Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Sep 1929, p. 44

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44 NOTICE l ' Jl,LAGE . 01-' WJL)l E'l"l'E I~ WILME.TTE line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the west line of said subdivision. In EJ.. MWOOD A VENUE frorri ' the east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the west line of said subdivision. In THORNWOOD A VENUE from the east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the west line of said subdivision. ' In ASHLAND A VENUE from the east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivi s ion," to the wes t line of said subdivision. In LAKEWOOD AVENUE from Lake Ave nu e to Beech Avenue. In SCHILLER AVENUE from Lake wood Avenue to th e east line of "Arthur Dunas and Company's Rapid Transit Subdivision." In BIRCHWOOD A VENUE from Lakewood Avenue to the east line of "Arthur Dunas and Company's Rapid Transit Subdivision." In LARAMIE AVENUE from Lake Ave nu e to Wilmette Ave nue. In WILMETTE A VENUE from Laramie A venue to Ramona Road. In WILMETTE A VENUE from Romona Road to Locust Road. In WILMETTE A VENUE from Locust R oad to five hundred (!i00) feet w est of the sewer in Illinois Road. In LOCKERBIE STREET from W~l mcttt." Avenue to Ole twiew Road and ln r; T, ENVIEW ROAD from Lockerbte Street, north of Gl('nYi ~:· w Road to LockPrhi e Street, southwP~t of Glenview Road and In LOCKBRRIE STREET from (; J(Inview Road to f' l' ntral Street. In CENTRAL STREET from the east line of "King's Court Subdivision," to t hi' west line of said subdivision. Tn ROMONA ROAD at Lake Avenue for connection to "Indin n Hill Estate~.·· Stnrm Sf'wf'r. Tn LO('US'r ROAD at Lake Avenue for connf'ction to "Indian Hill Estates," Stflrm Sewf'r. Tn SENEf'A ROAD at Lnke Avenuf' fo r connPction to "Indinn Jlill Estates." Storm SPwer. Tn LO('UST ROAD from Lake Avenuf" tn t"·dw hundrt."d six (1206) feet south nf thf' f'f'nter line of L~kP AvPnUf'. Tn A~HT...AXD A YENUF. and ILLY· '-"fHS ROAD from Loru!':t Road to a n r .j '1 t OPf)O!'ite the !"OUthf'a!"tPr]y COrner nf Lot ·1s. Block 2. "Indian Hill E!'tate!;." ln lLLTN'OT~ ROAD from Troquol!" n' :-td to a noint opno~lte thf' ~onthea~t ., -h. <'Nnf'r J.ot 15, Block 2. "Indian Hill E~tatt ." Tn LOf'PST nO.'\ D from Ashlrmo Avf'nn" to tlw north line of the VillagP. of ·\Yilm ·ttl'. ln f1RANT STRF.ET from A~hland :\ ' ' ~'1111P to tlw north linP of tlw Vill:lg-<' qf '\Vilmf'ttf'. ln KF.XlL"·onTTT AVEl\'TE from (~r ~1nt Sll'l'f't to Lo<'n!"t Ro:1cl. Ttl A~TTLAND AVEXUE ft·om Tllinoi~ Ro:ld t n 21rrl ~trP " t . Tn :2fi'l'fT ~THF.F.T f1· nm ·\ f'hhntl A \'1' · """ tn th<' north linf' of the Vill:lge of \Yilm " tt" . ~tr· ·~' l to l!r ·q1t Strtot ·l · T·' f'T.F.\.ET.:\XO ~TREET from A!"h'·q;rJ :\n·nnp tn tlw north linf' of tlw \Til- LIFE September 6. 