Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Dec 1929, p. 53

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December 6, 1929 ' WILMETTE LIFE 53 Pupils of the eighth grade in the Wilmette schools and freshmen at New Trier High school will be inte re ted in the following suggested reading list submitted. by Miss Anne L. \Vhitmack, librarian at the Wilmette public library: Suggests Books .to New Trier Dramatics Coach Interest Children Directs Church Production ~1iss sabeth Stanwood, dramatic in the Upper Grades coach atE liNew Trier High school. ·lirectecl. the three act play, "Thank You," bv .\Vmchell Smith and Tom Cushi:1}~. whtch was presented Monday and Tues~l~\· evenings of this \\'eek ·by the Conclltum group of the Fir st Baptist church of Evanston. ll·l'i\:\. ·\.·l~\ll~\\\\U'" ml~[,l\\\~~l' ::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::l :.:·l... ............ .. . i.l!lllll\ \"l\~\"l~;~~~~~l l l\1 1\l ·llll!illl[l ... THE .. ' ..... ' ... Eighth Grade 'fhe Conqueror, Atherton- The tru e and romantic story of Alexande r Hamilton. Pride and J·rejudlce, A us ten-:.\lr. Bing· ley, "young, wonde rfully handsome and extremely agreeable," be<:omes a ne ighbor of ~he five Bennett girls. ~raster Skylark, Bennett-A boy of Stratford, kidnapped by travelling payers and taken to . London, meets Shakespeare and · sings before the Queen. Lorna Doone, Blacmore-O f th e outlaw Doones and honest John Ridd. J,ast of the ~lohlcans, Cooper-"Driyen they were from their council-fire:-;, and scattered like broken herds of deer amon~ the hill:; of the Iroquoi f;." :Hartin Chuzzlewlt, Dick e ns- Xo one who has read it will ever forget :.\tartin, or :\lark Tapley, l\lr. P eck:miff, Tom Pi<'h or Sairy Gamp. The :\Iutlneers, Hawes-The adventures of Benjamin Lathrop aboard the "Island Princess' ' bound for the Far Ea:-;t. Tom Drown's School DnlS, Hughe s. The Alhambra, Irving-Legend-;, traditions and fairy tales wo\' e n around the beautiful ::\Ioorish pala<"e. Smoky, James.-"Smoky i:- just a hor-;e, but a 11 hor:-:e." }'euts of the }'jord, ::\Iartinea u-Th C' peasants were fearful that wat(·r demons rather than pirates had :-;pit·it~d away Erica's missing lover. ~fen of Iron, Pyle-The doughty de d s of :.\fyles Falworthm :-;om~: time ~ quire-at arms. Kenilworth, Scott-Romallte in tlw day'3 of Good Queen Bess. Downright Dencey, Snedt~ k e r -The k eeping of a promise. storh·s from Old French Romance, Wilmot-Buxton-The fir:st is of Aucassi n who "cared . for nothing el~e in the world but only for Nicol ette." ~lnth Gradt' El·t'llna, Arblay- The ad\·e ntures of an artless young femal e of obf'l'Ure birth but conspicuous beauty upon her e ntrance into the world. )lansfteld Park, Austen-Fanny Price, whose mother marri ed poorly "to disoblige h e r family," is adopted Into the home of h~: r aunt who lives in 1\Ian"'fie ld Park. Uttle Jllnlster, Barrie . ·Jan(' Eyre, Bronte. . t 'rulse of the Cachalot, Bullen- Kipling said of it, "l'\·e never r ad anything that equal~ it in its dl· i · p-~C':t wonder and mystery." ~kywnrd, Byrd. :\l··sser ~larco Polo, Byrne-Story of ~larco Polo and hiR loYe for Golden BeliR, daughter of Kubla J..:han. The Rover, Conrad-Peyrol, the searoYer is involved in a :-;eeret oneration of ~ apoleun. . Whitt' Company, Doyle-A thrilling tale of that band of free lances who, for the fun of it, fought for the Bbcl{ Prince and "the land where the gray goose flew." :\larle Chapdelaine, Hemon.