2h ' WILMETTE LIFE September 6. 1929 Critic Paints Glowing Picture as Ravinia Lights Flicker Out Recalls Golden Arias, Sees Stars in Stellar Roles of Master Operas nw\·ing t·rd!lr. 111" th·· r·Jlt·r:t IHtllllllPil ! 1\' that hoJh' for u n.tlta inai,] P 'thin .!.:"~.\lt110H \\"t· haY t> n ··· <tll· ·d Ha \in in Li:-:t· ·n. P : qti's kttr·n i:- liftt·d and h· · pull:< th· · or.-lh·:-=1 ra intn 1l~t · o\·,·n ur· · '" " I ,flui:-;t·" : < 111. n·1t !ling- i::-; Iii\·· H:t\ ini:t' Land ,,f ,., ..... t:tti · lnonu ·nt:-;, gll l!ll-lt hfllll':": illl·· r mi~~·-i,,n~. Champ Among Swiss IWOMEN VISIT TUNNEL Club Women Personally Conducted Through Chicago Water Tunnel; Have Luncheon and Program l:t ug-h1 ,.,.. lin t·:- of an d ~natl'ht·:-: ,-n it · ··~ By Rutheda L. Pretzel :\.on t h :1 t t h t R ; l\· i11 ia opera . . ea . . o t1 i:=; on:r. all the j .. , nth ; u 1t i ripa t it~n j, t>\-:'1' tPII, :1:1d ttll\' r:tll 1111 h · -..it 111 ..,tl'tlt' fril'nd h. k:ti' 'Jl"! and drv:tlll ,,i att ~·n ch :tntt ·d pl.tn in the \\"fit HI " lwrv IIJlt"·a ~len ~arn j, ~ i \ l "l1. TIH· \\ l'l' k.... It II ·111 ;tlll':trl. ~!ran ·t·h t'lllPt' :tnd t'tl],,rJv ....... lik,· ~tructioo. ~hip . . "itilt111t t':tr~·'· rh- ~-r at l~ a,ini:t The se \\'0 111 C'n wh o g uid e club and t ill· t'J ttr :tlllt' ..,j~l1 i-.. rlark. anrl -..ikllt ' t' Ln1pltl_\l'" tJi tht· P11 ldic ~~·nin· Ctlll1ci ,·ic affairs. and th e w in· s nf the iorhan~, liht' :1 Jt:tll <t\'l'l' thv ll:l\ ilitl'l. pan,·. in a m.inllr .... -n:-t·. t'ltltdat··d Paul tit!n rnn-.u l" .\\Tre th e g uest. of L Me n () n l' \\·)Jllh-1 . . ii 11l < tt·ltli~ll! \\tlttl~l rv,t·;d 1\nn t t·arh· la . . t \\' cdnc:-da,- 1lltlrllilll'" I D. (~ atun. r ih· cn.~ in ecr, and C()mmi:-. the \\rai t h-. Pi tl1i- \t':lt··.., J·:ttrt 1 ll" \\ill·!- \\!It'll tl1n.- :-'prt·arl tltrt>tl~lt~~~~ tlt.e :-.itllll:r oi Pu b li c \Y orks, Hichard \\'olil·. inl! thn,u ...:lt tl 1t· tr· ·t·-. :111d ii Jnidltil!11t t1.1rtl1 . . !J,Irl' and, knnrkilll!" ;tt tilt· dPtlr:-; Du e tn an o ld :-;upe r -, titi o n ni long \\ llllld !,rill· t·,·lltw' "' lt ·l.. ,t·d ar1:1,,j ,J..,·t'illl..(' rl' ... idv 1 1r.... \\arnt·d Ill a stand in g, tunnel workmen h<n·e n<;t t he t'ar . . :t~:tin. clant.:Tr n ~ubtk and :-.iknt 111 its ,,-i . . herl women to come und erg round Bori- the Exquisite prt·,t·JH' t· that It lll:t~ - \\ell h; t \'t· rau . . t·d durin~· rnns tru rtinn. hut a lon g \\·it lt L ik,· l>it ..... i ,·an··d j,,.;·,. lllttlllt !t . . rli-trt··" i11 tnan\· ltt>lllt' . . !tad it not man y tither pn.