1929 Boulevard to the first a;Uey east of Hibbard Road. In SKOKIE BOULEYARD from Holly Avenue to Wilmette Avenue. In ROMONA ROAD from Wilmette Avenue to Central Avenue. In ROMONA ROAD from Lake Avenue to washington Avenue. . I ROl\'IONA ROAD from Washmgton A v~'oue to the south line of . ','United RealtY Company's First Addt.t10n to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wtlmette." In SCHILL~R A VENUE from Romona n.o'a tl to the west line of "Lakenton Subdivisiou.." In BIRCHWOOD AVENUE: from Romona Road to the west line of "Lakenton Subdivision." In WASHINGTON AVENUE from Romona Road to Skol<ie Boule vard. . In SKOKIE BOULEVARD from Washington Avenue to the so~th line. . of "United H.ealty Company's Ftt·st Addition to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilmette." . In PINE STREET from Washu~gton Avenue to the south line of "United Realtv Company's First Addition to Skokie Boulevard Addition to Wilme tte." In HIGHLAND A VENUE from Pine Street to the first alley east of Skokie Boule vard on the north side of llighland Avenue. In KNOX A VENUE from Washington Avenue to the south line of "United Realty Company's First Addition to Skoki e Boulevard Addition to Wilme tte ." In KKOX AVENUE from Wa~hington Avenue to Birchwood Avenue. In LOCUST ROAD from Wilme tte Avenue to fourteen hundred three (1403) feet north of the center line of ·wilmette Avenue. In BIRCHWOOD A VENUE from Laramie A venue to La. vcr~rn e A venue. In LEAMINGTON A VENUE fr o m Bin:hwood Avenue to Lake Avenue. . In LAKE AVENUE, ~o · tth ~idf', from Leamington Avenue to Laramie Avenu e. . In LAKE A VENUE, south side, from L ea mington Avenue to L eC laire Avenue. In LECLAIRE AVE).l'UE from Birchw ood Ave nu e to south lin e L ot 1, Block 3, "Wilmette-Lake Avenue Additi on," pro duced east. In LOCKERBIE STREET from Birchwood Ave nue to Lal< e Av nu e. In LAKE A Vb;~UE, south side, from Locl<erbi e Street to LeClaire Av e nue. In LAKE A VENUE, south side, from Lock e rbie Street to La Ve rgnc Avenue . In LA VEHG~E A VENUE from Birchwood A venu e to the south line of Lot 1. Block 1, "Wilmette-Lake Avenue Addition," produced east. In CENTRAL A VENUE fr o m Hibbard Road to LaVergne Avenu e. In LACROSS A VENUE from Ce ntral Avenue to the north line of th e "Thtrd Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LA:l\IO:N AVENUE FROM Cent ral Avenue to the nc :th line of the "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In LAPORTE A VENUE from Central Avenue to th e north line of the "Third Additi on to \Vilm£>tte-Laramie Subdivision," and also to ··onstruct and erect a pumping station with the appurtenances, to lH· used and operat d in connection with and as a part of said system of :-:t,,rm wate r sewers upon n. lot, pi ece or panT! of land which · shall he a cquLred by con<lt·mnation as and in the mann e r n·quin ·d by law, ancl which is described ns follo\\·s: The w st two hundred and thirtv (~30) fee t of the sc1uth one hundred and fifty (lf10) fe e t of SPctifJn Twentyfiv e (25), TDwnship Forty-two (42) nnrth. ll:tn~rt· 'fw<'lve (12) East of th f' Third Principal Meridian, lyin g East and ~cljuining the tract of Janel owtled by the Forest Preserve District of Cook County and conveyed by Warranty De e d r ecorded in the Record er's Office of Cook County, Illinois, on January 14, 1920, as Document No . 