl - !Jti s . I J;ts~: l·: nn :t l: "t lltli :-- . "r ~: t ni ~ l :trHl clirt ·t·t· ·l' . :\t o\·l<wk Sti!Hla:.· aflt ·rno(Jn a ll .1 11 n 111 r hoy~ ancl g1 rls n,ilW, lt ·n and t·h·n·n ~· c· <l rs uf ag(' , an · a ,; ~<l' Cl to lll_ t' l't in ('hil<lrt'll ' ~ hall for tlw hrst mc·t'l1ng of thl' .I unior Baptist en ion II!Hlt ·r th e lt·:tflt·r:-.:hip of :vfiss J 'e arl JJOIJ Sl'. Our Young· Pl·t,pl e ' ~ soddy will nwl't :tt ;) :::o in tht· <iuild room with Mi~s Elizttl H· t 11 Blaylock, pn·sid t' lll . in <' hnrgC'. .·\11 n w mllt'rs al:J.' Hrgl'<l tr1 ht· pr.· · ~e!lt to !war tht· plan s fot · our fall :wllntJ t·s. Tlw fir~! ll ll'din g· of 1 tht · \Y<·nwn' s "tll'il'lv will lw Jwlrl Frida~· . So ·]Ht·mlwr .J:l , at th v lltllll l' c·f ~lr ~. K .-\. l'laar, 1::01 < 'lw ~ tnut rtn·ntlf ·. :tt· :! ,, ·,·lrt.l' l,. Tht· · :tttllll:tl !'hri ~ tma ~· f11r :\!i ss Laura 1-:lltlll :t r:rr.tlht ·t·k , I i i li' nli s~ it~narv in < 'llill :t, will lit' fvatun ·tl. E :wh lllt ; miH·r i:-: r 1 · qJt t·~ \ t' rl to ht ·ing SCIII l gift. dtJH·l' II J CJ!It · ~· , ,r Jll'!' S<o ll :tl \\"t·:l l' illl-! :t jl)l:trt· l will lit· tll ~'-' l a ··t '< ')lf :t ld v. Ce~ne~die~n .l'a(ifit: -~~~~~~~ c_, Ccanczdian Pacific Extwell Trat~ellers Cheques- Good the World Owr World'· Createat Travel Sysb~rn II"···· Concrete pavements last longest Concrete-paved streets Hstand up"under the constant pounding of heavy traffic year after year, without showing stgns of wear. No other type of pavement can equal concrete for durability and trouble-free servtce. Th l· fir s t of a llt ' \\" ~t· r i··~ r,f \\"t·clllt' Srl ;t v t· \·P ning nw din g·:-: \\"i ll IJt · lto ·lcl St ·p t ··l; tllt' l" II at ~ "· ·· ltw k . \\ll t·n tll t· f:.,:trd .. r I l , · ; l("t > ll ~ will rli ~<.:J. l ~~ l il t· 11\ l(ltH > K ftll " l]tt· ~· t ·: tl" :illlll g" t · \";t ll go· Ji ~ li f" :I IHl \\"(JJ" Sitip litlt ':-'. Thi :- will l 11 · f"ll"w t· tl 1·~· \\.t·dnl' :-:tl :t Y , ., · t · llill~ ll H·t· l i rlgs in c lt :t r g,. (·f tlw T r it ~ ft ·t·~ :t.lltl tlt o· t: ~>an l ,.f l~o · li g i < Jtl ~ i·: tl ltt ·:t li llll. . ' .\11 t h o·S o· \\"IJ II ;t) 'o· Wi l Jill!.! ill g i \" f' nf tl H·it · t :tl ··tJt '" tht · l" httn ·h thro ugh till' 1"11"ir <~l" · · r t·t11 intl.-<l ,,r th ·· w t... ld,· d 1··ir rt·llt ·: tr:--: tls o·: wl1 Tltllr ~ <l a .'