September 6, 1929 WILME.TTE LIFE 45 Tennis Champion IOPEN SCHOOL MONDAY Four Hundred. and Twenty-Five' Kenilworth Pupils Will Reaume Clan Work at Joseph Sears School RETURN FROM CAMP --0- XO'I'l('E OF .\W.\HD OF ( ' 0\TH .\("1' Fc1r improYing- tlw fir~t ;lllvy !llll'th c1f Elm,,·c·oc1 AYf·nup ft·om Fiftt·l' llth ~trl'l't to ~ixkf·nth Strt><·t. (\\'ilnH·ttc· ~p<· c·ial A~:-('~!-'11H'Ill Xo. 2;-,i()) Wil nwttl:', 11 I., ~Ppt. 4, 1 ~· :!!·. ::'\OTJ('Jo: i!-' lll'n·by gi\·l' ll to all pt-l·~on:-: intt·l'l·!-'tN1 that lhl' l1ids for thf' imprOY('mC'nt (,f the first allc·v nnrth of gJmwoocl A n·nuE· from tiH' Wl'~t curh line o( Fiftft·nth Stn·Pt to the east linP of Sixteenth Stn·et hy · grading and pn ving with reinforc·c·<l ]'ortlan<l (' (~ment coll<·t·Pte and otherwis<·· improving the· sn nw in t!H' Yillngp cJf \Vilnwtt<·, were OJWnNl on the :lrd chty (If Reptl"mber, A. n. 1H2fl, and l'aul Hesch!«· of ·winnetka, Illinois, lwing the lowest responsibl bidder, the contra ·t was awarded to Paul Re:;chkt> on the 3rd day of S<>ptember, A. D. 1929. Said bid is for the work as a whole, and is as follows: · 445 cubic yards of earth excavation@ 70c per yard .. . ..... . $ 311.50 890 square yards of reinforced and ~1 rs. ~lark Cresap, 535 \\'arroad. Kenilworth cntcrtain~:d friends at dinner \Ycdnescla,· n·cning in honor of ~~ r. atHl 11rs. Cecil Pa~c · (1f ~ C\\' York who arc here Yisiting. - 0~f r. aJHI ~~ r s. Page formcrh· tired in ~fiss ITeknt ~fah:-tn oi \\'innetka, Kcnil\\·orth. -0formerh· oi \\' ilmettc. \\·ho has hccn planning <lll entering Xortlnn~ ~tcrn Kathcryn DudJ<:,·. daughter of ~tr. this fall ha~ decided to attend school and ~1rs. Laurence Dudley, 414 \Varthis n~ a r at Indian a un in· r sit y S c Pte m- ,,·ick road. Kcnih\nrth returned to her home on Tuesdav from the Evanston her 17. -ohospital where she has been for the l\f r .. Fred Bulle,·, 220 Sheridan road. pa . t four \Yeeks. 1fiss Dudlev will not Kcnil\\·orth, is entertaining at luncheon return tn Ogontz school this fall. and bridge at the North Shore Golf -aclub on Frida,., September o. John Thompson \Vaidncr. son oi ~[ r. -oand 1frs. \,Yilliam 1\. \Vaidner. 1046 The Henrv E. Cutlers of 407 Central Greem\·_?od avenue, has returned from avenue spent last week on farm · ~amhP. l'.cho, where he has been spendat Lowell, Incl., returning to thetr home 1111g ts two months' vacation. He will enter Lake Forest university this fall. 011 Tuesday of this week. ~~ r. \\"ick The Kenilworth bovs returned SaturdaY, August 31. from Welford C. ("Duke") Childs' camp at Baril lake, Canada. Claude. Jr., Tom and Linus Smith4 sons of ~~ r. and Mrs. Claude Smith: Tom and Tack Hicks, sons of \fr. and 1frs. E. Tohn Hicks. Tom \\'hitc. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. \Yhitc were among the older ho,·s and Bohhv McCloud. Jack Nellegar. Charles Bernas. Gricllcv Dement, Carleton Ross, Woodward · Anderson, Daniel Killips, Russell Cooke. and Tom Tlildchrand were among the youngtr 1Hws who returned. ~Irs. George D. Upson and her daughter, Jean, who have been spending three weeks at Sister Bav. \Vi:., returned to their home at 607 \Vashington avenue on Monday. ~!iss Jean is preparing to enter her sophomore year at Carleton college, Northfield, Minn., about September 18.