·ju dic e:-; a.r.;a inst th e sex. and pic t 11rn . . t;tlld tll.lt :t(.!:tllht tl1 1 · InTI! ltll' tlH·ir effc)J'h. I t ht· 1trn· cdent has hcc-n hr0 k c n. lllt'l llttr\ Tilt r1· j .... l'">ri. tit·,. v:-.qJti . . j·l'. ~Jt,Jrth llt · it~n· lltidlti~..:ltt lit'\\ ~a . . i Tn littk _ r.;rnup . 1 i1i d:-.t a ha tt t'l'\' (li in llt·r \\l i: !l IH·ulf. tl l! dr.- ...... \\it!J ti t·· \:tult \\;t . . r11t in till till' 1ltlrth ~hort· ll·amna men \H' \Ytre lo\n.Ttrl into thC' ,j\icl d.t-..lt .. j rt·d -:t . . lt ~t· . . turinl! \\i" ' I·.~ . . 1n:tit1 ,, . ,tl'tll and th~.· rt· . . ultillt!." dt·iJ h . . tti 1h c earth l\\.tl hunrlrcrl iett ll:utd . . :t_nrl .tl'llt' tlt:tt tlllbt _ 11:~' ,. lll'_t"l ._: 1rJ.j,. 11 clrai 11 011 tl!l· !..::t' .., 11 p jtl\ t':tll-· ;I 1 l>tl! t\\'. r 1(1\\"(".'l' r, tiH'rt· \\'l're lec tri ( m ad t: PI ~·:tr_· -t l>n·. . cJ..n. "'I~L:IIl~ \rllh ! tltv prt·,..,tll't· !11 !all \-~·n· lt·\\. Ft·:trilll!" li!..!l1t-. ;tnrl tlt l' r.;raH·I rar-.. \\·ere Ctl\'a) \t it~· ·· :.'t ,J!].; , lt<·ltt·: an~l :-._1hvr. :·l: t ,IJ: 1t t~ilt' ligl;t... 1111 ~a ...... t 11 ,·t· .... (Iii vrt·d \\ith clt an -p aper, h u1' l1lllt' "_;,, 1n:td t' ,'"~' L_llr t \\t ' t_IJ 111k . l 1, 11 r 11 n, .. r 11 \ht'l' re;-;ickntial eq uip -.: .\ itt'!' a mn ... t illttmi natint! ridt' ·t\ IH. t ll'l'l' I' t 1 J:tt tl! ll'J" )llt'lllt'l' (ll 11\'1'. I l I . l I \ "I )I ~ .. ~ I . Jnt·nt lll.t\ 1an· gotH' u ut . t'<t\ 111~ · t 11 I l · .. 11tr .. tl!.~·1, thi..; ..;()Jid rllr k tunnel und er 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 a-.. ·a~" . .a :t ~n:n·. ·a nt / o..!:t" ttl t·..,t· a·>t' a .. t h · 1 intn tilt: hotn·-·" \\' l.ah· \I ichil!"an \H' \\Tre returned · 1n the . t'rltlh ·tll l!t:tt·,· l1vr \"tllt' t· \\;tl'lll :t·Jd : tlr< ·-. . . nrt· I>vra I~ L me -,trong-er 1 tht· ,])~tit ha . . c t o flnrl a L;a\·h- li t!htcd · -. unl1t l111t -.JtadP\\t'd I>\· t ra~..:cch. i1 ·· · · · . :. '\.. e IJ, ·\'. n ilL ckrkcd table arran . l!"cd \\·ith Tiwr·· i-. :1 tti· 111r·· ·ti J:, tllh.·rt.:. !.!·t!tl··t· Hll', tll:tiJ:tl!t' r "' t 1lt: 1.. ,-all ,t·'ll hranrll. hai·· tr:tllll t:..: 1] .. , 111 .. ,..r· t.:r· ·· 11 1'} 1it'f,.t ·. I tll't-!t-rt·d IJi.., itlrl't' nut n,·,· r 1 -:,an-..ttlll. :1 c~cli,·inth ht)! lunche,1n. Ct111l)llvtc :n a qui .