· t·\·t·ning:. \lllrl P t l ilt · dir· · · · li ~> tt <·f :\l: td :lttl<' (;ildt · l' c ·~· :-;c·r· lt. Tilt· .ll ttlit ·r ··ho.i r \\"il l !l ll· t·l :tt j IJ 'r· lol'k . t lit · ~t · tlilll' I" IIIIi!" :t t S , ,· ,·l· w l\. · Tl1o- l" h tll"l" h hu ilrlin g h :t~ lll't 'll n ·ll .,\":llt·d :t ll tl l't ·d o·t· ··l' :tl t·tl cll .t"ill!.: l h t· ~ tl lll ll l · ·l' St':t ~11 1 1. .\lt ·I!Ji, ·r s : t tl<! f ri t·ll d :-' -; rt · ilt \·itt ·d 111 jJ:tt ti o· ip:tlt · ir1 :tll ,f o u r l tlt·di n g~. Congregational Church \ ",·r·· \". J.,pt ·r. 11 1 i tli~ l· ·r \\"illi:t tll 1 ·:. .\11-< '··I ·n:w l;, :t~:-'<w i :tlo· I t i~ It · ·)II ·rJ t ll: l I ;t II lllt"lll h o·I'S :t !Ill f t i· ·tJ d :- , f t lto · t·htrrt ·lt \\"i ll lot · pt ··:-- t·ll l a t ti l·· ··lttlt"· ·lt {lltt ig ht ! 11 ;t( lt- litl ll tt· i":t ro · \\"o ·l l ·:. l"t·t 1' ]11 i11 11 .111 1>· ' ~i \· o · t \ fil l' tilo · f~ t·\·. \\". 1 :\il-l·, ·l"lt l: tl"i-< . Methodist Church Tltt · <'hun ·lt ~ t·ht H· I will lta\"t' it s "gTnnrl ·· Jtt ·n itt g " lit ·'\ ( Suntl. : t~ · tll lll'llillg :tt !t :::o. l·::tt ·h d o· Jl'.!.l'ttnt ·nt will h :t \"t · :t ~ plt-ndi<l i lr. I.· ·Jlt ·l' \\"ill Jll"· ·:lt·h :t :-- t·J"t llllll S un- prt 1g r :t 11 1 itt tht · l.,,.,.J\· d· · p :t rtnll'ttt:~l d :t,\· tl llll"l li tt g \\·lti t· h llt · l t~> j ll·:< \\"i ll lw of r··"lll!-i i11 tlH · n··w !Juildi.ttg . . \n t· xn·t·(l]l :t rli t· ttl :tl' Y;tl trt-' I·· lht· <"ll ll o·g t· ,; f t lllt · nt~ ing lr l:t rgt · :tl tt ·nda tt t· , . i:-- t·XIHTtl'<l and t·f tho · < "ttiH.!l"l'g";tli ll ll :tr ltl ]l , . is i:-.:suin g it is lii·Jit ·cl th :tl , . ,· , · r~· r'" " \\"ill st:trt th P tlt t· tt l a :-.:J)t·t·i :JI ill\"it :Jlittn (11 :tttt·!Hl this tlt ·W <'111trch ~l'!l t ·ol yt ·lt r rig It 1 IJ~· ht·i ng 1111 Wl tit- lt will Ill' tlh' l:t:-1 St' l"\"it· o· flo) ' lll : tllY tit llt ' for tilt' fir!'t tllt 't·ling in tht· ll<'W ,, f tlt t· tll lH ·t"ttro · lltt ·y g o1 <t\\ : 1~ · 111 t·l d ll' g'l'. lttriicling·. Tht ·l"t· will ht· :t pL l t"(' for Til· · ~ trl1.k t· t "f t ht · ~t · rtnt ·n ""ill · bt· r. ,.,.,".\",llt ·, att<l ""' ' h"P ·· · ·n ·r~· ttnt · will ht' '·t'ltri ~ li:tttit _, . :tn<l <'ll :tn g in g· .\l tt r :t lit _ , .. .. ill hi :-; pl :t<" t' . wur ~ ilip ~t · n· i <·· ,~ · ·It Sun<l :ty morning at :tttd lht· tt ll· tll h t· rs t ot" llw qtr:trtd will ht· 11 ··' l"lo<·k. This will ht · a f:tl 't·WplJ ~<·rv ll ll t ~ i t· . :\li s; i·:1nily l~ o d w rt s·, lht · ~trg·: tni s t, !t :l<"l\ Sund:t~· ll l" l"ll·ing and tlw ~t'l'\" it·t · will n ·sun tt· !1111\"t' o f it~ u s u :tl charac·tl'l' \\·i Ill t llt· c lt·!