- - .. ' 'i..·\-~ ( ~i1,'~_;~}-~.~,..~ .; .... ~ ·. ~ . ... ... .... . . . . ~-------·- - -- 76 Mrs. Frances H. Ward of the Indian Hill e tates, is reported to be in a favorahle condition after an operation at ~f ayo Brothers' hospital in Rochester, \finn. She left on i\ovember 18, accompanied hy her son. WILMETTE Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth, has her two aunts, the Misses Elliots, of Ithaca, !\. Y ., as her guests over the Christmas holidays. :?\li s Helen Elliott will have her eightieth birthday while she is here. LIFE December 6, 1929 ESTHER GOUl.D~S TRAVEL CORNER. IT WAS SINGULAR "Xotwithstanding the great improvement of navigation within the last two centuries, a voyage round the world is still considered as an enterprise of a very singular nature, and the puhlic have never failed to be extremely inquisitive about the various accidents and turns of fortune, with . which this uncommon attempt is 2'enerally attended . . . and from these relations, if faithfully executed, the more im·portant purposes of navigation, c·o mmerce, and national interest may be greatly promoted." These words were written in 1748, and they are still true. If vou thrill to achievement, if you like to remember the days when the world was vast and unchartered vet men had the courage to go forth i~1to it in tiny sailing vr sels, without radios, without adequate knowledge, into seas where enemy fleets were lurking in wait for them, then read Richard \\'alter's account of "Anson's Voyage 'Round the World." It was an expedition which took fi,·e years, from 1739 to 1744. The fleet of five ships-oi \\·hich only two were to return-set out from England with a favorable wind one June day, but it took them thirty days to reach Madeira- a distance which it would probably be hard to spend two days in crossing now. Then across the stormy Atlantic, where even· danger in the execution of their . "very singular naval achievement " awaited Lhem. Arrived at South America, at la'it, there were hostile nati,·es, illne ss and the dreaded Cape be rounded in winter to pay them for their trouble. There is human wisdom interspersed with the account of this singular achievement, and things we would consider remarkable told as commonplaces, and {)Ur commonplaces told as things remarkable. If you wish to appreciate the ease and safety of modern travel and yet at the same time to re-impress yourself with it s essential romance read this account of the great and perilous voyage of Mr. Anson. ~-.-,.·.·····J' ....J'........rl'.·.·········rl'······.-.·...-,.... tl'····, ·· ,,rl'·.····· WJ'i t~ CONSIDER THE LECTURE AT MUSEUM The lecture and moving pictures, "Along the Floor of the Ocean for Field Museum," being given Saturday afternoon, December 7, at Field Mnseum of Natural History, will be repeated Sunday, December 8, it is announced bv Stephen C. Simms, director. L E. Williamson of New York, leader the recent Field Museum- \Villiam-~on Undersea expedition to the Bahamas, is the lecturer. Unique motion picture . of "the land at the bottom of the sea." and the life of its denizens, taken by means of special submarine apparatus employed in the expedition' s \VOrk, will be shown. Both the Saturday and Sunday lectures will be given in the ] ames . Simpson theater of the museum, and will begin at 3 o'clock. The Saturdav lecture is for the general public, and admission is free. At the Sunday lecture certain seats are reserved for the members of the museum, but all seats unoccupied hy members at the hour of the lecture will be availI able free oi charg-e to the public. CONOVER AS A CHRISTMAS GIFT A Conover Electric Dishwasher is a practical gift, to be sure. Practical enough to v1ash, rinse and dry automatically the dishes of more than a thousand meals that will be served in your home next year. Surely cJ gift so thoroughly helpful as this is not too practical to be appreciated by the homemaker. Prices up, from $94.25. (Payments "Little by Little ' il desired.) of PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOSEPH W. KEHOE, District Manager 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2899 Yards CHICAGO ,EVANSTON Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marshall 140 Kenilworth Ave. Kenilworth BUILDERS' MILLWORK & StJPPLY CoMPANY General Millwork HuBBARD University 7700 Woons Wilmette 289 DEERFIELD 2131 DEWEY AvE. EvANSl'ON Phone Greenleaf 6040 rllllll WILLIAM 1'111111111111111111 1 B. Plumbing and Heating Manufacturer of Lucke Leakproof Bathtub Hangers- Patented 514 E. RAILROAD A VENUE Phones: Wilmette 2020-2021 JoHNSON BRos. HEATING COMPANY Heating · Ventilating Refrigeration 1419 BELLEPLAINE AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phones: Wellington 2792-2793 PAUL PHILLIPS Plaster C o11tractor and Repair Work 828 OAK ST. WINNETKA TRIANGLE MosAIC TILING COMPANY Not Inc. Floor Tile · Wall Tile · Fireplaces Mosaic Phone Winnetka 2181 John H. Davies BUILDER 11L7 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 1664 1509 OTTO ST. CHICAGO Phone Wellington 8083 WILMETTE COAL & MATERIAL Co. 1301 LAKE AVE. WJlmette 4!00 Greenleaf 4200 JAMES WIGGINTON Contractor for BRICK & STONE WORK 1115 OAK ST. University 676 Our Flagstones Make Beautiful Walks EVANSTON Wilmette 4200