October 11 ; 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 49 Residents Asked to Save Clothing .\· for Arden Shore ~ rs. George Ri chardson. presidetlt nf Arden Shore association. gan~ a luncheon on October 1. at her home in Lake l·orest. She invited. the in du st ria l cha irm a n nf each \·illage frl)m ( <~ vanston north tn Lake Bluff :lt!!l after lun cheon there' \\'a~ a glneral ·di sc ussion with Mi ss A 11 11a Belle F n - I rier. the resid ent superintendent. a~ '! to means t o make the indu -;tria l \\'nrk mo re eff cct ive. There is a lwa vs a demand. both in the summer camp for mnthers and chi ldren and in the \\·intn ratnp ftlr the unclerdeveloped boys. for c lothintr and the following li st of nteded articles " ·as g iven to each chairman tn make puhlic in the hope that an\· n tll' readin_r.r the list will keep it in -minrl and when discarding- clothing ,,·ill notify her village chairman: Dres ~es for convalescent ~i rl s K tn ' 12 vcars, bloomers to match ·de:-;.irahk: I black satee n bloomers inr girl-; R tn ' 12 vcar : simp le hou se dn·ssc-, fnr wnn1en, sizes 36 to 44 : <·utin~ f1at111tl ; night gowns for gir ls 8 tn 1.2 : hah _ ,.' \\Tappe r s of outin g flannel and bahy , diapers : bathing suits (\\'<Hl] if p(h - 1 sih le) for girls. a ll age-;, and :-tnal l chi ldren and for bn\'S up tn 14 Yl'ars. hut mostly 8 to 12 y-ears. Partlv \\'Orn garments an· al\\·a,·s: accepta-ble, cspccialh· ~ uits for " ·i11tn 1 camp hoy~ 14 to 17 year-;. s\n·akr.., ' and rain coats for 1Hws oi the ~a111C age; shoes for \\'0111L'n: ~mall rhildrL·n. hoy . and girls 6 to 12 ~- t·ar:-.. " ·i11tn hoys 14 to 17 years. girl:- 14 to 17 _n·a rs and furniture . hall\· buggie ..;, tah les (small) , sing-le beds . mirrors. rugs iron cots strong chairs. There is also a great demand for fan c)· drer;;s costumes as there arc plays gin·n at ,-arious time s during tht· year so if any one has any di~card ~.:d ((ls~umes they arc through \\'lt h t h t·y \\'Ill hl· vcn· gratefu l for them. , J 1· What Our Boys Are Thinking About! You 111~11 of \ \ riltnette, read this bit of ;.ich·ice \\Tttten ln· a thoug-htfu l 15-year old lad of Spokane, \Vash: "The successful business tnan n1ust attend church. \ \ ~ hy? This is \\·hy: £yery boy has great atnbitions. Altnost every hoy holds son1e one or n1ore tnen in hi s to\vn or con1n1unity in the highest estee n1 and sees in hin1 his ideal. If then his ideal docs not take an interest in church life, hO\\. can he e~ pcct the boy to?" . \ nd \\'ha f \Yill the next generat ion atnoun t to if the boys () i tocbn· do not becotnc conscious of the re straining influence <)t the church? \\·ell to bear in n1ind, tn en, that certain boys of your ~treet ar~ \\·atching· you 'vith aln1ost as keen an eye a~ do the children of Your 0\\'11 household. \Vith no class of persons than boy~ is it true that actions sp~a k loud er than words~ This all leads to th(· suggestion:- 1t i~ I Kenilworth Boys Prepare Field for Winter Sports The Kenil\\'orth ath fctic field adi()ining tb e J oscph ·Sears sehoul )..!'rounds 1 was the site of civic entl'rPrise la:;t I Saturdav m orni ng " ·hen 140 Kenih,·o rth hovs. fifh· Boy Sco ut:- and ninet\· lunior Hikers worked dili)..!' ent h· in I cleaning up th e field and the icc . kat - 1 ing shan tv . The Junior Hikers. under the supervision of seve ral of the o ld er hon. raked the leaves and stones from the athletic field while th e Bm· Scouts worked o n the shantv. repairing the roof. nainting-, and fixin g th e \\'indm,·s an d the stove. Give of yourself, as well as of your means to support the church of your choice 6 9 TO ATTEND GAME Mrs. Bentlv McCloud. 338 Kenil\\'Orth avenue. and Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Holden. 527 \Varv;ick road. Kr:lil·worth. are motoring to Madison. \Vi s. tomorrow to attend th e NorthwcstemWisconsin football game. They \\'ill spe nd the week-end at th e Loraine Hotel in Madi so n. Mr. and M r:;. 1uk s A. Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. H utrh Petersen of Kenilworth arc also mntoring to ~adi so n tomorrow t o att.cnd the game. ~lr . and ~frs. A. \\'. H a n n~th t·i · Pasadena, formerlv of Kcnil\\·orth. have returned from th e East \\·he:·e th ev have been visiting their daughter, Mrs. Louis Rosier. of Roston. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. H annah arc ~he guc-;ts ~ of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rtdgwav nf · Cumberland road. Kenil\\'orth. 1\f r. ' Hannah is lcavinQ' toda v for California but ~f rs. I Iann ah \Yill remain a fn,· 1 da\'S longer. · -oM r s. \V. H. Snl\'thc. -U Kenil\\·n rt h avenue. Kcnil\\'orth has i~'\ttt'd inrit ations for a lunch eo n and hridgc. OcL(o club in tob er lo, at tlw Vista de l l.a. honor of Mrs. Dougla ss ~fill er, of Brier str ee t. Kenilworth. . Directory of Churches : First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Vere V. Loper St. Augustine's Episcopal Church I 140 Wilmette Avenuei Rev. Hubert Carleton Wilmette English Lutheran Church Greenleaf Avenue and Seventh Street Rev. Carl I. Empson The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues Rev. Horace G. Smith The Wilmette Baptist Church forest and Wilmette A venues Rev. George D. Allison The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue Rev. Clyde ~andolph Wheeland St. John's Lutheran Church· Wilmette and Park Avenues Rev. Herman W. Meyer Published by the Interchurch Advertising Committee , Wilmette Church Federation