64 W I L M E T T E ·L IFE October 18. 1929 . 300 Wilmette Boys Turn Out for Intramural Contpetitiim ·1§ '· ... . ~ I ., ·':::> (l'hoto lly ~tnrr l'hntogTnpht·r) lltltllCnllh :trt· the ftHitiJall pnitlrtlll~·~ in the \\ 'ilml'ltt' ~rl111ol Intramural lcaguc-300 or therL·ah(lut~ - tktt tiH· phtll,·g-raphn \\'hL·n he fan·d iPrth in g\'1 :1 pirtml'. I le at kngth install1.:d hi~ triptHI at ont: go;tl and shnt acro~s J,lb at the \\·link g:ttlg. l~i,· al ry is hr~· ,) :\t·w Trier I ligh ;·nd college ~tars ;llul if L'llthttsia~m counts ioi· a11 _ \ 'thing, \'oach :\ ~henhach of the l;rLTil and Cray "ill continut t1) ~mart taknt. Tlw. it·Llthall kaguL· gallll'~ are playL·d uncl<:r thl' dirl'rtinn of l>anil'l \1. lhris, director <'li rccreati()ll. and his ::.taff of a ~u ---------- -- "a" all hut stumped kc<..'ll alllung the cmhe \\Tll ~upplied with sistants.