Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Oct 1929, p. 23

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----------- October 25, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 23 I.___A_t_w_o_m_ ·a_n_' s_ ·c_l_u_ .b_____ By R. L; P. ~~embers Wilmette Legion Plans Hallowe'en Fete Oct. 30 \Vilmette Post No. 46 of the American Legion will hold an old-fashioned Hallowe'en party for post members and their families \V ednegl!LY evening. October 30, at the hall in connection with Thalman's store at the corner of Lake avenue an,!:\ Illinois road. Hard times costumes will be in order, although not required. The program includes Hallowe'en games and dancing, ·with refreshments later. Mondav. October 28, will be Post night at the Great Lakes XaYal Training station. Post members and members of the auxiliary · will journey northward to provide enrtertainment and refreshments for the disabled war veterans .;tatione<l at the hospital. I I 'I I ·l J .I ot the Woman's club of \\'ilmcttc . renewed old acquaintances in a nc\v hon1c on \Vedncsday afternoon. In the light and spacious auditorium uf the new club building Mrs. Haney Husll graciously greeted members and 1-{uests, and officially opened the new · rlub season. Two hash·ts nf gl)rgcous Howers presented .to her helptd to make the stage attractive, and tbcy lent . a festive air. to so a11'ij)ICJ<I\1S au occasion. :Miss ~1 arion ~tc .-\ftl'. soprano of the Amcricau Opera cnmpany, gave the entire prol.{.r am, accompanied at the piano h~· ,lohn Brown. · ~Irs. Bush· and mcmht·rs ,,i the ~~~)ard ni directDrs formed a rL'l'l'i\'ing line prcc<'ding the program, and \\'ere thu~ ahh: to greet club nH·mhers per..,,)nally . The program btgan late. to gn·l· nTryone an opportunit ,. to \\·and l'r a bout the new build in~ and t hl' r('IIHJdcll·ll old building. The old aucJ"itnrium is uow a· diniug rooni or :-mall club rnon1, and on its walls arc hung oil p;untings by ~~ rs. Cordon \\'iJsc,n · HtHI ~lrs. :\largueri{e Cal 1-:ins Ta\'ll)r. 'The paintings are coloriul and ,!Jo\,. that h(Jth artists haH masten~d the tl'chniquc and arc no\\' able to portray moods in dclightiuf transitions o)i colnr. \Yhat was formcrl\· the sun pc .rch now optns directly . into tl,1e ,mall" auditorium. and will be furnished ..,umptuou~ly as a lounge. In her ()pcning address, _ :\1 rs. nush "l'klllllcd the members, and pointed ··ttt tl) thl'!n the beautiful \\'Orkman- ~ . . hip 11 i the wood paneling and the hand \\'rought fixtures in the auditorium. She paid a· tribute to mem.bers ni the building commitke for t hl'ir long hours of unceasing work ill ·i>ronwting the building of the new I !Joml', and to ~Irs. Hayes ~{cKinnl'y, during whose presidency the fwork " ·a:' launched . In speaking of the lll'\\. building !\frs. Bush said, "\Ve ha\·l' mingled the precious memories lli the past \\'ith new I..J..Olh'S for the iut ure." ~~i~s :\[c:\fce proved herself to he a tlwroug·h musician, an artist in every sense of the \\'Ord. Her voice is clear and true, and beautifully lyrical. She makes a charming appearance and is careful to l!rOjl'Ct her songs SO th~t there is no doubt as to the words or her intcq~r<.:tation. In the aria, "Dove ~<lllo," from ~r ozart 's opera, "The ~I arriage of Figaro," the surpassing lll\'elincss of her tone \\':lS particularJv apparent. There is delicacy in her phrasing . ..finished perfection in the \\'til rounded tones, and always a deep h·eling for the music itself. Her. pro-· gram was vaned and interesting. In her last numher. "Caro Nome." from \' erdi's opera "Rigolctto." she got through all the difficulties with a sense oi ease. \V c have seldom heard an artist who is ' able to keep a good hold on the pitch in thi s trem endously taxin~Z ;1ria. hut Miss UcAfee did it. As a request~d encore after one grott!1 slJe sang "The Last Rose of Summer" with a purity of tone that was almost breathtaking. In all her numbers sl~e shovved herself to be an artist of high standard. John Brown played excellent accompaniments subordinating him se lf and. giving Miss McAfee excellent and sympathetic support. V ANILl.A PECAN AND BlJTTERSCOTCH ICE CREAM Full Ouart Brick Th~re Is a Hydrox Agency Near Your Home Read the Want Ads HOL·LY HILL CLUB. DAVENPORT, FLORIDA r---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAKE YOUR HOME HERE THIS WINTER Popular among North Shore residents who winter in Florida. Refined appointments. Exclusive Clientele. Light. Airy, Outsidr rooms. Excellent cuisine. Spacious grounds. High altitude and healthy climate. Central to all Florida points over paved highways. On the Dixie Highway, state road number 2 and the main line of the Atlantic · Coast Line railroad. Among the hills and lakes of the scenic Ridge of rlorida . Odightful drive of only 30 minutes to Bok Singing Tower . "You'll enjoy the winter here." ,__ ________ --- --- . --- --- - l THE MINIATURE GOLF COURSE 6,600 Yard, 18 Hole Golf Course Only three blocks away. Exceptionally beautiful and sporty. One of the finest in the state. Operated by and for the Holly Hill Club. ALEX LAW, Professional. Also an 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course on the beautiful, large lawn of the Holly Hill Club. Unique, sporty and fascinating. Appeals to all classes of players. "You must play it." Electrically lighted for night playing. RETURNS FROM WEST Mrs. ] ." A . Dennis has returned to spe nd the winter with her daughter and her family, the Charles M. Burlingames of 812 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Dennis, who has been gone since last February, has been visiting friends and sight-seeing in California, Washington, and Oregon She also visited her son in Taft, Cal. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Address William G. Colvin, 58 East Washington Street, Chicago. Phone Central 0922

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