October 25, 1929 W IL M ETTE LIFE 39 oderl\ Babies sta rf fas iol\able careers ear y They start with exquisite little caps and frocks and coats from the Little White Nursery at Lord's-and go qn with equally lovely things from our Children's Shop. -Some of them (from ages from I to I 7) are touched upon lightly here: Juniors' Suits and Dresses $15 r $1 7.50 1 hrec-ptcce ':civet suits with crepe blouses; Practical dark sa tin dresses with vcstecs and collars of pleated eggshell satin. Three-piece crepe suits with tuck -in blouses of contrasting crepe. A velvet dress with a cir cular skirt of the new lines . These were chosen at random from the S 1 5 collection of dresses in tbe 1 3 to ·1 7 size range. :\t $r7.50 there ·are smart tailored crepe dresses with intricate tuckings: d.uk prints: afternoon ·.dresses of georgette, and crepe satins. Dress Coats for Juniors Of fine wool silvertone, basket weave or Norma cloth-with collars and cuffs of wolf, caracul. fox, pahmi or raccoon. $69.50 to $r 15 . ' The Frrnch panty that little Printed broadcloth ones with Parisiennes wear (with a draw- checkered trousers, and bright string at back) may be had at colored · sailboats appliqued on Sse. the white top . $2.50. Lace-edged French panties arc S;c and $I.25. And there are many moreFrench Panty Suits with narrow prints, broadcloths, crepes, in lace edges ;~nd French beading. numberless designs and patterns, $1.25. \Vith Valenciennes and sizes 6 to 16, $1.25 to $2.50. Of sheer net footing. $2.50. batiste, tailored . with rrench Llamu Coats for 2 to 6 year olds beading, $1.65. arc very swagger and grown up! Bigger Girls' Costume . Slips rinest pure camclshair, mounted (sizes 12 . 14 Jnd 16 . ) Tailored on a light mohair backing, with ones, with hemstitched tops: pink or · white, 95c. With a wool kasha suede lining. and Cluny lace inset s and edges, a shoulder lining of men's wear serge. Only $22.50, though the $I.75· buttons and belt and pocketFlannelett e Sleepers, made by edging are of leather! The 6 Glover's , famous for comfortable sleepingwear, $ 1. 2 5. These to 14 year sizes arc $27.50. button at front. Coi1 knitted ones, buttoning at ·back. are Velcet Dresses and Suits for 6 to $I. 2 5 in the 1 and 2 year sizes, 14 year olds. A silk-crepe suspender skirt over a beige crepe $r.5o in the 4 year size. blouse, with a blue velvet jacket Gay Print Pajamas for 6 to I 6 to match the skirt, $22.50. A year olds·. Crepe ones, with gar- wool plaid skirt, a pongee blouse. den flowers all over the top. and a brown velvet jacket, $15 . plain pink trousers. and hand- Blue velvet skirt and jacket, and done applique and embroidery, a red silk blouse with loops of are $2.25, even though every the silk used as trimming, $15. Others from $5.95 to $22.50. stitch is made by hand. Tuck-ln Skirts Flannel at $4.50. In navy blue and red. Fine for school wear. All-wool crepe, $5.95. Brown, red, English green and navy. Snowflake Tweed, $6.50. In English green, wine and brown. Sizes 1 2 to I 6. Lo'rd's-Second Floor. Wilm ette J700 tUVNTAlN SQVAR[, LVANSfON Store Hours 9 to 6 Saturdays 9 to 9