14 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 1929 Roycemore Girls to Hold Yule Parties Next Week Christmas Carol," with modifications. Girls of the fifth, sixth and seventh forms wilt present a Christmas pageant, Three Christmas trees stacked with acoompa~ed by aro~ ~ 10 next ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· packages give Yuletide atmosphere to ISS MARIE E. BRIEL, Roycernore school, Evanston. The Thursday morning. organist of the \Vilpackages have been brought by the Girls of eighth form and the upper mette Parish Methodist children of the school and tomorro\\· school will hold their party with the Episcopal church and choir they witt be sent to Chicago Corn- usual program of Christmas carols :tt director and organist at the mons to carry Christmas cheer to 340 2 Friday afternoon of next week. Halsted Street Institutional children. church, Chicago, is to give a Fotlowing the close of school for This event opens Christmas festiviportion of the recital to be ties at the school. Children of the pri- Christmas holidays, Miss Rebecca Ashgiven in Fisk batt, Northmary school wilt hold their Christmas ley, principal, will go to Florida for a western university, Monday party at 10 Wednesday morning with vacation, and other teachers for the evening, December 16, at a program centering around "Bird's most part will return to their homes. 8:15 o'clock. The recital is to be pre ented under the auspices of the Sigma chapter of ~f u Phi Epsilon, national honorary musical sorority at Northwestern university. We have a large assortmenr of Christmas Gifts-Umbrellas, gloves, Recitalist at Northwestern U. 1Wonday M Practical Christmas [lifts hosiery, neckwear, costume jewelry, triangle scarfs, bags, boudoir slippers. kimonos and many other articles suitable for milady's Christmas. All in individual Christmas boxes. Also a l.arge variety of coats, hats and dresses. UNIQUE STYLE SHOP 1126 Central Ave. Miss Briel received her master's degree from Northwestern university school of music" in 1725. She is a member of the faculty of the Columbia School of ~fusic. Miss Grace Parmele, soprano soloist at the \Vilmctte Baptist church, is to share the program with ~1 iss Briel, and Miss Lydia Koch, organist at the \Vilmette Baptist church, will be the accompanist. Wilmette 2403 IS SCOUT PATROL LEADER TO TALK ABOUT CITIES William L. Bailey, professor of sociolPaul T. Gilbert, ] r., of Kenilworth has been made Senior Patrol leader ogy, Northwestern university, witt for the Boy Scout troop number 13 speak on "The City and Civilization" under Robert Townley of Kenilworth. before the contemporary thought class \Vednesday afternoon. December 18. at The Junior prom at Northwestern Commerce hall and in the evening on university, an annual affair, takes place I ~tcKinlock campus. He ,vill di sc uss Friday evening at the. Edgewater the changing conceptions of social and Beach hotel. economic institutions. Fancy Baskets for Gifts Order Your Christmas Tree Now -r 1 To Our Patrons. Opening Another Blue Goose Market in Hubbard Woods WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18 When you trade with the Blue Goose they give you quality-service-price the year 'round. BLUE GOOSE Fruit and Vegetable Market I 1160 WILMETTE Wilmette AvE. 897Yz LINDEN AvE. Hubbard Woods Phones 450-452 Winnetka 3481-3482