·k. ··t ·:-t:t!i·· t.:··:-t ur ... f til· · .trllt:" Ill'- 1 \\ 'ilnH· t!l· and Kenil\\·nrth tt> arttU:-.l' ~ - ,·~ · It tht· -.nJalk . . t cktail. ward :- :tnd :t r·,t:-· ·;t d· · ,,f ·· t'l:- l;t) ,·), ·:t r tilt· ..,Jl'l.'llil\1'" hnlllt' tl\\l ll'rS ancl ltl It \\;, . . innd i11J' thnu!.d1t . !till, . . ittin~ \tint ·:- pirt·u..ttitt:..: till'tl tlt.:lt th·· · ;~ir. ,. . ,,irl .., 111':-.t tt~ a \\·nman ni inrcil!"n ~tccent :tn.! in:..: a t··~ u ntl til·· p:tittl··d tr· ···:-. l! :tllt ··t H!t- -, !t:t\t' tht·Jn rhl'ck t 1 ll thl'ir ga" CllllllL'l'h·in itt "Til·· :-;utd" ·tt J: ..\1." ltl'lltt:..:llt .1 ' ti"""· ]ltl\tt lt· ..,:-.. :tllllt.l_:~llll'L' to tllthC m annn~ . and \\·atHlering ,,·hat hn at i. Ht·thlt··rg ··f unh· ·li·· \ .t ltlo · ··ll:lrtn :ttt tl \\· · di . . turlH·d rv:-.ultt' d in tht J)rL'\·enti ,lll lllfk \\<t:' t<J\\:-trd t hi..; L;rcat land ni ntJr-. \\'O!Hi t· l ' II· t\\ :1 1\llll't :t t 1'1 1\l)d --iII:..: ,,-ith ttur m~ttl\: p riYilc gc;;. tiidtJt ·!l . Th· · \tlt(l ·~ ,,.-~· .. ""',._,. tJ fr.t 11 1 , ,j lll:tll\ , at·ri<knt . , · :llld PJ·rllap-.. ne ll Toa . . t 111a . tcr \,atnn i11trnduct·<l thC' ht·t· tl tl't>i<l Iii\·· tw:t rl.-. :-· .til· I'· d 1., ~"llll' 1k:ttlh. Ia \ i:-.11. tl! ·:-1itt! itiL.: lt;tttd:.\ tttl tlwt ,. i--..p<·akn.... Richard \\' ,llil'. tlw nnh· a H..thl~t · r:..: tlt .tt \\!'itt:..::- tit. · lt· ·: trt. l"lt'r111 a11 '~'taker. ~tre:-sed the need iM initt~ H\11 :-·1 I I II lll··lc ,.)\. Ill:-· i1111:- :-~ttl ltd ill Airplane Crash Ends Close t L·1l iu c 11 t :111 d i 11 in r me rl "n t n s. a 11 d ad"0 lit. I·. i II I I; t ~ . . · \\ 11 i I· I" ~ id It '. I' Hour :- l,a~: ·. :t" :-;u zul,i, a~~ttln··~ .1 1" "- ' mittl"-..1 that men han· r0 m e tn realize of Father, Son Comradeship likt · ,, · ;,., ,, ]·l'illt. h<nY ,,·i!li11r.;h· \Y01l1t' 11 Ct operate in pubTltv na-,Jt oi ;u1 airplane near [n gle1:a11 . gi:..::...:lit t!! :t11 d tltrttllin:..: pill "":- ;II lic alTai r ;-;. ~[r ~. F,-a H :i.mi lt tll1 re' ':\larAtll f." iti \ :t el· ·:- tilt· lllt'llltlt · ~ .. 111d lt··- "'")(l. l'alii .. ell\ .\u g1 r:-.t .!,tJ. cau:-.ed · hind lwr t'tlfll· ·~ hd' :'ll :ttttlll, ,,.,.. pin:..: :tLt! minded tl :-' n f th <" pri\·ikl!e it i..; t o be tOUt'hing a t:t ltl t· \lith t·· lu l'!:tttl. IJt ·:tt tt ,·- thl' death ui l·: ugl'11l' F. Drurv. t\\'Cilt\· a \\nman nf t () d:-t,-. and Dr. Ra che l lo\·ing fint.:· ·r.... Th.