December 13, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 57 Count Von Luckner Chorus of 100 Students to Present "The Messiah" Delights 2,200 at · M on day allHandel's "The Messiah" greatest of N ew T.rter o.ratorios, will be the program ot a 1 I ., Soloists will be Miss Ruth Mcinnes, Northwestern university school of speech at the First Methodist church, '30, soprano; Miss Dorothy Volkman, Evanston, Tuesday evening, December '26, contralto; Eugene F. Dressler of 17. at 8. Prof. Loyal Phillips Shawe is the faculty, tenor; Walter Allen Suits directing the concert which the public of the faculty, bass9; Porter W. Heaps, '27, organist. Because Count Felix von Luckner spec~al chorus of 100 students of the is invited to attend. could not pass his school examinations. - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - _ : . : __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,__ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ because his teachers assured f.tim that he was going to be a "bum," and hecause he wanted to see Buffalo Bitt, he ran away from his home in Germanv only to win fame and. fortune throug-h his subsequent adventures. All thi s Count Luckner explained to more than 2.200 interested listeners, " ·no packed the New Trier High school auditorium last Monday evening. His lecture, which was clravvn ~ n tirely from his book, "The Sea," was accompanied hy exaggerated ge . tures and motions, which vividly portraved everv detail of hi s storv and lent abounding- humor to hi s talk. He has the gift of a true s tar~· teller and with his radiant smile, winning personality, and slight German accent it is no wonder that he is the idol. not only of the boys and g irls, but of grown people as \vell. Runs Away at 13 "I ran awav fron1 home when I was 13 Years old -because I had tr oubl e at school." explained Count Lnckner at the opening of hi s lect ure. "M ,, father wanted to make a li eutenant o t;t of me but mv teachers as~ured him that r \\·ould .he a bum. I read a book-"Buffalo Bill"-and learned what great people could do \\·itho ut examinations. More than anything in the wh ole world I wanted to meet thi s Buffalo Bill. One daY I ran away and boarded a sail boat hound for ·A ustra lia-" And that was the beginning of Count Luckncr's achentures that read like a fairv tale. Lat er he v.·as tak e n on board the Golden Shore, \\'hich arri\'ed in San Francisco on an Easter mornin g. Thi's city recently conferred an honorary citizenship upo n him . From San Francisco he walked. the railroad ties to Dem·e r to see Buffalo Bill, only to learn that that much so ught for gentleman wa s in Germam· \Yith a circus. Count Luckner later learned that hi s father had entertained Buff;:do Bill while the latter was in Dresden, and at the same time that he (Count Luckner) \\·as walking the ti cs to Denver. "This was a great shock to me," said the daring "sea devil," ." but there was nothing left for me to d.o but walk the ties to ~ew York. It took me six months and a half to walk across your country." Shines Doorknobs In New York he obtained a position as door-knob shiner, in which occupation he took great pride. He said that he now returns to that hotel and derives much pleasure from renewing acquaintances with his old doorknobs. Some time later he joined a German naval training school and ev~n tually was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in the Imperial Naval ReA regular $2 7- piece Fitted serve. At this time he went home to 22 and 24 inch Gladstones of solid his family. (who had given him up as ·16 inches long, silk lined in contrasting cowhide in black or brown seal grain, dead) and was received with open arms colors with the blacks, greys, broWDS, and taken back into their good graces. Bags at with 2 top straps. $2 2. The remainder of his talk was given greens and other outside shades. to his Ghost Ship, the last of the $I ·4 A wonderful Gift for a man. American clipper ships, which he sailed under Norwegian colors through the British blockade thus making a clear path for the raiding of the British shipping, for which he was later to become famous. Count Luckner spoke at New Trier under the auspices of the Tri-Ship Boys' club. At the close of his t;tlk he autographed hundreds of books, ORRINGTON ad CHURCH, BVANSTON tickets, portraits, and pictures of his STATB 1111d JACKSON, CHICAGO clipper ship. urfake l9ur evanston {at @hurch and c8herman) SPORTS SHOP for HER rbur G 1FT :Jfeadquarters for HIM szzso Cowhide Gladstone Bags Ladies' 125 Fitted Cases $1545 $1875 5 Case. 50 5 sl TH E;:~::Hua HENRY C. LYTTON It ~ SONS TO SING "MESSIAH,. Prof. Loyal Phillips Shawe, director of the voice department at the Northwestern university school of music, will be bass soloist at a performance of Handel's "The Messiah," at Dennison university, Granville, 0., Saturday and Sunday.