28 WILMETTE LIFE I>ecen1ber 13, 1929 Garden Talks (Contributed by Award Letters to Joseph Sears Grid Heroes at Banquet If you've still some Christmas ·shopping · · · · · TALL vases of silver lustet'. Copies of Old English and Bohemian. They'll make you dream of delphinium in I>ecember, so entrancingly does their cool silver combine with blue-or with any other flower color. $3 each. BOHEMIAN toilet sets to grace the most fastidious dressing table. In old ruby and gold, exquisite in shape Powder boxes, and design. perfume bottles, containers for creams and lotions. The sets r11nge from $15 to $50. S:lfALL gifts ··· some, tiny enough for a stocking's toe . . . others, equally modest in price but of a size to demand a place at the Christmas tree's foot. Odd little ash trays, from · SOc to $2. Plac. e card holders. Cigarette boxes of lacquered wood in Oriental designs, $2.25. Charming little cactus pots. Book ends that are "different." If you ~ant to do something more original than a handkerchief or a handsome card , we've dozens of things to show you. THEy. R E droll peasant types-these pottery figures done by a French artist, Jean Falke. The Old Apple Woman, The Returned Soldier, Each one etc. different, d e c - · orative and am using. $30. STEM WARE for the formal and ; n f o r m a I table. All shapes . . . sturdy English ..· graceful Bohemian. A II colors . . . ruby, amethyst, s :e a green, royal blue. And in clear sparkling crystal. $10 upward. pERFECT for the very mod· ern room-square black '!mbossed b o r d e r dessert plates, in white relief. Stifl little n o s e g u y s are primly centered. Plates '!nd teacups to match. $20 a dl.)zen. Football letters for the 1929 season were awarded to the boys of the Joseph Here are a few thoughts on winter: Sears school in Kenilworth Saturdav "Ev<>ry fern is tucked and set, ni gh t at a b~nquet given by the Ti g~r·s 'Xeath coverlet, Downy and soft and warm," wrote Sus an for the W1ldcats. For purposes oi Coolidge in, "Time to Go." · intramural athletic competition the nupils are divided into two sccti~n s. Chri tina Rossetti wrote, Tigers and \Vilclcat s. The Tigers wen· "Wintry boughs against a wintry sky: the losing team for the season, so the v Yet the sky is party blue And the cloud3 are partly bright." gave the banquet. The lette rs were awarded for par Whittier in "The Pageant," says, ticipation m foo tball games of th e "What miracle of weird transforming Xorth Shore Grammar School Footba 11 Is this wild work of frost and light, 'l'his glimpse of glory infinite?" league. Kenilworth's midget t eam won From Spen ser's "Faerie Queenc," ,,.e a clear title to the championship of th e league thi s fall while her lig htweig ht have,' "Lastly came wintet· cloathed all in team ti ed for the championship. Talks were g ive n by Capt. Rob ~rt frize, Chattering his teeth for cold that did Berger, of the midgets, and by Cap t. him chill; Whilst on hi s hoary beard his breath did Donald Vai l, of the lightweights. Th e Tigers and \Vildcats engaged in ~e,· · free se." eral contests throughout the evening, In "The Snu\\. Stnrm" l>v Emer so n is all of which were \YOn h\' th e TiQ'er s. thi ::. desniption of the :- n o·\\. ~t1>rm tint Sanchrichrs. ice cream, at1d cake ~\'er< \H' all like t1> read. furni shed by th e Tigers, the l o:-. it.1 ~ " .\un oullL't'<l by all .the trumpet s of the team fnr the season. sky', The sixteen boys who recciycc] let Arrives Lh P snu w, and driving o'er the field s, ters as members of Kenilworth's mi<l St·(· ms no\\·here to alig-ht; the whited air Hid es hill s and wood::;, the river and the get team ,,·ere: Fred \Vorkm an. T om 1-fildehrandt, Jim Fitzgerald, Rober t lwa v en, And \'(· ils the farmhouf-\e, at the garden's Berger, Russell Baker, Roger Crowe, ell d .. , Val Smith, ] ack Fyfe, Robert Cutler, Donald Cooke. Robert Fulton. Hugh Peterson, Paul "mncll, Richard Discuss Plans for Annual Holmes, Billy Robert son, and John Teachers' Holiday Party ~prenger. Four oth er midget s. Don ~Iiss Margaret Hayes, principal oi Stillman, Bill Stebbins, Dan Killip s, Stolp school and president of the \Vil- and Cilbert Me Intosh received honormette Teachers' club, entertained the able mention. 'l'hirtcen bnys \\"Crc giren letters for officers of the club and one councillor from each public school building m representing Kcnih,·orth in the li~ht the village at luncheon Mondav noon " ·eight class. They were: Junior Benat the residence of Mrs. Clark Hol- so n, Russell Cooke, Jack ~f c rvi s, lister, 1235 Forest aYenue. PIHns for Maurice Bosley. Joe Harrison, Donald the annual Christmas dinner which ihe Vail Carleton Ross. CY MacKinnon , teachers' club gives to mernbers of the Lau;y Botthof, David \Viemer, Tom \\'ilmr:.tte board of education were dis - Cruttenden, Arthur Carlson, and ] unior Smith. Two other boys, David Elmcussed. gren anrl Frank Carp enter, received On ~[onday of thi s week Miss Vir- honorable mention in the lightweight ginia Prussing returned to her home <lt class. 549 Earlston road, Kenilworth, after ~Irs. Hugh Foresman entertained h er spending- six week s visiting in the ea;;t. She spent last \\·ee k-e ncl at the Uni - bridge club on \V edne day of this week, at her home in Kenilworth. versit\· of Pennsylvania. Club) the Wilmette Garden " ' ., An Announcement OR the past month I have had a small shop on Sheridan Road in No Man ' s Land where I had. my surplus stock on sale. . I have closed this shop and brought the rematning back to the Orrington Avenue shop where it wtll be sold at an even greattr reduction. merc~andise F A PARTICULARLY charming set ' of Coalport plates is of straw color glaze with embossed white border. They are decorated with compla.cent black prints of a Chinese gentleman engrossed m his fishing. $14.50 a dozen. poR the t'eally breath-takitz~ gift-a tea set, copy of Old Rockingham, done in French grey and burnished gold with sprays o f o I d fashioned ftowers. It's a set to aid and abet gracious living, to make afternoon tea an occasion of stateliness and beauty. $125. A GROUP OF Dress and Sport Coats A Few Ensembles and Suits values to $ 9 5 reduced to $35 A GROUP OF A LARGE GROUP OF TATMAN 517 DAVIS STREET EvANSTON Afternoon Frocks Evening Gowns values to $7 5 Dresses for Street and Sport Wear values to $4 5 reduced to $25 reduced to $12.75 625 N. MICHIGAN AvENUE CHICAGO LILYAN GRIFFIN 1640 ORRINGTON AVE., EVANSTON