September 27, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 9 SH~RIDAN ROAD PLANS PRESENTED TO EVANSTON Christian. Science Churches "Matter" was the subject of the lesson-sermon in all Churches d · Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, September 22. The golden text \\"as. "[n God I \\"ill praise his word. in God have I put mv trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me" (Psalms 56 :4). Among ·the citations \Yhich compri sed the lesso n-sermon was the following from the Bible: "If ye abide in me. and nn- \\·ords abide in You. ve shall ask what :ve will. and it sha ll be done ~ unto vou. Herein is my Father glorificd. that vc hear much fruit: so shall \"C be mY disciples" (fohn 15 :7. 8). The les~on- se rmon also included the follcn\"ing passages from the Christian Science textbook. "Science and Health \\·ith KeY to the Scriptnre s," ;),. ~fan· Baker Edd~·: "The wav i. . straight and narrow. \Yhich kads t o the understanding that God i: the onhLife. It is a warfare with the fle sh. in ,,·hich we must con(Juer sin, sickness. and death. either here or hercafter-certainlv before \ve can reach the goal of Spirit, or life in God" (p. 324). 1 Shore Line Route Included in Gas Tax Possibilities; Still No Lights Several possible plans for straightening and improving- Route 42 (at present Sheridan road) through Evanst'on wer e olaced before the city council Tuesdav night. One plan. much favored. called for developing a highwav from Shericla n square at the lake, along the shore as far north as Northwestern campus. The improvement along " ·hatever route is decided upon will be made possib le })y funds from the state gas tax. If the counc il made anv progress Tnesdav toward evolving a street lightin . cr ordin~nce this was not revealed in nnen meeting. Toward the close of ~he session the lighting committee asked for a meeting of the council as a committee of the whole. Upon coneluding this meeting the council adionrned. The discmsion of Route 42 was placed before the council in the form of a letter to Mavor Bartlett from ~[a ior George A. Quinlan. superin tendent of highways of Cook county. ~1ajor Quinlan's letter was accomn·a niecl bv a map showing several possible routes. The countY offic ial suggested that the mayor, George Lamb, di strict highway engineer. and himself im·estigate the various routes and stuch· the poss ibilities. The counci l decided that the nroiect should remain in tl1e hands of the maYor until it was ready for detailed presentation. THE KNUPFER Studios School Of MUSIC ' . North Shore Branch 1167 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette Faculty of thirt y instructors, including: Piano- Walter Knupfer. Anita Alvarez Knupfer, Winifred Mickey ; Voice, Gladys Gilderoy Scott ; Violin , George Swigart ; Celio. Hans Hess. Dramatic Art and Expression, Clare Glass Mill~r Tuition rates $10.00 to $75.00 for 10 weeks .term, according to teacher. For information Phone Wilmette 1 1 52, or write for catalog to Secretary, Knupfer Studios, Fine Arts Building, Chicago. ~1is s BettY Ketchum and ).fiss Peggy Ketchum. daughters of ~f r. and ~f rs. Crail! Ketchum. 611 Ahbott~ford roacl. Kenilworh. both returned from the camns the,· attended this summer. with the honor of ha\'imr wnn the cups pre. c ntccl by the camps for the "best camper". DettY Ketchum \rent tn Camp Xe\Yaka. Bould er. Colo .. while Pegg\· went to Camn Dn-nafon at :J[iss Edith Ticleman, daught e r oi ~1r. Rhinelander, \\' is . and ~fr s. S. X. 'fidcman, 1025 Linden -oaYenue. is taking the nur se's training Charles R. Foret. so n of ~1r. and at the Ravcns\\'oocl hospital. She grad- ~[r s. Axel I{. Ford. 427 Central aYcttatcd this past .hme from the Frances nne. left last week for ~t. John's :Jf ili1 tar~· academy. Delaf1el<l. \\"i s. ~himer schn<)l. at ?\ft. Carn.Jl. Ill. · I Eugene Permanent Wave Gives a beautiful natural "'·aye that reflects charn1 and individuality leaving the hair soft, sn1ooth and glossy. Long and gray hair inclu~ed. For appoint· n1ent call Wiltnette 1911 or 1133. FALL CLEANING BLAN Kb.TJ appeal to exacting housekeepers . . . . women who are enemies to Dust, Dirt and Dinginess. Our effective cleaning process restores fabrics to their originai colors and pristine freshness. DRAP~Ribf WE CUJ~IONf· RUGJ $1() Monday Special Manicure ... 60c Finger Wave .$1 Shampoo .' ... 60c ~arcel ...... $1 A II wnrk done hJ' expert operators. Special for One Week BEGINNING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Drapes, all styles and sizes cleaned and pressed, per pa1r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1..00 La Carita Beauty Salon Entrance Schultz & Nord ·The Village Cleaners 115 2 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phones 3 20-3 21 Evanston Phone: G·r eenleaf 6660 417 LINDEN AVE. WILMETIE 1911-1133 The Drug Store in the middle of the Block