30 WILMETTE LIFE September 13. 1929 C. \V. McGuire, Jr., 926 Sheridan road, Glenco~, Ill., v.-ho has been spending a few weeks with his family in Charlevoix, Mich., returned home this week, his family remaining; several days before closing their cottage for the season . Mr. McGuire, who was a Junior member of Skokie Country club for a number of vears. has been active also in Charlevoi~ and Belvedere, ~1ich., golf clubs, for several years. Last year, Mr. McGuire won the Belvedere club champion ship cup in the annual tournament, having done the ~r rs. Earl G. Low .. and son. ] ohn. same ~bing in. several previous years, 1 have returned to \\ tlmette after a and thts year. m the Great Lakes pro1718 SHERMAN AVE. UNIV.· 3004 summer spent in their summer hom~ amatem tournament at Beh·edere club, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~t~~~e~ll~v~l~~a~k~e~.~~~ · '~is~ · ~~~~~~~ \vhich \vas an unusual occasion . he \vas awarded the President's trophy, being a golf bag. · In the regular annual tournament oi the Belvedere club this year, Mr. 1IcGuire had the low gross and net in the qualifying round also and was awarded a silver cup . for the past five years bead of that I and Evanston and has negotiated many : oncern. has been appointed manager important tran~actions of this type dur::>f the brokerage department of Bills ing the past few years. . The hu:-;iness oi the Harold J. Betty /ealty, Inc. Bills Realty, lnq, has heretofore hl r. Betty has specialized in high- very largely confined its brokerage company has merged with the brokerq.ge and management department of ~rade propert ics in the central business 1 and man~ement work to special proR.ills Rl'alt~· . Inc .. .and. Harold ) . .Betty.,~ district. near north side, rwrth side. iccts for clients. to north shore resi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dential brokerage and to the operalr tion of its well known Indian Hill estates in \Vilmette, but is now expanding this work to include general sales, .Htrchases. exchanges and management .)f all high grade properties located in Our Secretarial Course provides the stuI the central business district. ncar north dent with the specific training to fill a -;ide. north . ide and EYanston. including representation of institutional rea1ly high grade situation. We specialize money in the making of first mortgag~ in all the Commercial Branches-includloans and the financing of home puring Secretarial Courses. Begin NOW. chase contracts on residences. Harold J. . Betty Realty Firm Merged With Bills C. W. McGuire, Jr., Shows Golf Prowess in Michigan Events Be a Private Secretary '. I 1 1 .... EVANSTON BUSINESS COUEGE ilk means much ...- . f ~~· - Ban Fires as Dry Season Perils Forest Preserves 1 to sound. white teeth ! THE calcium or lime con· tent of milk contributes much toward building firm bones and sound, white teeth. Thus is it of paramount importance that milk be liberally consumed by th~ prospective mother before childbirth and by the child itself in its early years. Equally important is the regular use of milk through life because of its bone and muscle · building properties. Dr. McCullum says, "Milk is the only food for which there is no effective substitute." In Bowman's Milk you get milk at its best- full-rich in cream, alw~ys fresh and always pure. Because of the ~··· . The preset!t dry spell has resulted in one very serious Forest Presen·e fire, a.nd several of minor character, in the Cook countv Forest Preserve district . On Tuesday, September 3, . about one hundred acres burned over near Archer avenue and 107th street. All available forces of the Forest Preserve eli trict, the Cook county high\\·ay department. and the county police 1 were called upon. and after five hours of heavy fighting, succeeded in suh<1-ning the flatnes. Considerable damage wa:-~ done to undergrowth and small trees. As a result of condit.ions. the general superintendent. Charles G. Sauers. ha~ issued orders that no fires of any .sort will be permitted within the F< rest Preserve district. as long as the pres ent drv conditions exist. The vi. itors to the ·Preserve are urgently rcque!'ted to cooperate by putting out cigarette and cigar butts before they are thrown away. and by building no fires whatsoever. Fire patrols have been established and every precaution has been taken for prevention. ""' ... . Miss Helen Jans Physical · ' Director at Mallinckrodt extra care we take in bringing it from farm to you, Bowman's milk is unmistakably superior in flavor. Try it and see. ~f iss Helen E. J ans of Evanston has been appointed to the faculty of th~ ~Iallinckrodt High school as director ' of physical education . . In this capacity she will also have charge of all of the major sport s at the school. GUIDE-LECTURE TOURS Field :Museum of Natural Historv announces "Farmer I nclians" and "Big Game Animals" at 11 and 3 o'clol'k, respectively, on Monday, S~pt. 16. as the subjects of the first of next week's guide- lecture tours for the public. Other da,·s at the same hours, subjects \\'ill he: Tuesday, "\\'riting Materials" and "Deer and Antelope": \V ednesda~·. "Peoples of 1f adagascar" and "Cooking Among Primitive Peoples"; Thur~ da~· . two genera l tours of anthropological. botanical. geological and zoological exhibits: and Friday, "Sea Life" and "The Young of ~Iammals and Birds." These tours of the exhibits conducted hY staff lec turer s are free. Pa~ties asse~ble inside the north entrance. AN DAIRY COMPANY MILK THE ATTENDS INSURANCE PARLEY MILK OF SUPERIOR J. ·E. Swift ance broker, conference of Inn, Lake of Teal. north shore insurhas been attending a insurance men at Bigwin Bays, Canada.