6715849 and situated in the County of 'CICik and !:;tate of Illinois, and fc1r. the a~certa inm nt of the just comppnsation to be made for private proJwrty to be ttken or damaged for said pumping station site hereinbefore des c ribed, and for the ascertainment of 'vhat property will be benefited by th e making of :-;aid improvement and thC' n.mount of such benefits; that commissioners were duly appointed by said court to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for pri vate property to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and also what real estate will be benefited by such improvement, and the amount of such benefits, to each parcel of land benefited thereby, and that said commissioners duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement and duly filed their report and assessment roll in the office of the Clerk of said Court on the 19th day of August, A. D. 1929. Thereupon a summons issued out of said court against the defendants above named and the defendants described as and made party to this proceeding as "all whom it may concern" returnable at the. County Court House In the City of C~tc~go, County of Cook and State of Illmots on the 23rd day of September THE COl ' ~ 'l'l.' ( ' Ol'.~'Jl', COl'U'l' Ol' lLLl.:\OIS VOOK General Numb e r 62,257 :'\OTICE of pruet..' ·dings for a local inlprm·t·mt·nt consi:sting of co nstructing and Iay1ng :Y connected :-;y:-t<:m of storm watt' r !'l' \\·e rs of vitrified til e pipe and , of .Yitrilil·d day Sl' gnwnl !Jlol' k with the !1t'l' t' :-:-ary brick manholt ·s and brick catch hasins in ce rtain stret"ts. roads, avenues and lant·s and on and in a ce rtain lot, pit'('t: o r pare 1 o f land to be acquired l·y ' lllHlt·mna ti o n a~ provid ed by Ia w, for a ~itt' f<>r a pumping statiou, all as hereinaft, ·r dt·saiht·d and all situat d in the \'illagt· of \\' ilmdtt·, 'ounty or Cook and l"tatt· of llli1wb. :-1TA TE OF I LLI :\OIS l "~ ('OUNTY I..IF COUK 1· · · I:'\ TilE C<lU~TY 'OUR'l' OF 'OOK 1.. 'U L ' ~TY, ILLlNUI!:> . G e nt·ral Number 62,257 Yll.LAt: I; OF WIL;\IETTE, ) a. munidpal c(l rporation ) \'S. ) l'HAHLES N . STEVE~B. > as trustN' under provision s of) a tru~t ag-rel·nwnt datt>d August) ~7th, 1~1:!2 and rp co rded Scp-) temhC'r 8th, 1!122 as Document) :'-io. 'iG47710 and known as) Trust 1'\o. 1, ) c:olfnWI't' Land ('ompany, an ) I IIi nob Corporation, ) \\'ilmetk (;olf Club, an ) Illinoi s 1.. 'orporation and > All whom it may c n ern. ) I~ TillS l\1 ATTElt (IF THE PETITIO~ t..W Tlll·: \'JLLA<..~I~ OF \\.JL:\IETTE to len· a SJH·dal As::-;t ·~s m e nt to raise the l'Os.t of a local improVt'l1Wnt com;istingof < ·o n::;truding nnd laying- n. connected sYstt' lll of s torm water s wt·r:- o[ vilri tied tllt· pipt' and of v;~ritied day st' gnwnt hloc·k, with th<' tH'<Tssary hrid~ manholes and eatch basins, in n·rtain stn·(·ts, ruad s , a\'t·nu s and lanl's anu on and in a ce rtain lot, piN'C o1· }Jan·l'l of land h rdnaftC'r dt' scrihC'd, to llf' acquin·d by ·o ndemnalion, as provided hy Ia w , for a site for a pumping station. and (' l't'l' ting a pumping station tlwreon. all s ituat£>d in th<' Village of '\Vilnwtt <'. ( ountr of Cook and l:::tate of Illinni~, and to :1scNtain th t> just compensation to lw madt· for pri\·ate property to ht' tal< e n <11' dnmag-ed for the purpose of said impro\·t·nwnt. The said County Court of Cc,ok < 'ount y. Illinoi~. by ordl' I' duly t·ntcn·d in the ahO\'<' entit lf'd JH'O<:eedings, ha ,·ing di · rt' d d that as to !