(r!· WILMETTE LIFE October 25. 1929 ! 464 Hrs. and 7 Min.· Road Tips Ct~nclitiun ni roads · in. Cook county, as report~.: <I Dy tiH.: l'hicago Motor cluh iollows: GlcnYiew road is in pnl)r · cnnditiPn hetwct:n Hihhard rPad and Gro~s Point r oad. Traftic is ;uh·isl'<i W USl: Lakl' a ,·en uc. l kmpstl·r ~ttTl't and . Chun:h strl:et an· cln -icd at tht· Sanitan District ca nal. Tra tlic is din·rtl'd -south on ~I rCormick htlttkrard to ~lain strcd. ea~t un ~lain strl'l't. and then llllrth orer a ,·illage street to Dl'mpstcr an .t Church stre<:ts. ~tilwattkl'l' a\·cnuc is dosed tu trai fic hl't ween Palatine road and I >undc~ l' road . Trafli · is din.:ctcd tast nu Pala tit;<: n1ad ttl ~andl·rs wad, nurth on Sanckrs rnad to Dttndt.'<.' road. then west Pll I htndl'l· rnad tn :vt ihrattkn· an·nttl:. Harkm a,·enue is in pt~ur cnnditinn bt:twren First avl'nuc. ~faYwood, an<l :'\orth a\·enue. Traffic is- advised t,, turn l:as~ un Dircrsey Park boulnard to Sayrl' street. :-.outh on Savrc stn.·et to :\orth avenue. then west ·n n 1\nrth a\'t'llllC t() 1 larlem arenuc. \\ 'as hinghH1 street is clthed to traific between Thatcher a\·enue and J. orl'st an:lllll'. Tratlir is din:ctcd nortlt over rillagl' stn'l'ts. ~\'1 adison strt tt is closed to traj'tir between lst' avtnttt·, ~{ay\\'oocl. and Thatcher aven ue. Traffic is directed north on First avenue to \ Vashington ho ul cva rd , cast on \Vashington boule,·anl to Thatcher a\·cnue, then ·south on Thatcher avenue to Madison street. ( >ne hundred eighty-third street is dosed at _ \\' es tern avenue. Traffic is directed squth on Kedzie avenue tn Floosmoor road, east on Flossmoor roacl to Dixie hig-hway, then north on Dixie highway to 183rd street. Cicero avenue is open to traffic- hc t\\Ten 147th strcd and :.183rd street. Dixie highway i · closed between 159th ~trcct a nd South Park avenue aud between J oc Or r road and the Lincoln highwav. Traffic is directed east on 15f)th s-treet to Halsted street, south. on Halsted stree t to Lincoln highwav, then west ou ],incoln highway to Dixi e highway. . Dixie hig-h\\·ay i~ closed hetwecn Snut hwest highway and 79th strl'et. Traffic i~ directed southwest over Southwrst highway to 79th st r eet, th en east on 7?th st r eet to Dixie highway. Burnham avenue is closed between Sihlev avenue and 130th street. Traffic is dir-ec ted we st on Sibley boulevard to Torrence a\'Cnue. north on Torrence a\·enue to 130th st('eet, then east on Buruham aYenuc. in Endurance Te.st by Grahatrt-Paige .\ striki ng demonst ration uf enduranCl·. hum an and mechanical, was given h.r two drivers (one of them a young" ·oman l and a four-speed Graham Paigl', " ·hen ~~ r. and Mrs. Earl \Vil liams. \\·it lwut ever !caving the car, com pleted a nun -s tup run of 464 hnur s 7 miuutt-s . In the 19 days C\nd nights (Ji continunus driving. they complett·d 1 ~.232 lap:-> around the half -mile dirt track :tt t lu: l·tah State fairground~. A:-. a !est n f ~tamina between man and marh'int. tht' r<.."sult wa s a draw. ior both . the car ami the drivers wen· aJl parent ly gn(lcl fl)r many more h our~ \\'hen tlw end ca me, suddenly and prosaica lly . 1111t: midnight, with a nail thrtJugll tlw right rear tire of the Cra ha m- PaigT r121 stdan. C ncler tht strirt reg ulations governing the test. the run was t(, he considered closed the monwnt the t'llJ.6nc or the wheels stopped j, w am· cau..,e \\'hatsocvcr. fngc!l iom arrangements had htcn pr"\·itkd ior changing wheels while . tlw car prnct.'l'<kcl under its own power. and changes had heen made in practice on anothl'r · f12l sedan. At the crucial mo ment. in pitch darkness, after the roll ing jack had hccn placed in position and the right rt·ar wheel raised off tlw ground and damped, permitting the left whed to propel .the car. the jack hit a rut and pl(lughed deepcd into t ht s' 1it dirt trark. The result was an abrupt halt of the run. Aside from fatigue and :-,() Ill<.' diffi culty in n ·roycring their land-legs, tlw :lrin·rs showed no ill effects of the long· ~rind . Both praised the steadines:; oi lw Craham- Paige throughout the run. .mtl thl' n ·markahle ease of hancllingi hat rl'dttn:d the labor and strain on the rlrirer. High g·car of the f()ur -s]wt·d trammis~inn was used almost cont inn nus ly. ·- We Are Saving Lives BAD BRAKES ARE DANGEROUS LET US TEST ~OURS R.igbt Wore lOU' . , . _ s·~aea-che JUMBO on accurate h.T.draallc BrabTesterreYeala ... FREE mae condition ofthe ..... on each wheel. &;.. · m all chatKe far bauD..