October 18. 1929 ,WILMETTE LIFE .55 PERSONALIZED CHRISTMAS CARDS .. tm~s fom, .Mr. and Mrs. James R. .Mo~an At .Christn1as time, folks warm to the season. Good cheer and Yuletide Greetings pass from one to another. Gifts are exchanged- the world is at peace. But ·what of the friends who are far a~ay? Let your message . to then1 be just as personal, just as cordial. T ,a is can be done by sending cards that are distinctive, original and truly expressive of you and your family. Without obligation,· may we .show yo_u some cards we have prepared and tell you about our interesting plan? Individualized Christmas Cards Carry Personal Greetings The cost is not high- SO cards for $30.00 (60 cents each), and 100 cards for $37.50 (37 Yz cents each). And there are liberal discounts on orders placed early. LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC. 1232 CENTRAL AVENUE, WIL?vfETTE WIL\IETTE 4300 \VIX~ETK . 2000 GnEF~LEAF 4300 SHELDRAKE 5687 ORDER TODAY· A VOID ·DISAPPOINTMENT