-'uch dt>fendants who are non-rel'id nts of the Statp 11f lllinois, as nn~ shown hy the affidavit fil<'d in said procet>ding:-:. o r whos(· residt·nces are !'hown by said affidaYit to he unknown, and tlw dC'fendant:-: d~·!';ignatE'd as "All whom it may eonct:·rn." that no tkC' h e gl\'l·n said dl'ft'ndanls and to "all whom it may C"OIH.'I'rn" hy publication as by law rt·quir('d, in " ' IL:\IETTI'.J LIFE. a ~t>t·ular nt~w~paper of g-etwral circ' ulntinn printt~ d and l'u!Jlblwd in tlw Villag-t> of \\.ilm£>tt(', Cook County, IllinCiis, of the mattt>1·s h <' rt inafter · .:-:d forth; ~nti<'t' I!-: Jwrt>h~· gi\'t·n to all C>f th,, ~a ltl dt·ft' ndant!" and tn "all whom it may t·orwt>rn" that tlw \'ilhH~· ~· nf ·\\'ilmC'ttP, a municipal t'ol·poration. lll·rt'tofon· fil ·tl it :-: JWtiti<>n in tlw Ct>unt~ · ( 'ourt of C'nok C'ounty, lllitu.i:-:. praying that a ~pt·l'i.'ll :t.!-:!:'f'S~Il1t' nt ht' kYi<'d t tl rai !-:(' tlw C'tl!'; t of a loca l imprtl\'t' lllC'Ilt ('C>n:-:ist ing- nf 1h. I'O n:-:t ruction antl laying- of a contH'C'tNl ~ · ,·:-:t<·m of o..:tPrlll waU·r st'Wt' r !-: of Yitrifi.f' d tilt · pipv and of Yitrifit ·d c-lay !'(1~ nwnt hlcwk. with tht> tll'l't'~~a ry hrick ma nhnl s :l!lcl hril'k t':t tc·h h:tsin~. in tht· following !'treN:-:. roads. an' tlUI'S and !:tnt·:-: r~ nd (ln nnd in th E' lot. pi Pce or part't' l of land tn ht · ~tc· quirt · d h~· cond,·rnnation. ~1:-: pnH"iclc·d by lnw for n ~ite for a flUI11Jiillg :-:t:ltiP!I ht ·l't·inaft <' r d<' :-l'riiH·d :tN} rt ·ft' ITC'd to a!' "thf' }Htmping sta 1 ion gnl\llHh"' all ·s ituatt>d in th ' Vil1:\f.!'P t> f \\'ilnwtt· , rounty of C'onk and ~t:ttt~ o f Illinois; T11 l ,:tk( A Yt·nul' fr om thl' c·n~t hank of the ('hiv:tgo Hivt·r to tlw w<·~ t line of tlw fullowin ~ dt·scrihf'd t rart of land ~itu:ttt·(l in tlw Villa.g-e of \Vilmette, ('.,tJnty C>f t't111k aml ~tate of Illinois, I 11- \\ it : Tht> Tn KE~n-"·nn'l'TT .. \'I ·~ Xl 'L from 2fith WP f' t two lnmdrC'd :1nd thirty f· ·l't of thf' :-:nuth lillt' hunrlr('(l and ftft~· (150) ft·f't of Se>ctiPn T\n ·n ty -fi v (2;)), ri\l wnship F n rt\' - t\\·o (42) ~ rt!l. Range TwPJ\· · (1?1 c·ast of th f' Third Prindpal !'.h·ridinn, lyin~ East of and ndjoinin~ tlw trac·t of land own c1 b~· thf' For st Pr('Sf'n'e Pi~trid r,f ror·k rountY and conv<·n·rl hv \Yarr antv 11f't~ d rf'cnrdt~ d in· tlt<' ·Rc·('nrd<'r·s· offi ('e of Cook rounty. Illinois, c n J:,nuary 14. 