-no guesawork. A.... positive . . - . - . . muimum brakiaa 6 iency .. auaraatee4 AND THEN ADJUST OR RE LINE AS MAY BE NECESSARY Perfect balaaceo(bl':balllllf-· safety!" We are brake specialists. Service all types of brakes. OFFICIAL SALES AND SERVICE FOR BENDIX Mechanical Brakes LOCKHEED Hydraulic Brakes This Chevrolet Is Kept Busy ·Delivering Papers J6e G 'E NERAL TIRE Tropic-Aire Heaters Triple Hydro-Shock Absorbers Vesta Batteries· Pines Winterfro. n ts Plate & Starkel OfC. Hydro-Electric Brake Service 2212 ~ 1942 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE EVANSTON Phones Greenleaf 2122-University 6272 'l'hl· \rofld's longest newspap<:r route is in \' c llo\\'stone Park, is l(J() miles long and ahsorhs between 600 and ROO pounds of newspapers daily hct\H:en june and September. It is a · full day\ work that confront s the driver. Bird !\ewell. \\'htn he steps on the starter of his Chenol ~t rOUJ)c, and sets ahtnlt tb~· day\ business. Fast driving and knmrl edgl' t~f short cuts arc nccessan t11 Ctll11 pktc the task before dusk. ~ cwdl' s subsrribers number ~en~ ra I hundred persons who res ide <.."ach ~ mn mer in the isolated camps and resort hot els of America's greatest nat ural park. l 7ntil 1928 these vacationists had no means of getting their homt· tnwn newspat)crs . Since the route opened the Chevrolet (!oupe has been' in constant service, never missing a day. The car has already travelled 42,000 mil es and · has never tmdergone any maj o r repairs. Seyeral years ago Marmon engineers Thus far the total cost of sl· n-iring fore saw th e beginning of the now th e car has heen only $58.50. definite demand among automobile buyers for greater power, smoothness U. S. BUSES FOR MANILA .and flexibility in th eir motor cars. Thev More than 100 motor buses will he recognized th e answer to this deman~l reQuired to' meet the rapidly expand in~ was in the usc of a greater number of transportation needs in Manila. P. Q .. cylinders-hence the entry of . Marmon according to a report received bv tlw into the field o.f straight-eights ex- automotive division of the Department clusively. \\.hy Marmon decided upon of Commerce. The Public Servin.~ the straight-eight rather than any Commission has just granted the other · type of multiple cylinder engine Manila Electric Company a set of ne\\' is an interesting story of engineering operating schedules. Chassis for the thoroughness and farsightedness. new buses are purchased locally from The straight-eight type of engine at the representatives of American motnr that time had been used successfully i~1 car manufacturers and bodies are built racing cars, but Marmon engineers did by the electric company, with seatin~ not accept this supremacy on the na- capacity of twenty-two to twcnt\· - fi\·c tion's race course as the one and onlv passengers, the report states. Marmon Finds Straight '8' Provides the Ideal Car reason for their decision to concentrate on that type of engine. They consi'dere~ ~'·!th equal importance economy, accessJbtltty, performance, weight. dur ability- even effect on the outside appearance of the car. Wolf road is closed. between Roosevelt road and 22nd street. Traffic is directed east on Roosevelt road to La Grange-Mannheim road, south on La Grange- Mannheim road to 22n<l street. then east to Wolf road.