October 25, ·1929 WILMETTE COURTEOUS BELLBOYS bring your paper. or package to your door, ever ready to serve at your beck and call. THIS IMPOSING ENTRANCE greets you as you approach The Georgictn noted everywhere for its beautiful architecture. PRIM MAIDS perfectly trained keep your Georgian home spic and span and relieve you of every house~eeping care. lllfJ I . LIVING ROOMS, spacious and well-planned, reflect true home charm and com· fort. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS of comfortable proportions make dining in your own apartment thoroughly practical. and enjoyable. are spacious, beautifully and completely equipped . VICTOR, Maitre d' Hotel. genial host known to hundreds. GOTTFRIED, chef d' cuisine, and what delectable dishes he can prepare! SPACIOUS CHAMBERS, well furnished and provided with comfortable that restful sleep comes quickly to sooth and 1, HAPPY CHILDREN these who live at the Georgian and find safe and jolly. nooks in which to play. THE WEST FOYER leading to the cigar and Two ELEVATORS with careful young lady operators wh!~k you to Y6Ur apartment. magazine stands, Library and Beauty Parlor.