1!120 as Documf'nt · ·o. 6715S49 and sltuatl'd 2J1 thl' f'ounty of Cook and state of Illinois. In LAKE A VE~l E from tllf' pumping !'tatinn J!rnund!' to Ridgf' Road . In LAKE\VOOD AVE~PE from Lake A \'PnUP to Ashland A Vt>nu· . In BLA C'KJJ A "-TK ROAD from J,akewood A venue to the east line of "Lakewood Manor f;ubdivision ." In WALNUT AVENUl~ from the east line of "Lakewood Manor Subdivision," to the weHt line of ·said suhdlvi!';ion. In IROQUOIS ROAD from the east (~::OJ of \Vilmt ·tt f'. KE~ n;WOR'f rT A \'E:'\TE from f'l· ' ' Pl:tnil ~tr l'~> t to ~fith StrE'I't. Tn 2~'1'TT S'l'H.T-':T~T from A~hln nd A w"11" to Olll' hnnilr Nl thirty-three ( 11~) r, .,.t !';n11th of Kt' nilworth A \'f'nllf'. Tn f'( LCi :\ TE STRP.F.T from A~h lane! /\ \'f' Tlllf' to Kf'nilwort~l A\·f' nue nncl in K I ·~XlL\YORTTT AYE~TE from f'olp:tf(l f:trPE't to Cl(I\·Plnnd StrE'et. Tn ~ :tth STI~F:ET from Asltlnncl .\w·nll f' to one ~lllnclrf'cl thirty-thr0e (1 ~~) ft'd !';nuth nf KPnilworth A\'f' nlH'. Tn DA RT:\fOli'l'H STRBE1~ from Ash1:1 nd A \'E' nttP to mH' hundred th irty-thr'c·t:> ( 11~) fP(>t !'OUth of K~nilworth AYt"11llf' . Tn 2:1RD ~TRBET from LakE' Awnu<' to B E'N'ln,·oort A vf'ntH'. Tn KENJT,\,""RTH AYENFF. from :2~rd St rl'et to Colgate Stref't. Tn BF.ECH\YOOD AYEN1 E from 2~r(1 Str£-(lt to one hundred (100) f C't southw(>sterlv of Ridge Road. Tn f<F.~IL\VORTH A VENl:F. from 2~rd StrPE>t to Ridge Road. In ('Hl~S1'NUT AVENUE from 2~n1 StrC'et to Ridg-e Road. Tn 'l'HORN.W OOD AVENrE from 2~rcl ~trPet to Ridge Road. In THORN\VOOD A \TENUE from 2~rd StrP(It to Dartmouth Street. Tn ASHLAND A YENUJ;: from 2~rd Str et to one hundre d twC'nty-five (125) f£>f't southwf'!';t<'rly of RidgE> Road . Tn ELM\VOOD A VENUE· from 2~rd Strt'<' t to thirtt."en hundred twent:y (1320) f('f't W('f;t, In ELl\f'WOOD AVENUE from 23rd Street to Ridge Road. In 21ST STREET from Beechwood Av<'nue to Linden Avenue, and in LINDEN A VENUE from 21st Street to Ridge Road, and in RIDGE ROAD from Linden Avenue to a point one hundred seventy (170) fe e t southeasterly of a line three ( 3) feet north of the center line of Linden Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Linden Avenue to the north line of the Village of V"ilmette. In RIDGE ROAD fi'om Kenilworth Avenue to a point four hundred eigtlty ':1'."1' Tn ( 480) feet southeasterly of the sewer ln Kenilworth Avenue. In RIDQE ROAD from Chestn 1Jt Avenue to a point three hundred ( 300) feet southeasterly of the sewer in Chestnut Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from Thornwood -~ve nue to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet southeasterly of the sewer in Thornwood A venue. In RIDGE ROAD from Elmwood Avenue to a point three hundred ( 300) feet northerly of tohe sewer in E lmwood Ave-, nue. In RIDGE ROAD fn:>m Elmwood Avenue to a point seven hundred twenty (720) f eet north of the ceBter line of Lake A Yenue. ln JUDGE ROAD from Lake Avenue to a point seven hundred twenty ( 720) feet north of the center line of Lake Avenue. In IROQUOIS ROAD at 23rd Street, for connection to "Indian Hill Estates unit No. 2," Storm Sewer. In CORNELL STREET rrom Lake Avenue to the north line of "North Shore Cr st," Subdivision No. 2. In 22ND S'rREE'r from Lake Avenue to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In YAL}<j STH.EE.'T from Lake Ave nue to th e north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In 21ST STREET from Lake A\·e nue