December 6, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE ... .. . fOVNTAIN SQVAR[, --~All- ...... LVANSIUN Gifts from foreign lands The Gift Shop is crammed with 1 o v e 1 y ·Chinese brasses, German and English potteries, Venetian Glass, Danish Pewter, and other intriguing gifts from far countries. Here are a few of the things you will find in the gift shop : surface of the possibilities er~ but it ·can do no. more than Dt. ~f gifts you choose from here es1 East Room (f TOYS! ,, . Needlework Boxes- oval ones, covered with finepatterned paper, and lined to match. Three compartments, two for the work, and one to hold a little box of spools and needles. $4. at the end of it, Santa Claus on rec,ive the little children who come tu n ' to the left reveals the marvels ·none corner, dolls, games, animals, f k .nds of them! Persian Panels Exquisite, intricate patternings, like the designs in fine and costly Oriental Rugs, appear in these bright prints. Small squares and oblongs-to use as wall decorations, as draperies, and for table centers, are $1.25 to $3.50. The larger sizes include those up to double bedspread size, particularly for Colonial-type beds, and these are $1 o each. Lord's-Oriental Rugs-First Floor East * * * Metal Trays-good-sized oval ones, in tangerine, red, la~er, and ivory. $r. Scooters are Lots of fun I Especially if you get a good one, with a bra ke. mudguards, a warning bell, roller hearings, and disc wheels. Green ones , with yellow wheels, are $5.50. * * * Boxes of Wax Flowers, poppies, apple blossoms and other decorative ones, $I. Angora Tams for Schoolgirls Pastel shades and tan-in fluffy, silky knit tams of Angora wool. $4.50 and $4.95. Lord's-Children's Shop-Second Floor Player Pia nos An 1 I- key upright piano can be played by hand, or wound up to play automatically. It is $4.75. An 8-key grand piano (player) is $ 3. 7 5. And there are many other sizes. * * * Print Metal Trays-round ones, with pictures of stage-coaches and highwaymen and · other old English designs, ~$2.75. Doll furniture Little kitchen tables and chairs like those pictured--quite inexpensive-and lovely . I cottage furniture in pastel enamels. One of these sets consists of a drop-leaf table . v and two chairs, in ivory or green, with' -, apple and leaf decorations. This set is 5 I 4.50. A Cirl Would Adore A Silk Quilted Robe Whether she's six or sixteen, you can count on her wanting a good-looking warm robe. In a variety of lovely shades, you 'II find them here in the Children's Shop at $7. 5o to $!2.50. Lord's-second Floor * * * Glass Tulips- delicately tinted and exquisitely lifelike, $6 for a set of 1 o. JULIE MADISON will 1hop for you-when you're perplexed about a gift-or when you can't shop in person. * * * Anton Lang and Danesby Potteries in great variety. Flower pots, jugs. jars, and vases. Call WILMETTE 3 700