WILMETTE LIFE September 6, 1929 , A ·Good Place to Buy ,,,~, . tJC: \Vhen you need ne\v tires we will 'supply the greatest of them all - the sturdy, reliable Firestones that hold all world records for safety, endurance and mileage- the finest tires ever built, and the n1ost economical. For they deliver Most NI iles Per Dollar. Wilmette Battery & Electric Service 140 Twelfth Street Wilmette 69·1 HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR. COAL? This is midsummer. Thousands of our thrifty customers have already bought their fuel for next winter. At our present low prices on coal and coke, it will mean a big saving to you, too, to let us fill your coal bin now . BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL! EVANSTON OFFICE 1015 Church St. Phones LJniv. 4500 and \Vii. 1300 ·. j ~ GLENCOE OFFICE 712 Glencoe Road Phone Glencoe 75 THE OeLtvERV V~ROS n NORTH SHORE OISTAtCt ----·---------------------------------------------------·-· ·----------------------------------------------·i ~w M .DemtJnstration at this Store $CR~~NGRIV RCA RAOIOLA 46 TEAVE it to us ··· ifyou want the greatest L value in radio.ever offered. This new ' masterpiece of RCA is the sensation of the radio world. Backed by the famous guaranty of RCA and by our well known record for better service and greater values. Come in and hear this amazing new radio achievement. WM. G. BEYRER Electric and Radio Shop 1131 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 81