December 6, 1929 : c;___ WILMETTE LIFE 17 Among Your January 1st Investments .... These Conservative 6% We offu, subject to prior sale, tbtst conservative first mongages. S8,ooo mortgage yielding 6% secured by a residtnce locattd in a choice section of Nonh E'vanston. Valuation S22,50o. FIRST MORTGAGE SECURITIES Should Stand High By steady demand, local investors have emphatically endorsed the First Mortgages and First Mortgage Bonds of this old, experienced real estate organization. I ... S17,000 mortgage secured by a three story brick apartment building containinl! 6 apartments of 6 rooms each. Lot has 6o ft. of frontage. Located near the university. Constrvative valuation S44 ,ooo. These stcurities have an enviable reputation for safety, and their high yield makes them particularly desirable for diversification. Conservative appraisals, based on a .thorough knowledge of North Shore properties, ·and rising values that constantly w~deQ the investor's margin of safety, are back of a preference that has existed through many generations. We suggest that you include a ·good share of these high grade securities in your 19.30 investment schedule. Write, phone or call lot current lists at any of our offices. ____ uJrl~ Ysorl INC. Established 1884 EVANSTON OFFICE FOUNTAIN SQUARE UniYeraity 2600 CHICAGO OFFICE 40 N. DEARBORN ST. Central 0227 WILMETTE OFFICE 424 LINDEN AVE. Wilmette 46ft .WINNETKA OFFICE 714 ELM ST. Wiaaetka %111 For 41 yeatl apecudiata in North Shore buaine11 11nd reaidential ultt and rentala. Fir~t mortgage·, loana and inwatment1--inaruance of all tyfH· ~·