·r,· :tr·· t··:;r:- itt h;· r t~,· ·> n·ar .del g,r<u;d ~tlll ni \1~:-. - H n r~~c· · Y<lrr n ...... tat ed that ,,-o man's halo '"ill \ oin ·. \\In t ,., ·· I' :-It·· :-ilt:...::-. :\l. t··ltt·l n 1> "1"- ( '. I J r m .'- . t Jl X lt·t1t r a 1 a \' t'll tiL', \\ tl nn h · he prnpnrtionate t o the intelliint n · til t· nit·tur.· ;t:-; tl :-t·:tr fr11111 "T!J·::\I:t~k· · d J: :t\1." 1""1\in:..: tltt ·r·· tlimi nuli\··· llll'tte. and hrt,ught t11 an untim,·h , gtllt'e ni her \· o tc. She reminded tt .~ '! H I F I (Hussell Ph oto ) that than ,.,, .r llt·'-i d·· \l:lrtitt· ·lli :-;111· \\:tl" :-; clthl' till· dn·nll'd rt·lllpanit,n:-hip ll-i .-\merican \r<'~11H' n arc the em·,· . , · · ' e e t e e 11 u ton ti ftc e 11 v ea r o I d 1 with t ht· tt:t iiL:llt .\·. Jlt- Jipt ·l'.\. :- Jll lilt·tl. fa--- t lll' ~out I1 ant 1 Ith J;ttlter. Lt·,,rg-t· ! I - ,1 · nf all Fumpc. \fr s. B ess ie Pierson dnating- !itt),. tn:titl ctf "La l~tt!Hiitt· ·." :tnt! l )rur y, cldnt '-tlll n i \1 r-,. Drun·. · 01 ~Ytt~ 1ter . H:l'l r. an d }.! r~. Frank D. str e . . .-cd th e fact that we were indeed ~h·· ~ ing -- 11 ith ft~tlt·:-; that ~·· · ·nH· d 1" ll :n .. 1 :-;itlt'L' tilL· ckatlt Pi tltc \'llltth'~ 1\llltltn l u _ t ~n lH I rl oal<, \\'innctka. ,,-1 10 ht·t'tl ··ut 11ff ,.),·a nh· with a knif· · . l<b JUSt annexec t 1e \Y o tl1L' t1 ." ()!>C I1 pri,·ile t_fc d t o in spect the tunnel nerson\ 'Ia rt.i rlf·lll \'I' It r .,~_.,era 1 \'t'ar:- agt,, tathl'r and :own had T · · - , · ·' alh-. \f r..; . Lowenthal called this Tlli :- nlll 'l h.t\·· ]t,.,.n ·:.\Ltrlillt·l li Y· ·:t r." het'll in ~:t· parahk . \f r. Drun h~d about cnnt... _ch amp1onshlp ot S\\ ttzc~land. a"'akening <if co0perati0n a great f n r t It a t I t a ! ian 1' · 1111 !' "f t h, · g "I d, · 11 ' "i' ··· llt·lcn h al:cady r.a nkcd a~ . \{) _ _ .!. challcnl!"e tn the intellig ence and sinhad mud1 t·· do. \\·,. ;tlw:t 1·:- ,..,.,. lii1n tiit:· ltnur~ ui -.olt) thin~..!" ,;, hi :-; credit _ with h· ·a d thrP\\Il lt:tt· k. ' ri:..:ll t ;trt tt an.d hdd a pri\·a tL' .li ce tb C'. Ill' \\a s ·.t:1l tl l1 g" th e g_trl tent!J S playl'!·;-; Ill C!ll- cerit,· oi \\"0men. and reminded m that · · .. L .u.;u und e r e1ghtcen ,·ear;-; ot a«c 1\nd . nti:-:Nl in trth' ttp··r:t li t· :-1~ It·. :-t ridin ~: ptt tt tU.I.! 111 11101'<.' 