WILMETTE LIFE December 6, 1929 Personal Service the directing of funerals is a business as well Was a profession , we do not believe that it can ever be HILE commercialized on a large scale. The mortician 's relation to his client is too intimate. his responsibility too sacred. to be intrusted to the impersonal treatment of an outside corporation . The funeral director does more than sell merchandise. He even does more than give service. He is a confidential adviser and sympathetic friend of the bereaved family, giving them the beneiir of his .;pecial experience and train ing. It is distinctly a personal service. For this reason we have faith in the future of the individual funeral d irector- the man who owns his own business and lives in the community as a neighbor of the people he serves. CU)J11. I i 09 CENTRAL AVE. ·g[cfpnt uNnER.TAKf.R WILME"I:TE 654 WINNETKA 404 Our· Mortuary Is Equipped with a "'The Jtouseof 'Pe1'sonal Setllice" 554 New Pipe Organ Superior Ambulance Service The Oldest Established Undertaken on the Immediate North Shore Licensed Lady Assistant CENTER ST. WOLFF-GRIFFIS HARDWARE has just received a large shipme12t of TOYS from Santa Claus They are now on display 1119 Central Ave ...... Wilmette 18~ Dannemark Electric Co. WILMETTE'S EXCLUSIVE DEALER Accurate Time The ELECTRIC CLOCK From Your Electric Outlet is N otv Possible! Think of ha\'ing Jepcndai.) lc electric time in your household without th~ bother of winding, regulating, oiiing, or cleaning. That is what we are offering our customers in the modern Tclechron Electric Tin1ekeeper. This retnarkable titne keeper has given years of service to thousands of homes the country over, and \ve rccon1mend it to you as one of the striking achieven1ents of this electrical generation. PRICES $14 UP 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone Wilmette 214 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~op~Tu~d~-Thm~~-~~d~&m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~