to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In HARVARD STREET from T,ake A ,·enu e to the north line of "North Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 2. In -:=OTH STREET from Lake Avenue, to the n ortl1 line of "North Shore Cre::-;t," Subdivision No. 1. In COLJ ; MBUS STREET from Lake A Yenue to the north line of "::--Jorth Shore Crest," Subdivision No. 1. In RTDOE ROAD from Lak e Av nue to Schille r Avenue. fn HARVARD STREET from Lake AYenue to Schiller Avenue. In 21ST STREET or th e a llC'y wP. s t of Set'g<'r' s ' Subdivision from Lak e A H ·nu c: to \Vashington Avenu e. In S HILLER A VENCE from 21st Strc t to the west line of "Braun's Subdi,·ision." In SCHILLER AVENUE from 21st Street to a ll t>y west of Riclge Road. In BIRCHWOOD A VEN1 E from 21st St ref't to the W(·st litH' of "Braun's Subdivision." In BIRCHWOOD AYENUE fr om 21st ~·treet to Ridge Road . Tn IIARV ARD STHEET fn1m Schiller Avenue to Birchwood AV L: Ilue. Tn RIDGE ROAD frnm tilrcl1'.':oocl ..:\' ~~ 111H' to Schiller A \'enue. In RIDGE ROAD from Birchwood A\'enu(l to Washington Avf'nUf'. 1 n IIARV ARD STTIEET from Birchwood Avenue to \Vashington AYenut·. Tn ILLINOIS ROAD from Lal\t; AYe nuf' to Wilmette A\'f'nue. In 'WILMETTE A.. VE2'-'TE from lllinoi~ Road to five hundred (500) f e<'t w est of t!H' !"f'WPI' in JEin ·lis H. 11~tcl. l:1 \VlLMETTE A Vi:·:.:\ C'E front lllitHd :-: P.ond to Gl e nvif'W . H f\:'.cl. . Tn WILMETTE A \·l·:~t~ !·; fr om nlenvil'w noad to Ridg e 11oad. In H.TDOE ROAn from Wilnw t.te A Y~ nuc to Central Avenue. In RIDGE ROAD from ~V~lm 0t te !\\' P nue to South Limit s of th e· Village of \\· ilme>tte. In GLENVIEW 1-:.0A D from \Yilmf'tt" A Y<>nue to fir~t Yillag-e Limits linf' f' XtPncling south f1 om the center of Clt>n,.i<' w Roa<l . In LEAl\TlXGTO::--J A VP.:'\UE fr n m \Vilmf'tte A\· nu<' to tlw north lin<' nf "Fir~t Adflition to ,,. ilm f' tU·- Larami e Subdivision." In LECLAITIE A VEN'U:F. fr(lm \Vilnwttl' A\·enu c to tlw north linE' of "Fi!·.~t Addition to \Yilm e tt e-Laramie . 'ubdivislon." In LOCKERf!lE STnEET from \Villll<'tt(l Avenue to the north line of "First Addition to \Vilm c tte-LaP.ami<' Subdivision." Tn LA VERG~E .A VENUE from Wilm(ltte A venue to th north lin e of "First Ad(lition to \Vilmette-Lnramic Sub<li\· ision." In LAVERO~E A VEXT E from WilmE'tte AvE'nu<> to Thay<>r Avenue. In GLENVIEW ROAD, on the SOl TH SIDE from Lockerbie Street to the West Vilhge Limits line. ln GLENV1EW ROAD on the NORTH SIDE from Lockerbie Street to the West Villag-e Limits line. In THAYER AVENUE from LaVergne A venue to Loel<erbie Street. fn HIBBARD ROAD from \Vilm e tte A venue to the north line of "Third Addition to Wilmette-Laramie Subdivision." In HOLLY AVENUE from Hibbard Road to Knox A venue. In KNOX AVENUE from Holly Avenue to Central Avenue. In CENTRAL AVENUE from Knox A venue to first alley east of Skokie Boulevard. In KNOX AVENUE from Holly Avenue to alley north of Wilmette Avenue. In SKOKIE BOULEYARD from Holly Avenue to Central Avenue. In CENTRAL AVENUE ~rom Skokie ....,

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