1wur~ 111 an c 1 l<>rt tn .1 · ,. ; · · · · .., · · aeru~~ tht · -. J :t~ · · .itt.... t lu·f,,r· · thrillim: .1 .f · . :-. 1 · b - ' n. ,1 111 t 1 1e en t tr e we stern ,,.e can nnh- ju. tif\· our leisure. nur \'a!:'t aud i··n ···' with l!it-h :tnl" :-: impa ,- 12,tta I1 \' lo r a tran sport lll't' ll ~L' " ·hen 1· .· · . mean:-;. and 0ur intellig-ence 1)\· using H · · · · 1 hi-; piane \\ c 111 int > ' t 1. -1 cr tnump 1 Ill ~\\'ttzerbnd (l tlr thmwht f0r thinC!s \\'0rtll\· and · · 1 < 1\ I"J t) l\. ~iotu·d rJ · t ~ itt "Tht· :'lla :- 1-::t ·tl r: :t ll. " Thl'r .. k .'. l ,u :-pill ,lJH_ I place~ her in the rank s ' the leading i~ hi ~ tr;q. .:'i· · llt ·illt·idl of "Tht · ~urtl\ t'll .. : I .'I . 'I' l , - .. · < cl :-. ll ( . 1 t.: :-. t I r . . ),. Ill(' a 11 ~ () l I . - . }' l'tcrnal. \Irs . John ~fc~fahon sn0ke Ht·ll," :tnd th·· :'ll:trtitll·l li th:tl Ill · l I·I· 1 1 1· · · . P a \er~ 111 ·. ur ope . he 1s a -.tud ent n f the i mporta nee 0 f 0tt r ktwwin g- the 1taliatt:- ltt\t ·. llt' \\h<t dttlltilt :tt··:- " TI \\ 11r 1 t ll' s 11p \\'a : 1 ptl(ltt'd. \\'a~ drt n·n at ·'" tl I..'J c· t J) · 1 1 · 1· ' ., ur 1 ,-, w re oun ry av sc 100 Tro\" illttl'· ·." ttltn lt:' 1H)dy helnw th t· h eart ;tncl · - · kind 0f , me 11 at th e head 0f acti\'itie s: t"h :tmlt ·t· l"lllllt·~ ill rllr hottil l' :1 ftt ·l' rl.nd \Ji s. A. crnes Nest0r, with her \111t·aused hi;-; death a ft·" · mir;ute:' after honor and \lltt ·n ht · intruclt ·:- in l" " ll l' derstanclincr and sYmnatll\-. ..;nokr of lllt'llllll'i· ·:- \\'· · nr. · lwwiltl· ·r··d l1\ th. - tit~· accident . Kenilworth Board Grants · 'harnl· · · ·s- l t~- l"·)"i:< h J:od"IJ'". .~int..:in:..: the danC!er and difficulties endured h·; \fr . ])rury wa . . t·ngagcd \ t) marrY "<'ht· t;t ·lin d:t :\l: ·tti na ." <~nrl \\ :tlltlt·rin ;..: \1 is-, Cat Ia-rine Jnhn:'t )ll ni Pa sa d~· n~t Permit to Move Residence the m e n \\'hn toiled in the . uhterranea.1 thrllUL!h lht · h:t)l}l)'. r.-1 ll':t)..!i·· :-t·t·llt' >' tll' The Kenil\\'orth Yillagc board at it s dcnth s that we might ha YC pure \\'ater. "La Holt· Ill· ·... .\ nd \dtn ··an ,., ··J' f··r- and they \\l'rl' ttl han· been matriL·d J.!H th, t'ht ·\, tli.-t· 11f " :\l;tttOil ... :ttll) "! .. · next _I unc . ing Tuesday night gra11te(l a per- and in abundance. He \\·as at one time a mcl't_ Ht>n·" ~~~ Jl · · rf,.,·tl~· :- un~ 11\:tt it :- llt·a ut,· :\ \\·a nclering minstrel \\'ith his arr Cala\\aii mit to C..