-'t· nf l h· · Stlllllllt ' l" pnog-r:tll l. :\li :- ~ I·: liz:tlH'Ill \\ " l'll~lt · r , l h t· ll t· \\" llirN'(.,r t ·f rt ·l i!.:i"u ~ (·tlttt ·:t t ir 111 . h:t ~ :-.: t :t rt Pel · ltt·r \\·,,rJ; at tht · t·ilurdl :tJtd h:t :-: n l:tdt· a !IH·s t plto;t:-:ant itllJll"t ·s :-- irnl 11]11111 lh~>SL' wil .. nr ~ht· lt:t s mt'l . .\lr :-. . \111\" Lt ·~ lit · TIJsko ·\·, rlil "t·ctor of "('tdlt·g" t· f) :t\·" will IJ< · cd l~ t · I'Yt·<l at th(' ic< · for IIIII' lll!lll~· ~- llllllg- Jlt ·oplt· who will a ttt ·tHl t··ollt·g·< · tlt'xl .v~· ar. Dr. ~ntith will lw in t IH· pulpit. Tlw :tnr lll :ll C"hurl'h S < ·ho~>l lloarrl llW('titH! will Ill' llvlcl next \\.t · cltw~d : ty night at s o"dr·elc "' 11 tt · :tdll· l'~ fltHl olfi c prs ,,r thl' <'htt n ·h '-'l"hrll d an· tlrg-~· cl to lw J)l " t · ~ t· !ll. POHTL ..\~1) CE\IENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue CHICAGO cA ?{ational Urganrzation t'o lmprol'e and extend the Uses of Concrete OFFICES IN 32 CITIES Th l' \\"omnn'~:-; F<·l"l ·ign ".\TI~sionary llt ·JI:HtmPnt:Jl nll'dinp; ~ ··f tlw <'hun ·h Sl"ll1111l " ·ill ht· ht ·l<1 in all dt ·partnwnt:-:. ~'·<"it·t~· will llWl't :tt th v l'hUrch nt' Xt TIH' Til·· llt>ur f,r th. ·:-t· nH · t'ling· ~ will n ·m:tin Thur s day :t flt ·t·nrHI!l a 1 :! o'l'!ock. :tt Ill t·' l' l·ll'k :11111 llw <'hlll'<·h ~ t· n· i l "l' at annu:t 1 l'f'IH·rts fo r th · past Yt·fl r will h e 11 (l't ·lt·t ·l\ until lht' cl:tSSt'S :-tart in thl' gi\·t·n . :tnrl tho· inst:tll:ttion of the new r.tli<·prs will tal<t· plan· . 1'1w hoste~:-:;t· s t·lluri"IJ s\" h·>~·L will I){' .i\lr~. S. 1 ·:. Ll't'lll:\11 :ttHl 1\frs. n. :\1. <'tt i H r. All w·Jnwn of tht· C'h m ·eh are t ·ttrdi:\11~· inyitt·<l t11 attt"!Hl . First Evangelical \SG Elm stn't'l , \\'imwtka 1~t>.\" _·',-. 1:1Hill\l>Sr>n, 11astor a\1, t hl':-tnut strl't·t ~un<lay. Sf·Jlt··mlll'r ~ PORTLAND CEMENT !t Tlw . Fll\ll'th QuartPrly ("Ollft·l"l' ll("e lit' lw ld W P<lllt·sday , :-;eiHPlllht' l' JS, at whivh tillll' l' L· JH lrts flf this Vl·ar's work will l)l' g·in· n. · l'll·:t!'f' n· nwm lk l' that thr G irl Scou ts will g- ladly accl:'pt any books for which ~·ou tHI )(Jilger hHYe tt:-<l' pertaining to naltll"t· ~tu dy , home-making-, m11sic, or nny c.f the many phases of Girl Scouting. Al~o. they are looking for reed or fibre furniture in gond co nditi on . wm CONCRETE FOR 111.- Suncla , . ~dlott) 11 a. m.-:\l"urning - worship ~~ Jl . 111.-Y. P . S. ";" >l.i j). 111 .-Co~·;J)t>J !-'(']'\"iCe ThursthlJ, S··Jif(·mhH 12 . :::11 a. . .! PE:RMANENCE S p. m.-Prayer a nd Bible l>tudy meeting.