56 WILMETTE LIFE September 27, 1929 These Benefits Are ·Yours If You Live in T IIese art~ typical of the 'l.Jahu~s now offered at Barrintfotl: BARRINGTON L.ow priced acres, ideal for homesites, in a setting of rare natural beauty-rolling, wooded, country estate land with the highest altitude of. the Chicago area. 2. Prospects for future profit in a community that \viii steadily increase in importance as a suburb. 3. Speedy transportation to the city- 44 minutes by the Northvvestern Railroad. 4. Convenience to the North Shore and Wisconsin I Jake district by wide, \vell-paYed roads- l--ake (;cne,·a is only 40 n1iles a"vay. 5. Varied and interesting . diYersions, ittcluding golf, hunting, riding- and other forms of outdoor sports. 6. A quiet, cultured en,·ironment among congenial neighbors, where children are safe from traffic dangers and can ·live a more easy, natural life. 1. . ) 20 to RO acres of woods hiJis, ravines and creek: An unusual natural park. ~early 1 mile frontage on two roads. '1ight trade. Need some cash. '\'hat have you? 135 acres on the ~or·th wcst Highway ncar Rarr·ington "vhich can he hought at a bargain. HiJls, \\' o o d s, \Vatercoursc, good set of farm . buildings. Has corner frontage. R i g h t for estate, subdivision or· golf course.. Submit your cash or trade proposal. 11' eigh these advantages. See if Barrington is not just zt'hat you're lookin~ for. Let us shou' you acreage nou' available at ext re 111 ely 1n odera! e prices. Establishe.d 1884 For -t5 year'l specialists in North Shore residential and hu iness sales and rentals. First mortga~e loans and inYestments. lnsuran.:e of aH types. CHICAGO .. 40 N. Dearborn St . .. Central 0227 Evanston 15il SHER~1AN . AVE. 'Viln1ette 'Yinnetka 42-1- IJNDEN AVE. Jf' if mette 460 l TniversifJ' 2600 il4 ELYI ST. JVinnetka 2199