-\ . Thorsen to m o re his resii~ :tlntll:-t unltP<tr<tltl. -: ctt' \l :tr .. ur. gtll;- radi., 0perator nn the · lint·_ dence. now located at 3~-l Railroa<-1 a,·e- ronlian and lnir tenor led in songs t,lin~ dow1 1 c·:t l\t· Ill' :- w: tt..:)..: t·rint..: through and a pur.-t·r 011 a \\'estt·rn air exprcs;o; orif'ntal :-:tr··· ·l:- with lti ~ ll<t:"t· itl f]l, . :tit· I i Ill'. ~1UL'. Ke11_il~rth. t n 53-f Linden avenue . fam iliar and dear. and even· w0man ~in~in,.: \\ ith mo:-:t tll'!ightful ··: t:<··. witt\ 1n that nllage . \f r. Thorsen will mt)\'e there left feelinc; that she hac! been a a \lli c··· th:tl ltl· \t ·l' :-; htt\\':- " :-h:tl'Jl ··dt..:· ·. i mt un a'te pa rti ci na nt in a grc at , ad \·enReceive Applications for the building in order to make waY f0r atHl tit '\ ··t· l;tt·k:- l'··fin, ·na· nt . ture . \Y c could not help hut feel cleepl'lt·lltllut: Holl~t·u Kenilworth Postmaster Job h: the Con:ntry road impn> ,·cmt·nt in .lol~tl"·ll :-ltltllltlt-r'- hi >= \\":t \ itl1· · rn in ·l . cnilworth and the village hall and fire h· g-rateful to the intell:gence and hi:- \"!li t. filill)...:" t ·\t· J'~ l'llt'tlt:l' \\ ilh Jllll't~ The l'nit~' d State:-; CiYil St·n-irt· cnm- station site. Cnn:ntn· rt)ad is to he t lwu£Yht f ul ness 0f the se men to whom tont· :t"' l1o- :-i tt!.!:- l·t .1 :- w:tlt , hi ,.. t'"<t t (If lll :. iI ~ I )' " !( iI I 1.! ,.. j I\ .-!' 1k h l " ]Jtl ll t t hI' mi~sit 1 1l. at tlw requc:-.t nf the Pt ,,t - exttnded thr 0ugh Block J(j tn c· nncct " ·r \\·er.L' s0 greatlY indebted. ~fiss Xestor '"ill speak hcf0re the f;tagt '. :'\ ··:tr hin : w .~ JJ,s his Httlllt'O m:hter Ceneral. aniHHlllCL' :-. a rompt·t- "ith l...:enil\\"nrth an·nuc at the track. t·lt>ading '" r··.tli:-t it · tlh· t h:tt orw 's lll'art itin· examinatinn i11r p()stmastcr a t i \ Yilmettc Le~ _gue 0f \V mnen V ote:s ht·at:- f:t:-1· r J: a:-icol;t :.:--; :\lar····l. ki:<sin~ 011 October 28. ol lJ};.d\ ..;,·;tJ'f :ttl d :-itt l\itlt..: ti· ·:-; JHJ!ltl· ·llt}\' I...:l'nil\\'orth nn:-' mtbt he I }.fi · I')ett 1 1 \ . x· · . -1 - , .-,. :\pplicati 1 · . · ....... .,e 11 e.c;ar. c aug 1 1ter ul· onto a l~t · t wlt: ll:tlti "·· :t:- l!· ·n:t rdo fini :-;li- P\tlpt 1 . .-".. LXu lltt.