-Loneliness, hard labor, and simple heroi~m in the forests of northern Quebec. Tft Have and to Hold, Johnston. Kim, Kipling-The waif of the bazaars becomes a secret sen·ice agent in India . Qut>ntln Durward, Scott-The experiences of a Scotchman and King·'s guardsman with gypsiefl, countesses, king:-;, begg[ and spies. . · Lift' of .S elson, Southey-~\ n unfadmg portrait of England's greate~t seaman. Danghter or the ~amurnJ, SugimotoA daughter of feudal Japan is married to a Japanese merchant living in th e United States. J(('nry E&mond, Thackeray-The hero gains a home only to Jose it, find!' no pleasure in wars and Jove where least expected. PROBE SKATING POSSIBILITIES Robert \V. Townley, athletic director at the Joseph Scars school in Kenilworth., plan s to take three boys, Cy '\1 acKmnon, Stanle~' Knight, and Donald Cooke, to the Fox river this Sllnday to see if the river is fit for skating. :\f r. Townley is planning a number of skating hikes for the Kenilworth bovs during the \\·inter months. Mrs. E. H. Hughe s, 941 Sheridan road, has been called to Boston by the illness of her sister, ).frs. Charles R. Magee, and will not return for several ,.,.·eeks. -0- Busy HoLIDAY SHoPPING WHETS APPETITES Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and betweenhour service-:-a place to rest, meet friends, and most important, good food skilfully prepared and served. WIIA ~E~ttWEN·~ TEA YlttP§ 5 14 Main St. French Provencal Room 501 Early American Room Davis St. LUNCHEON- TEA- DINNER :\I r . Guy F. \Vetzel, 116 Fifth street, \\'as l10stess at a bridge tea for a group of mc;>thers and daughters, \Vednesday . of th1s week at the Oak Crest in Evanston. 1 HOLLY HILL CLUB DAVENPORT, FLORIDA MAKE YOUR HOME HERE THIS WINTER Popular among North Shore residents who winter in Florida. Refined appointments. Exclusive Clientele. Light, Airy, Outside rooms. Excellent cuisine. Spacious grounds. High altitude and healthy climate. Central to all Florida points over paved highways. On the Dixie Highway, state road number :z and the main line of the Atlantic Coast . Line railroad. Among the hills and lakes of the scenic Ridge of Florida. Delightful drive of only 30 minutes to Bok Singing Tower. "You'll enjoy the winter here." J. L. PAGES GUESTS HERE ).fr. and Mrs. John Lewis Page of Wis., formerly of \Vilmette , were the house guests last week-end, of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hosking, 818 Park avenue. Mr. and Urs. Hosking entertained a small group of friends of Mr. and Mrs. Page at supper and bridge last Saturday. ~fadison, Attractively Furnished Housekeeping Cottages Centrally Located at Reasonable Rates 12TH (GRASS) GREEN HOLLY HILL GOLF COURSE An Abundance of Warmth, Sunshine with Ultra Violet Ray 111 Davenport now 6,600 Yard, 18 Hole Golf ~ourse Only three blocks away. Exceptu;mally beautiful and sporty. One of the finest 1n the state. Operated by and for the Holly Hill Club. ALEX LAW, Professional. Also an 18 Hole Miniature Golf Course on the beautiful, large lawn of the Holly Hill Club. Unique, sporty and fascinating. Appeals to all classes of players. "You must play it." Electrically lighted for night playing. Miss Lorraine Briggs of Deere Park, Highland .Park, is entertaining twentyfour guests at dinner before the dance given at the Edgewater Beach ho~el on Monday evening, December 23. Mtss Briggs is entertaining the hostesses and their escorts. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Address William G. Colvin, S8 East Washington Street, Chicago. Phone Central 0922

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