·< _and_ flied \\"tth tl~L' ).1 r. and \f r:-;. Cct)rge Coak 32.!. KenilinK a11 ar::t th:tt h:t:- :-to pJII ·tl th~ · :-; how The KenihYmth FYenincr Tiriclge cluh 11 \\ a~l11ngt_(lll. D. C.. " ·nrth an·nuc, returned t o her home howin~ :t ttd grittttint.: Iii\·· a littlt· h.,, .. : Cl ~ 11lh!-o!l)n at snent three davs 0ver Lal)()r flav as Dt>frt· r·· · :-1\ irn: in!..! :t 1..:11it<tr :tt l :-i 'lgitlt..: ~,; Prt<~ · t'). t1 1l'._hnur <t~l clt)~lng hu:-;ine:-.:' i1_1 Kcnihn1rth la st ~aturda,· irnm the ltaliatl :ti r j:tuntilY on· tpttill 1H . t 10. I U). l·.ran:-.tun ho:-;pital \rhere she has been the cruest. of ~fr . and ~frs. \Vatter And at l:t:-1 \\·,.' t'··nwmltf'!' tit. · :-.-; 1 of Shattuck at their summer lwme at Cllnvalesrin~ from an pperatitnl io:· fa( ' f'H, :11td · · ~···::-.ll'aining lttW :tl'cl :< tlH' Lancl-0'-Lakes, \Yis. ~f r. and Mrs. }.f rs: .l,ames L. \1 eneln· and ~mall ap)ll'IHiicit i-... !--la~t ': :ttHl th·· int··r·nti~:-ions. wiJ,·n th··r ' lrrant Rirlgway and Dr. and Mrs. Rufus 8';: tWII t~· JH·~ ftf Jlt·o p)t ·: tJHI!'-t ' \\'h11 :-;\an~ son nt (,lendak. Cal .. are in Chicago -0and th·t:-t· who ar·· :-tar··d at. .- \Ito\ 1 · t ht·m and \Vilmettc inr a ten cia,· Yi~it. ~Irs. \f r. and ~f r:-~. :\kxander \'" e"·ton, 306 Stolp left a few clavs earh' to visit all, "Eddi··" Ko~ak pr· ·~ irl.·s. 1\l·f·ping- a ~frs. Edwin Shericl~n and Mr~ and Mrs . M eneky i" at till' !tome nf h er parents, \\'ood tock ayenue, Kenilworth 1 and W<tt<·hful ·· yp on 1lw "tic·k··h plt · a~c' " George Keehn. Mr. and Urs. Leon ushf'rs . Jonking- mort · Jik .. :ttl op··t·a :-tar Mr. and \fr..; . Rubert A. Bautz, 1413 their .;;()n, :\lex. spent the mon th of Allen and Mr. and Mrs. \Varren Pease th:ln tht · 1-l:ll'~. (Jn f' ll P \t·r forgt'l :< th,· Dobson ~trel't . EYanston. \ugust at Harbor Springs, ~Iich. followed later. Public Service Co., Sleeping Residents of Danger By C. M. R. · Ti YNt can visualize a wide cxpan:-;e of blue Lak e ).fichigan cl aa ling in th e hri .~ht sun hine on the · east, and the interes ting skdine of Chicago o n tht; \re t. vou " ·ill und er: tand som ewhat th e ieclings 0f a grmip of Conk Count,mHn cn gathered at th e head of the shait of th e sixt ee n foot water tunnrl to _ g o t\\'0 hundr ed feet underground for an in spec ti0n trip ni the ne\\· Sl3.000.000 \Ya t er tunn el tW\\' und er cnn- ··~ 1 1 · I I . I . 1 i L .l ,,e n. I s .